
Nov 2, 2018
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While processing text tag {Color=#3fc635} in u'{Color=#3fc635}Sentiments ?{/color}'.:
  File "game/Introduction.rpy", line 421, in script call
    call wake_up from _call_wake_up
  File "game/Introduction.rpy", line 690, in script call
    call Gamestart from _call_Gamestart
  File "game/script.rpy", line 373, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_11
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1766, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_19
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 358, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_4
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 19, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_1
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call bedsleep from _call_bedsleep_8
  File "game/bedsleep.rpy", line 15, in script call
    call povRoom from _call_povRoom_2
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 159, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_10
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call bedsleep from _call_bedsleep_8
  File "game/bedsleep.rpy", line 77, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_7
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 14, in script call
    call story2_cameras from _call_story2_cameras
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 501, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_5
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 26, in script call
    call story3_punishment from _call_story3_punishment
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 506, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_35
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 28, in script call
    call gracieRoom from _call_gracieRoom
  File "game/povRoom.rpy", line 158, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_9
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call bedsleep from _call_bedsleep_8
  File "game/bedsleep.rpy", line 107, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_8
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 26, in script call
    call story3_punishment from _call_story3_punishment
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 1752, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_6
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 29, in script call
    call story4_betrayel from _call_story4_betrayel
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 1937, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_16
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 2600, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_21
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1766, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_19
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1346, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_14
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 37, in script call
    call livingRoom from _call_livingRoom
  File "game/povRoom.rpy", line 257, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale from _call_lunaQfemFatale
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 648, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_30
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1367, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale2 from _call_lunaQfemFatale2
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 845, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_31
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 34, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_15
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1373, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale3 from _call_lunaQfemFatale3
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 919, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_32
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1736, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_18
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 2277, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale3_Isa from _call_lunaQfemFatale3_Isa
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 983, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_33
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 2838, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_23
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 34, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_15
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 34, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_15
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 34, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_15
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 334, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_17
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 36, in script call
    call story5_fazio from _call_story5_fazio
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 2298, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_26
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1933, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_20
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 39, in script call
    call story6_giocobbe from _call_story6_giocobbe
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 2452, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_28
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 42, in script call
    call story7_ThePicture from _call_story7_ThePicture
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 2679, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_29
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 353, in script call
    call povRoom from _call_povRoom_13
  File "game/povRoom.rpy", line 11, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale2_1 from _call_lunaQfemFatale2_1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 1735, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_34
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 3657, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_25
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 45, in script call
    call story8_jalen from _call_story8_jalen
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 2685, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_46
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 45, in script call
    call story8_jalen from _call_story8_jalen
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 3387, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_47
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call bedsleep from _call_bedsleep_8
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 4563, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_45
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 2398, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_38
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 2770, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_39
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1744, in script call
    call gracieFunTime1 from _call_gracieFunTime1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 2849, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_40
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1746, in script call
    call gracieRomanticRecTalk1 from _call_gracieRomanticRecTalk1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 3110, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_41
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1748, in script call
    call gracieRomanticRecTalk2 from _call_gracieRomanticRecTalk2
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 3158, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_42
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 2163, in script call
    call gracieDirtyDance1 from _call_gracieDirtyDance1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 3424, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_43
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1935, in script call
    call gracieMovie1 from _call_gracieMovie1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 3765, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_44
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script
    call screen location_screen
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/common/00action_menu.rpy", line 103, in __call__
    renpy.call_in_new_context("_game_menu", *self.args, _game_menu_screen=screen, **self.kwargs)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 461, in script
    call screen helpGame
  File "game/script.rpy", line 461, in script
    call screen helpGame
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
Exception: Unknown text tag u'Color=#3fc635'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/Introduction.rpy", line 421, in script call
    call wake_up from _call_wake_up
  File "game/Introduction.rpy", line 690, in script call
    call Gamestart from _call_Gamestart
  File "game/script.rpy", line 373, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_11
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1766, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_19
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 358, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_4
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 19, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_1
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call bedsleep from _call_bedsleep_8
  File "game/bedsleep.rpy", line 15, in script call
    call povRoom from _call_povRoom_2
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 159, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_10
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call bedsleep from _call_bedsleep_8
  File "game/bedsleep.rpy", line 77, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_7
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 14, in script call
    call story2_cameras from _call_story2_cameras
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 501, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_5
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 26, in script call
    call story3_punishment from _call_story3_punishment
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 506, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_35
