RPGM - The Curse of Pleasure [v0.9] [RanneRo]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent main character art and interesting story concept, however this entry fails in many ways. I'm rating this a two, and perhaps I'm being harsh. If this game ever gets an update (This may just be gone for good at this point) I'd be willing to come back to it. The reason I don't give this game flat out a 1, but also am writing this review, is that while everything is in a mess right now, it actually has promise. Things could be changed or tweaked and suddenly the game would actually be fucking amazing. Granted it would take a lot of work to do, I would love more than anything to be proven wrong and shown that the game can be amazing

    So.. I'll start with what the game does right. You get put into the world and you start to be able to immerse yourself into things rather quickly, the game makes the erotic nature of the game clear early on and how a lot of things are presented in the introduction start off interesting

    You start off basically as an oddity of a character, rather unique in concept, being that she's a small town girl, but is also a strong fighter. She lives in the type of town where nearly everyone knows one another and the community is rather closer knit than most. You're presented with several bits and pieces of information that seem to present story points. Yuuki's mother has been missing for years and the monsters in the forest nearby are getting rather riled up. She goes to confront the source of the distress in the creatures only to end up cursed!

    Unfortunately, that's about all it does good... The story is kind of a mess. The concept of this story is good.. The application and content of the story is poorly done. The characters themselves.. Yuuki included.. are all rather boring, plain, and predictable in nearly every aspect. Seita is actually lowkey the most interesting character in that world, because I have no idea how in the world he's managed to stay so pure and innocent when his friends, family, and everyone else are all the biggest pervs in the world behind his back... The game is like taking a dump on Seita the whole entire time.. Just for the sake of it.. No rhyme or reason other than to try and call itself NTR.. which.. Need I remind you.. This isn't NTR.. She's not in a relationship with her brother.. And the Developer themself often enjoys reminding people that they strongly dislike incest content, while simultaneously using her brother as the backdrop for every single bit of "NTR" that is currently in the game (Which still sounds incesty to me to make the brother the cuck).. Though it looks like a setup between Thaff's brothers, Earth and Fire is in the works.. I personally think despite that it's very clear a certain someone wants her to get swayed towards Fire to give in to pleasure.. Earth actually presents some room for the story to actually start to progress. It would start to give you some hope that maybe she can start to pull herself back together again.. And then if you want after that.. maybe you can dash it then..

    After becoming cursed, the game very quickly seems to forget any pretenses of it being an RPG. The game presents itself in a fashion as though you'll have choices to make, or meaningful advancements to be had, both in the plot, in the corruption, and in leveling, that you'll be collecting weapons, and accessories.. But.. It's all a lie. You're presented with a stat tracker that may as well be useless, A Virginity Tracker, which is actually useless.. and quite often in the story, you're told "You made these decisions." when you in fact.. Had absolutely no choice.. Unless you just wanted to stop playing the game... Why even TEASE the player at the IDEA of having actual choice, when you don't have it.

    At the end of the most recent patch, I was hoping to see some ideas or notions of the game starting to take a direction towards the main point of the quest. Yuuki has been going around and doing all kinds of other quests and settling all kinds of other matters, but has been basically ignoring her curse and indulging in it instead. Considering her main goal should be to find a way to remove the curse or to defeat the demon who placed it on her... She's doing an EXTREMELY Shitty job at even getting started in that direction. This comes off as though the main plot of the game is weak, useless, and may as well not even be there. Yuuki would be far more interesting of a character if the demon wasn't there and she could just naturally fall into depravity on her own and it would make more sense why she's wasting her time sucking dick, and fucking around in town instead of trying to fight the curse even a little or finding solutions to her problem. (I am not stating that I want the game to go this route.)

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    All in all.. The game just ends up having no real direction to go. It'd be far more compelling if the player had choices, but it's pretty clear that they don't wanna fool around with different flags, different checks, and having to create branching paths.. so they opted to create the illusion of it instead.. and didn't expect anyone to feel ripped off by it (Or maybe it was planned at one point). The way the story is going.. The only way that Yuuki will end up defeating the demon is if she manages to fuck him to death. Which I imagine her fucking the demon is probably what they wanted the ending of the game to be.

    I apologize for the lengthy review.

