Ren'Py - Abandoned - The DeLuca Family [Season 1] [HopesGaming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has really interesting cast of characters and probably the best portrail of a mobster family story. charactes are diverse and interesting. gameplay has potential but is still rough around the edges. cant wait to see more of this game in the future.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game and story so far
    Luna's backstory was really painful and ... sofia ... it made me cry , a grown man i never cried to movies or games , never thought in my life that i would cry to a freaking visual novel game that i downloaded just for the fap content .....
    that story broke me , but i was warned anyway so it's kinda my fault , i thought with the lighthearted tone of the story and weird characters and the retarded anime style fight scenes that the writers were not capable to make a compelling story and boy i was wrong .... anyway i'm rambling ..., Good game give it a shot but be patient it's slow burn .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This was my firs non real porn game that i tried on f95. I will be honest as i didnt expect much but in the end i have found a treasure and learned that there is much more to this games then just a quick wank. i have enjoyed the fact that this is not about just how to get laid but that story comes first and that there is more to this game . I was always a RPG player which means i always cared for the story of the game and nitpicking something that is off. I really hope that author will make sure that choices matters and i would love to see Grace apologizing for that what she said in her ice princess quest as i was soooo triggered by the end of here story so far just for this reason. BTW officialy first ''amateur'' game here on f95 that made 30y old guy cry.... Thanks Luna..... I dont know if i should applaud the creater of this game or call the police .... :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with one of the best stories. It has a plot that hooks you and makes you continue to advance in the story of each character. The characters are very well created, each one with characteristics that make them unique.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.06.1, no story spoilers, minor character/relationship spoilers. TLDR at the end.


    Shortly before I finished this version of the game, I had started becoming increasingly annoyed by it and I was really wanting to vent in my review. I calmed down first, and finished all of the available content, so that I can hopefully be a bit more objective now, but despite all the hype this game has received, I still have a lot to criticize and I'll probably still be fuming by the end of the review when I get into the things that irritated me most. I would like to give it only 2 stars for more emotional/personal reasons but I concede that that would be all-in-all pretty unfair to this game that still has a lot going for it, so therefore my rating of 3 stars.
    I'll be starting with what are in my opinion the best aspects of the game, but it's all downhill from there.

    Gameplay (4 stars)

    The gameplay here is pretty fun and well-developed. A sandbox game, but actually one of the better ones. You are somewhat free to either pursue the girls individually and advance your relationship with them, or continue with the story first, but they do overlap and you can't progress too far in one without progressing at least somewhat in the other. Nice balance between streamlining the whole plotline while still, to an extent, disconnecting the threads, both of which can be bad when done to the extreme.
    The missions, where you get to level up, buy new equipment, unlock new missions with bigger rewards and that whole thing is a fun element that you don't often see in this sort of VN, but it does get somewhat old pretty quickly, is mainly there for grinding purposes and the whole interface still needs a lot of work to be smoother and more intuitive. It also doesn't feel impactful enough for the rest of the game, it seems like it's just this completely isolated minigame/grinding feature that isn't connected at all to the rest of the game except thematically.
    But I can't complain too much about the gameplay, definitely one of the stronger aspects of the game.

    Visuals (4 stars)

    This is another aspect of the game where the dev can really shine. The renders are all in all very good and much more realistic than one is used to. Unfortunately, that also leads to the fact that all of the women so far in the story have pretty standard body types; they are very attractive and look good, but also a bit boring and similar to each other.
    The animations seem to be in their early stages, only further into the game they start appearing infrequently but they do show a lot of promise, so maybe we'll see more of that later on.
    But here, criticism can feel a bit like nitpicking, because visually, this game is definitely in the upper tier. Not fabulously astounding but definitely good enough to not be distracting.

    Sound Design (4 stars)

    Maybe not the most important part of any VN, but definitely wanted to make a note of it here in the better aspects of the game.
    The background music is on point in this game, really doing much of the emotional heavy labor subtly in the background without being too distracting, and still sounding very unique.
    Other sound effects might sometimes sound a bit harsh, loud and repetitive but that could be improved over time and it's nice to see a dev at least caring about that aspect.
    Unfortunately, no moaning or other sorts of sounds from people which feels like a missed opportunity in a game that is seemingly so concerned with sound design, so maybe that'll be rectified in future updates, but so far nothing.

