Both of you have been around here long enough to understand the difference between sharing and cuckoldry. Sharing is being ok with not being the only sexual partner. Cuckolding is deriving pleasure from watching your partner fuck someone else.
There is no sharing whatsoever in this game so far. There is only cuckoldry and cheating. MC being a loser or not has nothing to do with anything. He gets off on watching his partner fuck someone else. He's a cuck. And if you immerse yourself enough to play as the male MC and enjoy the NTR route, so are you. And that's ok because kink shaming is agaisnt the rules. The dynamic fom the FMC is a little different but ends up at the same place.
So let's stop splitting hairs and just call it like it is, yeah?
I disagree I don't see anything as being a cuck in this game to me , now that is not to say you don't or there isn't any in this game. However you don't get to come and tell me what is and isn't being a cuckhold because it can be very different from person to person. But to me I do not so no I do not agree with your statement. I don't see getting off by watching your partner have sex as a cuck at all. After all that isn't being denied pleasure now is it if you get off. I even disagree with you saying you are a cuck if enjoy a NTR route if you immerse myself , cause that depends on the game and the MC. Some games have a MC and sharing path that isn't anywhere close to being a cuck.
Now I will go as far to say this game is maybe on the edge of being one because of how he is pushing Kathryn to do stuff like with the Streaker , then starts to feel some emotions from it . As I can't deny a MC can act like one in these games at times even if I don't see the actual scene as a cuckhold. Because of that it is hard to define because I see cuckhold being different but sometimes a MC's actions or thought can say otherwise even if the scene doesn't play out like one for me. So for me personally it just isn't quite there yet. Maybe id agree a little bit with you if I did self insert cause I do admit his thoughts can almost come across as such but only after an act not during. ( tho still doesn't quite fit my definition)
Everyone has a different view on what being a cuck is. To some the act of watching your partner is enough. Even if that is the actual definition in the dictionary ( I didn't bother to look it up) I don't care I do not agree with it at all and never will can't change my mind on that. Because if I don't feel like a cuck from such a thing how can I be one. I think being a cuck is more about how you feel from being denied and just watching your partner. I think you need to form some kind of emotional jealously , anger or sadness from being denied. But just watching and sharing your partner with another person and thinking it's hot I can't agree because to me it's just liking watching live porn. Hell if just the act of watching your partner is being a cuck then watching your partner have lesbian sex and thinking that is hot and getting off is being a cuck to. ( which i don't agree with)
To me I need 1 of 2 things in a sharing scene to feel like a cuck or for something to feel like a cuckhold scene to me personally. I need some humiliation in a non playful way from Kathryn or the other guy. Or I need Kathryn to act dominant almost like a femdom , like saying we are only allowed to watch but no jerking off or we have to wait outside while she has sex with the guy in the other room and the MC goes along with it.
So I don't think the definition is as simple as you put it go ahead disagree all you want but it doesn't change my mind or me disagreeing with you either.