    + Interesting story concept
    + Decent immersive introduction
    + Yuuki is in concept actually unique, small town hero
    + Characters have room for improvement and could be made better

    - Story in its current state is a mess, has no real direction either
    - Characters are all bland, including Yuuki, despite her having an interesting background and cute character
    - The main plot doesn't seem to have any pay off and doesn't seem as though it's ever going to
    - Lists NTR as a main selling point, doesn't have any.
    - Presents Stat trackers, acts as though you'll have choices to make. It's a lie
    - Rate of corruption tends to fluctuate back and forth
    - Namesake of the game may as well not even be there, as it would make other plot points and elements stronger
    - Men are all horn dogs, liars, and sex offenders for.. basically no reason
    - Taboo stuff is kind of very obviously hand picked for creator preference
    - Apparently corruption also turns you into a shitty person pretty quickly
    - Some scenes hurt the game, and the protagonist never seems to feel pressured to actively fight against their curse
    - immersion can be broken fairly quickly
    - Really oddly setup railroad

    God.. I need to stop typing so much.. Probably gonna edit this and cut out a lot
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A 10/10 MC, with very good art and CG (it even has animations!!), is stuck in a mediocre game made in an outdated and janky rpgm version. Oh and the game is like 80% breast fondling/molestation in general.

    As the other reviews said, the main issue here is that the maps are big and designed for a traditional rpg game, but this is anything but so it results in a LOT of walking around between points, wasting time. All the maps could have been condensed and the game designed more as a focused roamer like Karryn Prison. Condensed maps and event progression would already improve the game a lot.

    Also the game presents stats and other things as if you'd have a choice in corrupting her or not, but nope it's just a railroad into corruption and NTR, which is fine but why pretend like your game was going to offer different routes if all of the encounters and relationships are mandatory anyways? The railroaded relationship, specially with a certain boy may put off a lot of people so be aware.

    Grab a full save and check out the gallery. I'm giving it 3 stars just for the sake of the MC and art alone, but other than that its a mid game at best.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the story of this game, feels like sangeki of gear kinda game which I really live. Maybe the early combat will be kinda problematic if don't really understand the combat method. Looking forward to more updates and scene with those kids
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A RPGM game with a ambitios but weak story that couldn't keep up with it's incredibly hot female protagonist,a tease not by any kind,mostly touching,a few sexual interactions with a few not so interesting characters,a interesting shota playthrough that had so much potential but poorly executed,all together with a lack of time of it's developer,and as old game with only a few content,it's nothing more than a mix of hot pictures that teases you and makes you wonder.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really is amazing and has a great story and nice anime drawing or moving.
    The RPGM makes them a bit slower and it doesn't have an option for sound
    And it's fine.
    With gameplay or anime drawing those things take place you can see it, and it works great.
    I can't wait for the new update this game is one of my top anime games.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Rating the 0.8 version

    The only real compliment I can give the game is the artwork. Though I give that compliment a lot of weight. The art is stunning, with the protagonist being insanely sexy. Also, just having an RPGM game with animations is a nice change of pace. However, anything else I say in the game's favor comes with caveats.

    The corruption system is a very slow burn. One of the slowest I've experienced. If that's your preferred style, then this game may scratch that itch. However, don't expect to engage in it outside a set path. Despite what the GUI might imply, the protagonist has a set amount of opportunities to engage in more serious sexual escapades. For example, the protagonist has only one way to lose her virginity.

    The game is often frustrating to navigate. Often the player will reach event flags without being told anything has changed. I reached a point where all the obvious flags had been tripped and still wasn't getting anywhere. I finally figured it out, but it took much longer than I would have been comfortable with and it could have been easily fixed by more transparent game design. Hopefully some of these issues will be fixed in the future, but as it stands I would not overall recommend this one.

    As an addendum, don't ignore the fact shota is in the genre labels twice. Almost every sexual encounter (and nearly all the plot important ones) is a shota encounter. If shota isn't your fetish, and especially if it's a turn-off, you will not have a good time because it is unavoidable.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Top notch art. For that alone it deserves 5 stars.
    As sexy of a protagonist as can be
    Great story

    Biggest complaints:
    Inability to hold down a button to skip text gets incredibly annoying
    Too much kissing. it's strange
    Very slow progression/useless combat
    Likes: mc247
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has so much potential. Fantastic artwork, good style of animation, very decent story and characters. Unfortunately, you get railroaded into this awkward and unavoidable "NTR" relationship with an obnoxious little kid.
    I'm not opposed to shota content, or even the awkward style of guilt-trip/blackmail relationship that develops, but having those scenes be unavoidable makes this otherwise strong-willed protagonist seem incredibly stupid and unbelievable.
    Almost every scenario that does NOT include this obnoxious child is a GOOD scene! The only real bad part of the game is having that silly relationship be the singular focus for the advancement of the plot.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Writing as of v.0.8

    Gameplay-wise, you search the whole world for this single npc that will unlock your exhibition or whatnot, because there's no questlog or direction to go. You cannot skip this certain NPC, otherwise, you will lack certain conditions and get stuck and cannot progress the game. The battle might be tedious but could've been bearable if the story went great.