    Writing: Story (2 stars)

    The meat of my criticism comes from the writing, but in very different ways, so I'll separate them into different aspects, starting with the main story itself (but like I said at the beginning, no spoilers here).
    The main problem with the main story is that there seemingly isn't a whole lot of actual plot that moves the story forward. Despite the separation of the gameplay into story mode and free roam mode, the latter of which is designed to advance character relationships, the only time the story mode is really interesting, comes, when it too, is about advancing character relationships.
    The rest of the story is unfocused and doesn't really have a clear endgame in mind while also being super convoluted, introducing new names and characters and families and family dynamics left, right and center, all of it is super hard to keep track off despite feeling ultimately inconsequential. It does seem to become a bit clearer towards the end of the current build where the story might be heading but there is nothing really hooking me yet because I don't feel I know what the main conflict is even supposed to be.
    There are many people raving about the great story in this game, but it's really not great at all, they're probably confusing it with Luna's backstory which is pretty great indeed, but the main story, that's supposed to be driving the tension, is practically non-existent while somehow still being too convoluted.

    Writing: Characters, Non-MC (3 stars)

    This is in large part about the three main girls of the story (Luna, Gracie and Isabel) but I'll just say that so far, the other minor character are... fine. We haven't really explored them yet, which is also fine, there's time for that, I'll just say that Wilfred gets pretty annoying pretty quickly. Other than that, they're all just fine. We'll see how they develop later on (if at all, at least Cordia should). Now there'll be very minor spoilers here for the girls, but nothing that you don't pick up on after playing the game for a short while.
    All in all, the girls are a bit of a mixed bag. Luna and Gracie at least seem to have interesting backstories but with all this work gone into them, you would hope that they would be a bit more consistent over all. It seems like the dev still hasn't really figured out how he wants their personalities to shape out overall which leads to it feeling like the girls are just hopping between wild mood swings.
    The worst offender of that is probably Isabel, we know nothing of her past (so far, but there's hasn't been any hints either that there'll be more to come like with Gracie or Luna), and her whole ambition seems to be, that she's unhappy in her marriage. She can't seem to decide whether she wants a relationship with the MC, which would be fine, if her conflicted nature was better explained and more consistent. But she seems to only exist so that there can be a cuckold NTR fetish story here. Pretty uninteresting and weird. Hot, though.
    Gracie is also a weird one, but at least we get hints that there might be an explanation for her weirdness. She's still too inconsistent for my tastes, jumping between innocent virgin, super-brain smart-ass, annoying little sister and weird unfeeling robot without missing a beat. If there is logic to all that, we need to see it earlier, up until now it has been mostly off-putting.
    Many people have said that Luna is their favorite character, and for good reason. She might also seem inconsistent at first, similar to Gracie, but most of her weirdness is hinted to make sense through her backstory. More than that though, she seemed more consistent throughout than the other characters, in a weird way being consistent in her inconsistency, and I feel like the dev has probably put way more thought and time into her development than any other character. I won't give too much away here, but her character exploration is also by far the most intense emotional journey of the game, that really got to me towards the end of the game. So I don't have much issue with her, she has been pretty interesting so far.
    I'll note though, that all three main girls share a certain character trait, the sort of reluctance/innocence/shyness that makes them really uncertain about starting any sort of romantic/sexual relationship with the MC. They all express it in different ways and for different reasons but it's sort of disappointing that there is not at least one woman who isn't shy, and has experience and has no real obstacles standing in the way of her being with the MC. That could also allow for more sex scenes starting earlier. But that's not that important, just a tidbit, I mostly like the slow build-up.

