So I played the new content. There's some good, some bad, and some ugly. I've ripped this game apart in the last weeks in the comments, so now it's time to get into it. I'll keep this short.
The good:
The art. Rannero is top notch in his artwork. The drawings, the animations, the cum...All beautifully done. Seriously top tier art in the world of adult games. Yuuki is smoking hot.
The bad:
The grinding. Nearly all of the game is a grind. Which I get to a certain extent...But there's only so much tit grabbing one can endure before wanting something else. There is 1 hardcore scene in the .5 release. I won't give spoilers here, but don't expect much in terms of actual sex. By the time you FINALLY get where you want to be, the content ends.
You also need the btc.sizer to make the game bigger and in windowed mode, a decently sized annoyance for a game being made in 2018.
The ugly:
The kids. Granted, this is tagged shota (which I had to google to figure out the description of...don't do that, btw) but there are way too many scenes involving kids. No, they are not sex scenes, but they still are not needed, add nothing to the story, feel gross, and honestly make me want to never visit this title again. Ew. Rannero needs to sway focus away from that and have Yuuki get into more issues with people of her age or older.
All in all, as it stands, this is a 3/5, simply because of the artwork and animations. It's a clone of another game I saw on here called "Sangeki of Gear" in a ton of ways, just updated.
The absolute best thing Rannero and his crew could do now is to release more content within the next month, and continue it. If he waits another 9 months (previous update was in January 2018 before 0.5 dropped) this game is dead in the water. He also needs to decide how far he's going to take the storyline with the children of the game. Little bits of comedic relief involving naughty neighborhood kids is one thing, but taking this much further and you're getting into some weird territory I don't even want on my computer. Even as it stands, 0.5 has already been deleted.