actualy, as i mentioned before, the most great thing which could happen to this game, is that anyone would add all the missed alt routs during what we have for now, like:
- we have just Lule's cheating path from the start, but there should be an alt brunch where Luke will be keeping loyal to Kate, while she would be the one who started cheating, by different circumstances, like her own fantasies, or under EP1 drug effect, or by forcing or blackmailing of her, lots of options to make her to become the one who started cheating right from the very beginning, as an alt brunch;
- for example, after the scene with photoshooting on the streets with 2 strangers, when Luke and Kate become horny, and traveled to the park where TheFlasher joined them and it all ended in the police cell for Luke - there could be an alt option of where to go instead of park, like - whatever you can imaging else; for example in other quiet place "to release the steam", for example they could travel a bit far along the same suburbs streets, where they'd started to have some fun, as a couple, but those guys who were taking part in the hot photo shooting just recently would hidden follow their trip, 1st would secretly watch them, then probably would join them, just like the flashed in the park does, and that will also ends in police cell for Luke, because they'd also get caougt even in that alt route, so the main quest like would be the same from the prison cell point, just having fun with the flasher or continuing fun with those two guys will makes difference and will influence on further events alt options correspondently;
- in current version Luke's father started to flirt with Kate, but as an alt routes instead of Kate he could start to flirt with Court or Rebeca at 1st;
- in the train where Kate had meat the same "hobo doctor", she was watching to the other direction where a group of nasty teenagers were taking seats. but in current version Kate stayed in the train on her sit and that started a current route of hobo doctor continue to seduce her for sexual actions, with a Luke on the phone, but as an alt options Kate could be so scared to meat that hobo doctor in train and recognise him, that because of fear she quicly could change her seat, closer to the teenagers in the other end of the wagon, so it could started an alt sexual even with those unknown group of teens, who would start to talk dirty with her, tell her doing nasty things, and somehow she may have an option to make a call to Luke and ask his permisions, or if it would be here pure cheating route she can cancel that idea and have some fun with those young fellows without letting Luke know, for now;
ofc each of that alt routes will ends on the same point to continue the main story from equal points, but the alt choices a played have made during following the main story line will influence on cuntent later on, some paths will be opening, while others will be closing, depending from what choices from ALT events a player had made during former gameplay, and that will make DIFFERENT WALKTHOUGHS even in current version of the game, while for now it have one and only path, which is probably accumulating choices to provide different endings in the end, but the story like which learding to it is still to lenear for now... as for me.
if anyone can imaging any other alt scenes during the linear game content what we have for now - i'd be glad to listen and discuss any creative fantasies and offers. ofc it will never be done by the dev, he can't do even linear line of main new events in time, so no sense in speaking about adding additional alt scenes and routes into past content, but at least we can dream and imagine how great it could be