    Writing: Dialogue (2 stars)

    The dialogue is probably the first real weak link in this game. I started noticing the flaws right from the get-go but at first, it seemed actually pretty funny, idiosyncratic almost. There is a lot of light-hearted back-and-forth that you might find amusing. But after a while, it just becomes this weird thing that every single character does, arguing about these random, unimportant things for an eternity and disguising it as wit or banter but it's really not that funny and after a while it just becomes annoying. It also feels just so off that pretty much every character is engaging in that weird banter, except for maybe Cordia, to the point that you just can't help noticing that it's just one person writing the dialogue of every character, and that really takes you out of the immersion.
    That's not to say that characters don't have their own dialogue quirks; they do, but also to a ridiculous, off-putting and just incomprehensible extent. Be it Wilfred's long pauses and snippy manner, or just words that certain characters tend to repeat unnaturally often like Luna's "silly" and "stupid", Gracie"s "indecent" and "probabilities" or Isabel's "teasing" and "cute/adorable".
    I should mention that the MC/dev is lampshading all of this, which doesn't really make it better; it means, the dev was aware of this peculiarity but doesn't change it, just comment on it by remarking that it's weird.
    Then don't do it, it's your choice, you write the dialogue for them!

    Writing: Pacing/Efficiency (1 star)

    This section is one of the worst aspects of the game that really made it excruciating for me to finish the whole thing, and that's just up to this pretty early build.
    Most of the writing in this game is just the opposite of "efficient" writing, meaning the tenet that you should only write as much as necessary without needless repetitions or other things that could be left aside without changing the story. Now I'm not saying that that tenet is a cardinal rule that should always be followed to the letter, it might be nice and relaxing to just explore some aspects of the game and characters even if they are not strictly necessary to move any story along.
    But especially later on in the game, many scenes are just so, so, so very long and booooring because stuff is just repeated or reiterated in a slightly different, but essentially needless way, you just feel like you're getting nowhere. It gets very info-dumpy and expositiony, in all of the worst ways. Especially in a VN, where you could just tell so much of the story visually, you get overloaded with pages and pages of meaningless dialogue, which is especially frustrating in those cases where you see the conclusion approaching from a mile away (like in the emotionally gripping exploration of Luna's backstory, great story but terrible storytelling).
    I normally don't do this in VNs, because I don't only want to watch porn but also experience a story, but I really ended up just skipping or at least skimming through so much of it just to move things along. And it's not because what was happening, wasn't interesting but just because it wasn't told efficiently enough. The dev really needs to reevaluate his writing style here in my opinion, otherwise, this game just gets so tedious after a while.

    Writing: Main Character (1 star)

    This MC is probably the main reason I got so pissed playing this game and wanted to give it a lower rating just based on my anger and frustration. Now this might be mainly based on opinion/personal preference, so the criticism might feel overly harsh to some of you, but it really impacted my playing enjoyment.
    At first, he seems pretty non-descript, your typical, erotic VN, "regular" guy who's just thrown into a weird situation. But as the story progresses, he becomes "bolder" (which is how the women describe it) which really means, he starts to become a huge dick (and not in the good sense), consistently mocking, berating, coercing and belittling all of the women, never taking them or their feelings seriously, and being the typical asshole alpha guy who "knows best" even when the women clearly tell him what they want and don't want. Worst of all is, that in typical fashion, he is not only not punished for this behavior, but ultimately rewarded for it by all of the women who, it turns out, were of course just faking their hesitation or straight-up rejection and are, in actuality, all very glad to have their knight in shining armor who is molesting them at every turn, no matter how inappropriate the situation. And when they try to engage in a serious conversation, talk about boundaries or want to tell him in what way his behavior is not something they enjoy, he starts to "joke" around with really corny and weird and inappropriate jokes but of course, all the girls are just so easily won over by his "charm" and just forget that they were angry in the first place. Now I wanted to include that criticism in my discussion about the girls, but even though they might be a bit too easily swooned, it's not really with them where the real issue lies.
    The whole thing is just this disgusting, unrealistic male-gazey bullshit that I just can't suspend my disbelief for and it just got worse the further you got in the game. And don't tell me, you can't make a harem game that's not this pure male power fantasy, I know there are games that manage to find a graceful, even respectful, way to do it.