    Story-wise This game had a good start and tons of potential as a corruption game, yet they didn't let you choose who deflorates the MC(could've been the bandit leader tbh) and it's the most annoying child who I really wanted to avoid in the bath, an option to avoid him would've been good there, but no, let's revolve the story on this annoying child and give him tons of screentime and it's unavoidable.

    I give this 1 star coz of the good art and that's it. I don't recommend this one at its current state.
  10. 5.00 star(s)



    The game is good, although it is open to open game order, it is actually necessary to trigger all time to continue the game, that is, single line, have made many years, but the quality is guaranteed, and it will eventually Complete it. Not only the flash of the flash is, but also inherited the excellent point, but also joined the author's own characteristics, this type of game itself is a king, but only doing it. Anyway, I have been sponsorship, I think it may come to 1.0 for two years. But this kind of work that can be updated, it is important to have a complete body. Although I have been doing a long time, I still feel that there are too many things that can be added.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game. At first I was hesitant to even pick it up because of the shota tag and the start of the game, that felt kinda overwhelming. But thanks to a guide and hands down the best 2d art I've ever seen in a sex game I finally played through it.
    The game really picks up after the bandit camp with the introduction of Boo, the bratty little boy. At first I hated that he got screentime at all because I really, really dislike shota. But the way he's written into the story makes the corruption feel so much more natural and ntr so much hotter. The way he becomes more bratty/dominant over time, gets her to be meaner to her little brother and how the protagonist always has excuses for his behaviour and gets deeper and deeper into the corruption are just so well written and fit perfectly into the behind-her-brothers-back-ntr story. And thank god the writing doesn't put much emphasis on his young age or the age gap. To sum it up: I hate that the main antagonists are little boys but I get why and thanks to the great writing I can look past that.
    Concerning the clothing and exhibition theme: There isn't a ton of content for it right now, but what's there is really hot. The only minor thing I dislike is, that her top is see through from the start. So she already starts out pretty "sluttily" dressed.

    Graphic: 10/10
    Corruption 9/10
    NTR: 10/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is freaking great. Slower pace that doesnt just jump right in to sex. Art is fantastic. Scenes seem to have had a good deal of care put in to them. The slow build up really helps this game. Only real complaint is Buu's personality flip, I feel the scenes with the brother NTR would be so much funnier if Buu had kept his more innocent personality from earlier on. Make the brother feel totally powerless but also helpless cause Buu is a nice innocent kid with an overprotective big sis as opposed to the tiny manipulator he became. Any freaking love just about everything else about this game though.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The combat in this game has to be the grindiest shit ever.. It is unnecessarily complicated, unintuitive and not user friendly. For example there is a whole forest level with encounters every second that requires you to set action dials which makes you want to stop playing after the 50th time. This is why it is important to playtest your own stuff
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    All characters depicted in this game are age 18+

    Totally not into Shota style genre.

    However RannEro makes some of the best quality H-game art I've seen in ages.
    The animation quality and feel of the scenes is fantastic.

    This is a 1 person project - where they are not sacrificing quality at all.

    The updates only happen about once per year but the artist said that's how things will be. It is totally fine to work at a slow pace and create fantastic quality.

    The Art is "AAA" quality every time. You'd assume a professional H-game company from Japan made this game with the help of an entire anime / manga artist team.

    I'd love to see additional Living Clothes / Tentacle / Slimes / or Dragon-monster people (like kobolds) content.

    Other than my preference against Shota style: This game is very well put together and visually stunning. Totally worth a play-through.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    As a corruption genre fan, I get the "slow burn" idea, but this is more of a mild autumn day. The amount of progress you can make as of 0.8 is ridiculous; the most amount of clothes she can take off is the jacket. You get other outfits, but you can't use them. And in order to advance in the story to get to more stuff, you have to through the most unintuitive shit. How about "talk to this kid today, then wait 3 days and talk to him again, which will unlock the totally unrelated conversation with the mayor of the town to get the new quest? Stupid. Later on you'll get the gallery... only you have to find some weird item about 4 hours in the game to get it. No sort of quest diary, no map, no indicators, no nothing. The game is in heavy need of some significant quality of life improvements, and it also need to kick things up a notch as well. But don't worry, because the game gets updated like what, 1 o 2 times a year? So yeah, immense wasted potential with how good of an artist the developer is, and how bad everything else turned out.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    The spiritual successor to Scale Gardens, in every way shape and form, including how long it takes to do anything.