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 28, in script call
    call gracieRoom from _call_gracieRoom
  File "game/povRoom.rpy", line 158, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_9
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call bedsleep from _call_bedsleep_8
  File "game/bedsleep.rpy", line 107, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_8
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 26, in script call
    call story3_punishment from _call_story3_punishment
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 1752, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_6
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 29, in script call
    call story4_betrayel from _call_story4_betrayel
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 1937, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_16
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 2600, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_21
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1766, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_19
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1346, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_14
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 37, in script call
    call livingRoom from _call_livingRoom
  File "game/povRoom.rpy", line 257, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale from _call_lunaQfemFatale
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 648, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_30
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1367, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale2 from _call_lunaQfemFatale2
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 845, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_31
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 34, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_15
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1373, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale3 from _call_lunaQfemFatale3
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 919, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_32
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1736, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_18
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 2277, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale3_Isa from _call_lunaQfemFatale3_Isa
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 983, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_33
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 2838, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_23
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 34, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_15
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 34, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_15
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 34, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_15
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 334, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_17
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 36, in script call
    call story5_fazio from _call_story5_fazio
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 2298, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_26
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1933, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_20
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 39, in script call
    call story6_giocobbe from _call_story6_giocobbe
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 2452, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_28
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 42, in script call
    call story7_ThePicture from _call_story7_ThePicture
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 2679, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_29
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 353, in script call
    call povRoom from _call_povRoom_13
  File "game/povRoom.rpy", line 11, in script call
    call lunaQfemFatale2_1 from _call_lunaQfemFatale2_1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 1735, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_34
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 3657, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_25
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 45, in script call
    call story8_jalen from _call_story8_jalen
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 2685, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_46
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 45, in script call
    call story8_jalen from _call_story8_jalen
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 3387, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_47
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call bedsleep from _call_bedsleep_8
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 4563, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_45
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 2398, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_38
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 2770, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_39
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1744, in script call
    call gracieFunTime1 from _call_gracieFunTime1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 2849, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_40
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1746, in script call
    call gracieRomanticRecTalk1 from _call_gracieRomanticRecTalk1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 3110, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_41
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1748, in script call
    call gracieRomanticRecTalk2 from _call_gracieRomanticRecTalk2
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 3158, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_42
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 2163, in script call
    call gracieDirtyDance1 from _call_gracieDirtyDance1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 3424, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_43
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/freeRoamingLabels.rpy", line 1935, in script call
    call gracieMovie1 from _call_gracieMovie1
  File "game/sideEvents.rpy", line 3765, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_44
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call screen location_screen
  File "game/sleepDreams.rpy", line 54, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_37
  File "game/Story.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call go_to_places from _call_go_to_places_3
  File "game/map_instances.rpy", line 23, in script
    call screen location_screen
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 1907, in execute"execute")
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 1895, in call
    return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 220, in call
    return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 2867, in call_screen
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 289, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 2687, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 3490, in interact_core
    rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 697, in event
    rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 923, in event
    return handle_click(self.clicked)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 858, in handle_click
    rv = run(action)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 320, in run
    return action(*args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/common/00action_menu.rpy", line 103, in __call__
    renpy.call_in_new_context("_game_menu", *self.args, _game_menu_screen=screen, **self.kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 332, in call_in_new_context
    return renpy.execution.run_context(False)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 889, in run_context
  File "game/script.rpy", line 461, in script
    call screen helpGame
  File "game/script.rpy", line 461, in script
    call screen helpGame
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 1907, in execute"execute")
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 1895, in call
    return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 220, in call
    return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 2867, in call_screen
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\", line 289, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 2687, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 3171, in interact_core
    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 2083, in draw_screen
  File "render.pyx", line 516, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 361, in render
    top = render(self.new_widget, width, height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 669, in render
    child = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 1124, in render
    st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 925, in render
    surf = render(d, width - x, rh, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 925, in render
    surf = render(d, width - x, rh, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 1572, in render
    cwidth, cheight = sizeit('c', width, height, 0, 0)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 1567, in sizeit
    rend = render(pos_d[pos], width, height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 264, in render
    surf = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, child_width, child_height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\display\", line 925, in render
    surf = render(d, width - x, rh, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\text\", line 1981, in render
    virtual_layout = Layout(self, width, height, renders, drawable_res=False, size_only=True)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\text\", line 582, in __init__
    self.paragraphs = self.segment(text.tokens, style, renders, text)
  File "C:\Users\Sullivan\Desktop\The_DeLuca_Family-0.04-pc\renpy\text\", line 1164, in segment
    raise Exception("Unknown text tag %r" % text)
Exception: Unknown text tag u'Color=#3fc635'