    Conclusion, TL;DR

    If you actually arrived down here after reading all of my ranting review, wow, thank you so much for indulging me. If you just jumped here for my TLDR, understandable, so here are my final thoughts.
    There is a lot to like about this game: the gameplay is unique, yet familiar, with an interesting way of going about grinding (although that aspect could definitely still be perfected). The renders are all in all pretty upper tier, even though I would have wished for more variety in the girls' body types. The girls themselves all have unique, sort of quirky, if somewhat inconsistent personalities and seem to mostly have interesting backgrounds that will surely be further explored in future updates.
    There are however, also a lot of aspects I didn't care for, ranging from mildly annoying to frustrating and enraging. The dialogue is often awkward and stilted, and weirdly repetitive, the writing is the opposite of efficient and just drags on, and the MC is just one of the biggest asshole, bullshit knight-in-shining-armor, disrespectful, annoying sort of coercive and manipulative character I've ever had the bad misfortune of being forced to impersonate in a video game. And that last point is saying something because I've played a lot of these VNs.
    So take that all how you will, apparently not everybody is as bothered by these negative points as I am, so maybe this is still your thing. I'm just glad I finished it for now so that I could write this review and don't have to touch it, or future updates, ever again.

    Oh and n.b., forgot to mention, there is a fair bit of gore in this game, ranging from mildly violent to pretty disturbing. Never any snuff porn or the like, the violence is never sexualized (yet?, hopefully it stays that way), but it is part of the story. So, you know, stuff like that never really bothered me much, but if that isn't for you, maybe stay away from this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The DeLuca Family was fast-paced, engaging and suspenseful. Everything about The DeLuca Family was beautifully complex. The DeLuca Family kept me spell bound, and I was compelled to keep playing. There were scenes and lines that made me sit there and cry. Or laugh. Or cheer. I was blown away by the author’s ability to write such phenomenal scenes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1571565

    So my rating for this is skewed by the fact I really enjoy this and I see a ton of potential for it. I can't say this is really a 5 star game (yet) cus its still being developed but from what I've seen, I have nice expectations.

    The models are pretty, the story is mostly well written (there is a few grammar issues and typos, were I a better person, I would have kept track of them so they could be fixed, maybe in another run through of the game). I like the mission aspect of it, the ranks, buying gear, etc. (the gear is also a little buggy, with items you aren't wearing being something you can unequip, but its nothing really game breaking).

    There is some down sides. 1) if you in this for just sex, its not for you. 2) if you're bothered by gore/violence, this is not for you. 3) this isn't really a dating sim, the paths are intertwined with each other, and as of yet there is no real distinction. If you understand those three aspects, you can appreciate most of this game. Now for the actual nit picks if you aren't bothered by those two caveats, doing sub main events can lead to inconsistencies with the main story, not really a problem, but its a little weird. I hope later on those inconsistencies can be cleaned up (it just comes with maybe a little more tying the mission/levels with the main story stuff and how much the player can progress at certain points.) Which is the next part, I love the missions, but after a certain point you're sitting on a ton of money and nothing to use it on. That has a lot to do with content and where things go in the future, but while in development that is a big problem. Finally the last big thing is the sub events again, sometimes you're passing days for things to happen and it feels...excessive. The dev has done a great job of making ways to speed up/hurry the process, but think something like an exact count would help. I just felt compelled to do a mission a day at least, so it may just be a personal issue on my end.

