For criticism now give warnings ? I received 2 updates in one year. Thank you for your fruitful work (no)! How much money did I spend on you ? Perhaps many, now I accurately update my and couple of my friends from number of patrons for 20+ dollars.
Your progress is too slow. Your last update was a two-minute prank, I already began to suspect you of dishonesty! Why can't You release monthly updates with a normal number of images ? You could have updated your computer more than once. But You torment your patrons with expectations in six months for a result that makes you want to cry. You are Aorrta 5.0 - officially.
I do not give warnings. I'm just a member. But it's probably due to your hostility. Opinions are fine, just keep it civilized.
I do not have a +20$ tier (I do have a 30 tho). So do not know what you mean. I haven't gotten any PM's about anything regarding the pledges from my patrons. But if you are truly a patron, you are more than welcome to PM me at patreon site so I can refund the 'pledges'.
I do however find it weird that you thought that the last update was a two minutes prank. I liked the quality and the content of it. If you disliked it so much, why did you stay with the game? Shouldn't that update be the point where you left?
A bit peculiar I must admit.
Anyway, I hope I answered some of your complaints. Again, if you really were a regretting patron, just PM me and I'll refund.