The DeLuca Family 0.04
Sat Mar 23 19:29:13 2019
hi nobody answered me for problem :(


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
hi nobody answered me for problem :(
Probably no one knows the solution, try to download the game again and play for the beginning, or maybe your Antivirus detected the game as virus and deleted something, i have no idea personally.


Aug 30, 2017
Loving the game, one of the few games here I look for constantly even without (currently) erotic scenes. Great renders, story, the works. Only complaint: would like a time forward button rather than having to use the laptop for it all the time, takes a bit to progress a day once you're all rich and leveled.


Mar 3, 2019
This game is beautiful. I LOVE Luna... OMG, so my type...

It's a little heavy on the "novel" / text, but that's okay. I like the storyline so far, but I am only as far as Luna knife.

I got a bit stuck figuring out how to do the Gracie's Jeans task. Oh well, I guess I am still figuring out these kind of games. Gorgeously rendered. Nice job! I hope it doesn't just end (but I doubt it's complete). I am worrying that I am taking too darn long days-wise, since I spend a LOT of time at the boss's entrance doing jobs for the lack of figuring out what else to do!


Aug 30, 2017
This game is beautiful. I LOVE Luna... OMG, so my type...

It's a little heavy on the "novel" / text, but that's okay. I like the storyline so far, but I am only as far as Luna knife.

I got a bit stuck figuring out how to do the Gracie's Jeans task. Oh well, I guess I am still figuring out these kind of games. Gorgeously rendered. Nice job! I hope it doesn't just end (but I doubt it's complete). I am worrying that I am taking too darn long days-wise, since I spend a LOT of time at the boss's entrance doing jobs for the lack of figuring out what else to do!
When you're not sure what to do, like for the jeans quest, go to each location at each time of day, sometimes things change. New conversation options highlight, also check computer.


Mar 3, 2019
When you're not sure what to do, like for the jeans quest, go to each location at each time of day, sometimes things change. New conversation options highlight, also check computer.
very helpful; thanks.

I think I finished the game (for now). Completed the content for all characters. Only got to third base with one of the sisters... need more! I assume more to come (pardon the pun).
  • Like
Reactions: HopesGaming


Active Member
Feb 7, 2019
Yeah, think that image got cut from the game.
Can't remember the reason. But it was probably a good one, hehe.
Huh, wasn't even aware there was several options there. Always waited until MC had a high stealth before attempting it.
Any chance of adding a random or rotating selection for the scenes when above highest last value, which seems to be 40 from looking at the file?
  • Like
Reactions: HopesGaming


Mar 23, 2019
Is the continue button supposed to well bug? i clicked continue story at a certain point of the game and it does nothing?takes me to my room and the button is still there i can spam it and it does nothing
Or is the game story not complete? which seems weird.


Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
Or is the game story not complete? which seems weird.
The games only up to version 0.04, it will probably be quite a while before it's complete. If all the main story events in the ? menu are green then you've gotten as far as you can right now with the continue button.
  • Like
Reactions: HopesGaming


Mar 23, 2019
The games only up to version 0.04, it will probably be quite awhile before it's complete. If all the main story events in the ? menu are green then you've gotten as far as you can right now with the continue button.
that's sad the game is quite fun.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
This is one of my concerns. That it will turn into "NPC's never talk to each other" trope.
I feel like I manage to make the girls interact with each other in most of the scenes. Even if it's focused on one girl's path.
The reason why I do not want any consequences (for now) with going after all the girls is that I would have to basically lead to two options. 1. Cut of content for one girl. Basically, make the other girls an empty shell while doing one girl's path or 2. make a separate friendship only path.
This will be very time consuming and means I have to neglect content from somewhere else.
There will be paths where their stories intervene such as when they watched a movie together and Luna told Gracie they were out hiking.
Some will be dialogues while others may lead to fun events.
But I do not want to make any consequences of going for all the girls.
Isabel vs gracie/luna. Luna vs gracie/isabel. Gracie vs Luna/isabel.
And that's not even taking into account for any new girls.
Simple not possible for a one-man job.
Luckily due to the mafia setting and the girl's personality they good at keeping hush.

hi nobody answered me for problem :(
I have not seen that bug before. I need more information.
What version you from, are you using a translated version and did you use any cheats?