    TL;DR (cus I ramble): It's not a sex game, it does get pretty gorey. There are some bugs, but the seem like things to get out over the course of development. If something is super sad, its that the story seems far from done and I can't wait for more.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The Good:

    - Quite attractive renders
    - Butler guy has some nice banter
    - Mini game system of levling up and going on missions is fairly well made
    - Married babe is hot and interesting

    The Bad:
    - MC is the biggest SIMP in the history of SIMPS, he seriously risks his life on multiple occasions for *a friendly hug* from girls who consider him like a brother. That is something not even a sex-starved loser would do.
    - MC is a friendzoned loser. The main character stays alone with two hot babes 24 h/7 for TWO WEEKS (even after knowing them well previously) and doesn't make any progress with the girls whatsoever.
    - MC actions as a mob hitman in a minigame is completely detatched from the story where he is a helpless loser rather than a psychopathic killer. Even Luna and Grace (two teenage girls) upstage him when he should be able to show his prowess story wise (encountering some armed thugs). Classic example of flawed game logic of allowing the MC to take the back seat to show off the NPCs.
    - Luna is meant to be quirky but unfortunately instead comes across as super annoying.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has the best plot of all games. I dont even play it for sexual content, but for this great story! But if you are horny gipsy man you can find there a lot of sexual content so dont worry :) I REALLY recommend you playing this game. I just love it!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly a fantastic VN and an OK adult game.

    im sure more actual sexual content will come in time, but honestly the story and the characters is where its at. feels weird to say that.

    Maybe im just biased because i want more Luna development.

    PS i fucking hated luna at first, butshe is definitely best girl.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Captain Kirk

    So I was originally turned off from this game when I first tried sometime ago when I saw it was a sandbox VN. I always associated sandbox VN with grindness and usually me lost clicking around hoping I trigger and event. When I recently replayed this gem I had felt like a complete an utter idiot. This has to be the archtype for sandbox games, not too much grind as well as a guide if you get lost. This VN deserves all the praise it gets. An intriguing mob story as well as fantastic relationships with the 3 girls. The story of this VN is a lil different, most VN's once you get to the meat of the story become predictable. Not this one, I still have no clue who the fuck the father is, and honestly it's refreshing. One thing that is also very strange is how real the 3 girls feel. Isabella seems like a character from sopranos, The forgotten housewife. Gracie who has lived a life as a princess, doesn't understand social cues which makes perfect sense, (she is also the scarriest out of all 3 in my opionion). Finally there is Luna who has the deepest back story out of all 3, she's the best out of the 3 as well, As if anyone else harms her I will kill them.

    This VN is elite teir on this site and should have lots of patrons, excited for more!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved it, the history was really amazing, hard sometimes but amazing, Luna is a character really deep and very good, and I love her. Renders were very good too . I'll expecting a bit more of decisions in the game for next uptdates. Anyways well done and keep going with this game!
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747

    The DeLuca Family is a well crafted VN with a likeable cast and an enjoyable rollercoaster story.

    It could be even better if it was purely story driven.

    The free roam does nothing for me - on the contrary:
    Checking rooms and passing time in order to trigger events are annoying game mechanics.

    Same with the missions to earn money and buy weapons / clothes:
    It's for the most part a pointless, boring grind.

    I also wished the story had been kept more realistic (I'm not a fan of supernatural mumbo jumbo).

    Other than that: Good job!

    Oh - and... #teamisabel
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Evil B. Monkey

    tl;dr If you like story-driven visual novels and aren't too put off by tons of exposition with little actual sex, you absolutely should play this.

    This is one of the best visual novels on this site. I'm going to focus on the negatives here but assume everything I don't mention is outstanding.

    Overall, the story is great, by which I mean among the best few on this site, but not quite what I'd expect out of a good novel. By the latter standard, the writing is juvenile at times and could benefit from a good editor. There are also quite a few grammar and spelling mistakes which distract from the otherwise interesting dialogue.

    The main character is much more interesting than the typical douche we usually see in these games, but he can be a bit over-the-top at times. The other characters can feel a bit one-dimensional at times, but they are interesting overall.

    The flow between the story and free-roam sections feels a bit strange and arbitrary. In particular, some of the story missions end abruptly and just dump you back into free-roam with no real resolution.

    The help and journal systems are useful, but they could do with some stream-lining.

    Honestly, the whole free-roam system feels unnecessary to me, as if the creator simply wanted to a avoid making a pure visual novel. Which is a shame because the writing is much stronger than the game mechanics. The missions, items, time management, books, money, etc. are all pretty pointless as you can easily grind them all up with little thought or effort. On the one hand, they're so uninteresting that it'd be a real pain if it took much thought or effort, but on the other hand, it's just a pointless grind as it stands.