    Pros: It's pretty much a Scale Gardens game with a ridiculous amount of shota added to it and some NTR.

    Cons: It's pretty much Scale Gardens, the milking is beyond real. You get two patches per year if lucky.

    I advise you to come back in a few years and check if it's completed or abandoned, my money is on the second.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    The 1★ Dude

    Like most of the developers games is this here mostly about shota. The scenes are good looking, the story not bad not worst.

    As I told there are mostly scenes female and shota. She have a pretty weak will to say NO. A shota will dominate and deflorate her. You cannot decide that. You MUST deflorated by him -.-

    ps.: As soon as I saw there is no NTR content. (maybe the dev think - my sister get fucked so the dude ntred me -.-)
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game, and there's plenty of potential, but the dev seems to be focusing on stuff that a lot of people aren't in to. Nothing wrong with liking NTR, but if the game becomes focused on that then I just won't play it.

    On the surface this game is heavily inspired by the older Scalegarden games, and I really hope it continues leaning that way instead of focusing on a shitty relationship with Boo. The game would be 10x better to me if that character was scrapped and the story returned to the corruption/exhibitionism stuff that it started with and that its inspiration used.

    A while ago the dev did a poll that showed most people wanted more exhibition/corruption stuff and less Boo though, so fingers crossed the dev goes that way instead.

    All in all, the game has really good art, and hopefully will be filling a really underserved niche since Scalegarden stopped making stuff. But on its current course I don't see myself liking this game. 4 stars because I actually want to see this game in development further, but I'll be less excited the more Boo stuff is added.

    Also, I'm willing to forgive the dev for a slow update schedule since they do actually keep people updated on what's going on, and have to balance their personal life with this project. I don't think this game is in danger of being abandoned at the very least.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    A walking simulator game focused mainly on hunting down which npc interaction would move the story forward without having any clue whatsoever and all that effort for a disappointing and mediocre payoff

    Story/Writing - One of the game's strong point is how well written the dialogues are. The story is cliched, but is properly structured. You start off as the sister of a wimpy kid, who was cursed after a confrontation with a demon. Turns out it was a curse of exhibitionism and this will be the main fetish of the game throughout. As progress through quests, each npc dialogues change too. Easily 5/5

    Gameplay - The game's weakest point is not the grind or combat. There was really no need for money and the battles are fairly easy just by maxing out str and dex(all other stat increase is garbage). I found it quite enjoyable every time there is a combat involved. I almost didnt want this part of the game ends because i know that if it does, I will spend the next 2 or 3 hours walking around the map looking for npcs that will open up events which will then hopefully(not all events give stat increase and you dont know which ones do) increase the mc's exhibitionism that will open up new scenes. This painstakingly process of going back to the same npcs over and over again finally killed any boner i had. It would have been completely fine if there was really any meaningful sex scenes afterwards, but most of the time is just overly used boob groping scene that you will encounter 90% of the game.
    Moving forward, there is also the title and clothes aspect of the game which looks fresh and nice but are actually pointless and unnecessary. All it did was change npc interaction and that's about it. You have really no control over the clothing unless the game says so. All this time and effort could have been invested in more h scenes instead. 1 star for the combat

    Render/Art - Bouncing boobs and overly used boobs groping, sex scenes come rarely and if they do, it's so bland you just want to skip it. Even the blowjob scenes are half assed(her mouth only goes halfway through a small dick like whuut??), and also more boobs groping. Also, there is a goblin gangbang scene which is a nice addition, and more boobs groping. And. More. Boobs. Groping. Yeah, more boobs groping smh. 1/5 for the well drawn sprites

    Overall 2/5
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Is this game good? Personally, I would say no... The game has a lot of problems from really bad maps to having no clue where to go...

    - nice, unusual, quality art
    - nice female mc (even she could be a bit more curvy imo)
    - soundtracks are nice
    - rpgmaker wolrd looks nice
    - menu looks nice
    - clothing system
    - titel system
    - boob sucking
    - big tits
    - good english

    - Unclear what you need to do or where you need to go.
    - Battle system is unbalanced and nothing is explained or you need to look for it. There is a book in the game.
    - No real choices!
    - Village layout and the level layout is horrible.... You will spend a lot of time just going back and forth.
    - Same animations over and over again. It is insane how many times the same boob grope happens...
    - Nearly no sex

    Good points
    - Great art
    - Combat is more interactive than most other RPGM games
    - Animation is good