Does starting with him as chanel change anything significant throughout the storylines? I do want to experience the game as intended but I don't want another "Erik" scenario where you have to block him at every turn and know the game very well to avoid events involving him.
Also please answer this
Turning off forced transformations still means you can do them voluntarily right?
starting with chanel doesn't change much (if at all), you still have dialogues about his change and that you had something to do with it so it may be weird, but who cares.
also, no, you don't have to know the game really well to avoid it or anything, just avoid sucking him in the bathroom and you should be good no matter what you do.
turning forced tf off means you can lock your gender and choose if you change or not, that mean, for exemple, if you man mc that acts sub and girly, when you go to bed, you will dream about being a girl/sissy and you will have a choice to wake up accepting the dream as who you are, or reject the dream and stay what you are now.
If forced tf is on, that means that when you have the changing dream, you will change, you can't reject it.
so yes, turning forced tf is recommended for me
(locking gender is, as the name suggest, a way to stay what you are for as long as it's locked, that means you won't have the "changing dreams")