    Overall, I'm very excited to see where the story goes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh my, oh my.... Im not used to write reviews or to thread in general... but damn son... For me it was the first time i've never wanted, not even for second, to skip dialog and move forward...
    I didn't even mind there was so little of nudity... but that story... oh i cannot wait what more is to come!
  16. 3.00 star(s)



    This was actually the hardest game here I ever had to sit down and rate short of a glowing review. Because for starters...I thoroughly enjoyed the play through. Which had enough story meat to it to span 3 different multi night sittings, and which I never really found myself becoming dis-interested.

    Now don't completely wrong there as this story isn't some absolutely well written masterpiece, or void of any overly cheesy aspects or cheap filler dialog stuff (could cut out about half those .... exchanges btw). But as a total sum it adds up better then most. I like the completely different from the norm mafia type theme. I like the fact it's not trying to lean on the incest angle crutch. I like the fact it doesn't shy away from being dark in a story about mobsters that kill people, and/or doesn't go too heavily handed the other way to ever try and balance that out. The gradual progression with character building is done well, and taken as a whole it is just a rare well executed story in one of these games. And worth the play on that alone.

    But here is the thing. All of that said there is also the underlying aspect of why I am sitting down to play these types of games. Which first and foremost starts with an expectation that I'll be jerking off. Now I'm not against the slow burn approach...but the longer the burn the better I expect that payoff scene to feel. And in that particular respect...this game just fell short to me. Since if you are like me and anything short of a BJ progression scene isn't going to get you there....there is a grand total of **ONE**payoff in the game at the end of about maybe a 6 hour play through. And contrary to what the 200+ glowing reviews might suggest on the's not some mind blowing or super well done with a ton of extra "5 star" quality going into it you'd otherwise be expecting. It's not a bad stare at the one animation angle and single scene before you click once to move on by any means...but yeah. From the invested payoff angle I was just left wanting a lot more.

    So yeah, overall and in all fairness to this being an adult game site I can't justify giving this game more then an average rating as an adult game where (even with this) the expectation of sex will always be the underlying selling point to the large majority of people trying/playing/paying for it. The burn is too slow in the manner it's done (it comes across more milky then slow imo), the higher expectation of a great payoff doesn't measure up (yet), and the missed opportunities to at least throw you some decent side character action to help bridge the gap ends up being a fairly glaring design omission in after play hindsight.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoy this game, even if there is no sex so far, it is one of the few games that are actually good and that I do not mid grinding(only grind is money really) the characters are awesome, I do thing that the silly girl attitude goes a bit too far, with the daughters is understandable, they either become psychos or coo coo, talking from experience, but the wifey, she is always serious and respectable, and then turns into a kindergartner all of a sudden, but still good characters and story arcs, very deep game, and gotta say, those who have played it know what I'm talking about, I freaking cried like a baby with THAT story, overall... Fully recommended, I WILL support the creator in patreon, you should too
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Some renders are pretty which earns the mandatory one star. The story is pathetic at worst and cringe worthy at best, with random dark emotional problems being used to hide the lack of any decent story-telling. The concept isn't terrible and this game feels like it has what it needs to be better than it is, but it just isn't any good.

    Couple that with a horrible lack of content and a bad developer even by adult game standards, and you've got your one star.

    This game isn't worth your time.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    I don't know why but this game gets me every single fucking time, storyline is just mind blowing you know like you can literally feel it, I usually don't play same story again and again as using saves works but whenever the new update of deluca family comes i just start it over again from start just to experience the magic you have created there you know just extraordinary
    Best of luck for your future updates ♥
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games this site...beautiful renders ..the story is unique and character development is awesome...Every character has a unique theme and base.
    The MC is funny and sarcastic ,one of the best i have MC's I ever played.
    The updates are a bit slow.. the game theme is awesome
    and i recommend everyone trying this game once.