Huh, wasn't even aware there was several options there. Always waited until MC had a high stealth before attempting it.
Any chance of adding a random or rotating selection for the scenes when above highest last value, which seems to be 40 from looking at the file?
Yes, that is something I am thinking of adding.

Is the continue button supposed to well bug? i clicked continue story at a certain point of the game and it does nothing?takes me to my room and the button is still there i can spam it and it does nothing
Or is the game story not complete? which seems weird.
Why would that be weird? The game is 0.04 and in development. If I finished the story the game would be 1.0
Remember to check the event logger to see if everything is done. (Turns green)


Mar 23, 2019
I feel like I manage to make the girls interact with each other in most of the scenes. Even if it's focused on one girl's path.
The reason why I do not want any consequences (for now) with going after all the girls is that I would have to basically lead to two options. 1. Cut of content for one girl. Basically, make the other girls an empty shell while doing one girl's path or 2. make a separate friendship only path.
This will be very time consuming and means I have to neglect content from somewhere else.
There will be paths where their stories intervene such as when they watched a movie together and Luna told Gracie they were out hiking.
Some will be dialogues while others may lead to fun events.
But I do not want to make any consequences of going for all the girls.
Isabel vs gracie/luna. Luna vs gracie/isabel. Gracie vs Luna/isabel.
And that's not even taking into account for any new girls.
Simple not possible for a one-man job.
Luckily due to the mafia setting and the girl's personality they good at keeping hush.

I have not seen that bug before. I need more information.
What version you from, are you using a translated version and did you use any cheats?

Yes, that is something I am thinking of adding.

Why would that be weird? The game is 0.04 and in development. If I finished the story the game would be 1.0
Remember to check the event logger to see if everything is done. (Turns green)
Apologies i was just frustrated the game is actually amazing and can't wait for it to be done.
Btw question is lvl 10? supposed to be max for now or?
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Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
I feel like I manage to make the girls interact with each other in most of the scenes. Even if it's focused on one girl's path.
Yes, you do it well for now, but once things get more intimate, one would expect conflicts of interest.

The reason why I do not want any consequences (for now) with going after all the girls is that I would have to basically lead to two options. 1. Cut of content for one girl. Basically, make the other girls an empty shell while doing one girl's path or 2. make a separate friendship only path.
This will be very time consuming and means I have to neglect content from somewhere else.
I understand branching is time consuming, but it would be worth it in the long run in my opinion. It would also add replayability and make the player more invested in the MC. I don't think there needs to be a story path with every girl in every playthrough. Sure, choosing one would make put the others in minor roles, but it would make more sense from the story perspective. Like you said you have interactions with others at solo girl events, so they can still be important enough.

But I do not want to make any consequences of going for all the girls.
Isabel vs gracie/luna. Luna vs gracie/isabel. Gracie vs Luna/isabel.
And that's not even taking into account for any new girls.
Simple not possible for a one-man job.
Luckily due to the mafia setting and the girl's personality they good at keeping hush.
Well, I suppose I do have a choice in the matter by simply not going after every girl at some point. I would like the drama the consequences brings, but it's not a gamebreaker as nothing is forced, thankfully. I'll just have one MC focused on Luna, one on Gracie, and so on. What eyes don't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.:)
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The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Apologies i was just frustrated the game is actually amazing and can't wait for it to be done.
Btw question is lvl 10? supposed to be max for now or?
Yes, you do it well for now, but once things get more intimate, one would expect conflicts of interest.

No worries and level 10 is the max for now, yes.

I understand branching is time consuming, but it would be worth it in the long run in my opinion. It would also add replayability and make the player more invested in the MC. I don't think there needs to be a story path with every girl in every playthrough. Sure, choosing one would make put the others in minor roles, but it would make more sense from the story perspective. Like you said you have interactions with others at solo girl events, so they can still be important enough.

Well, I suppose I do have a choice in the matter by simply not going after every girl at some point. I would like the drama the consequences brings, but it's not a gamebreaker as nothing is forced, thankfully. I'll just have one MC focused on Luna, one on Gracie, and so on. What eyes don't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.:)
I do get ya, and something like that is, of course, something I am thinking of. But probably far later in the game once I can give it some proper time towards it.
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I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
I'm not a fan of harem ending, they usually feel cheap in comparison to making choices and committing to one route. Then again, in this case, the Wilfred route already makes the others pretty much useless, so it's a moot point.
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