Unity - The Fairy Tale of Holy Knight Ricca: Two Winged Sisters [v1.3.6] [Mogurasoft]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Here we go, after spending several hours playing it it's time to review it...
    So, first of all, as an hentai game it's amazing, nice animations, nice graphics, tons of fetishes, that's VERY good.
    But as a platformer it's barely functional. It's pleasant at the begining, but after a while, enemies get spammed all around, with some of them you can't really avoid ! You end up like a flipper ball, bouncing across the screen or thrown off of platforms.
    Also some bosses are just ridiculous. The Death Incarnation has TOO MUCH life points and is just slow and boring. And the Village Guardian is stupidly hard, with some attacks that take half the screen, stun you and kill you in a matter of seconds !

    TLDR, Pros :
    • Very good graphics
    • Amazing animations
    • Tons of fetishes served
    • Some very smart and interesting gameplay mechanics (loved the mining cart sequence)
    • Some endearing characters
    Cons :
    • Strange control schemes and combos (I have to release direction to perform a combo, REALLY ?!)
    • No comprehensive combo list (or I could not find it)
    • Sometimes releasing direction makes you turn around...
    • Knockbacks are too violent, meaning you get bumped across the screen
    • Enemies spam some attacks and are just annoying
    • Projectils from outside the screen keep hitting you with no warning
    • HUGE delay on attacks when holding a direction (and you will do that A LOT), longer than the time it takes an enemy to reach you from outside the screen (see the problem here ?)
    • Same monsters repeated over and over again with no coherence whatsoever, I ended up avoiding them...
    • Stupidly hard and boring bosses
    • Generic story
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    - The plot is generic so far, other reviews say it gets better so I won't minus any points
    = The game is heavily based around rape with a hard R, avoid if this isn't your thing
    + The real time side scrolling combat is decent
    ++ Character customization is great, but you have to give up skill points for costumes which never feels good
    +++ The scenes are crazy hot, buckets have been filled and I'm not even a third of the way through the game. I rarely review a game so highly without finishing it, but there's been so many good wanks I've made an exception here
    Likes: ZanyD
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Was not really expecting a high quality H game here.

    1. The game definitly worthy being put to my list of H games that shouldnt be H games, second to Fall in Labyrinth
    2. A lot of the map, enemies and gameplay elements somehow reminds me of Bloodstained Ritual of The Night (edited) it has potential to be a good metroidvania XD
    3. Character writings and the story is very good. A simple plot but executed very efficiently, great af.
    H part is as said as other reviews, its too niche with very extreme fetishes and ryona. Also a bit tedious to watch, they make it too long in the dialogue
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The great adult game !
    An exceptional achievement, where the protagonist can be costumed in the delight of detail. An exceptional story and action that you get attached to as you advance in the game!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the most messed up game most people probably should never play. Although I liked many of the scenes, there were more I didn't enjoy as they cater to niche and extreme fetishes, and a lot of them were legitimately hard to watch to the point it felt like a psychological horror game at times, with many of scenes being much more haunting than you'd expect from just looking at the store page or the OP. There should arguably be a graphic violence or death tag.

    Like all lewd games, the actual gameplay is understandably pretty mid, though it's still the best of any I've tried and had it's fun moments. Just play it on easy mode. However as a story about overcoming extreme trauma and using that grief to better the world I think this one was 5/5 for me. Plus you get to go Goblin Slayer on some rapists along the way, in a world that feels inspired by Berserk.

    I think it's a shame some people who left negative reviews said they couldn't finish the game, but it's totally understandable. I don't think one should write it off as a game only intent on entertaining those who enjoy seeing fictional violence against women, because I sure don't and I'm just a kinky sub that enjoys rape roleplay with a trusted person. The story has themes of the cycles of inequality and violence faced by everyone, both by monsters and humans, and many more men die in it than women do. It's a indifferent world absent of a benevolent god just like our own where the good will of some people is all that can shine through. (There is one "god" in the game, but it's implied she is just one heavenly entity with limited powers.) The bleakness of the story made it feel all the more authentic and engaging to me than your average adventure game in a romantic world with a story that's just about good guys against bad guys.

    I'm not saying it's some transcendental experience, and I don't know if I'd recommend it to anyone, but I really enjoyed and appreciated it as a whole. I do not think you will ever find another lewd game that handles sexual violence with this type of nuance in it's story. Most games about rape don't even have happy endings or moments of relief and are just endless trauma with no healing, some even seeming to glorify the act. The dark story, amazing soundtrack, and memorable characters made that happy ending hit harder and feel more authentic than most I've experienced.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is amazing, even though... not for what you will expect.

    The best part about the game is the story - I will not use spoilers here, but... at times the events in the story can be very gruesome and very depressing. And no, I am not talking about the normal game-over scenes which exist only because this is a porn game, I am talking about the scenes from the story which cannot be avoided. The mental trauma that this causes for the main character makes you feel sorry for her, not to mention that her fairy friend is not aware of what she has been through for the first one third of the game and so acts dismissive and sometimes rude. Through the story there is a lot of character development from the main character by overcoming all of these challenges. Even after the final boss fight, she needed psychological help from her mage friend. There is only one ending - a good one so it doesn't matter how many times you reach a game over screen. This is why I chose to play the game normally instead of losing on purpose to see porn because it breaks the immersion.

    In terms of gameplay, if you like platformers with combat you will like this game too. There is a full skill tree for you to unlock step by step by collecting red crystals from killed enemies. However, I strongly recommend you to change the default controls into , let's say WASD to move, J to attack, K to jump, L for magic, I for blocking. Not all of the skills can be purchased however, some skills, more specifically the most powerful skills needed for the difficult battles, are locked, to unlock them you need to collect shining swords hidden in the levels, which encourages you to actively search every corner of the map for them instead of rushing to the exit of the level.

    While fighting in the levels there will often be dialogue between the main character and her fairy friend, but you are busy mashing the attack button so you can't pay attention too much, this is a little annoying.

    There is detailed character customization available, but I didn't really bother with it at all, for those who want to change her appearance, you will be disappointed to see that the same red crystals used for buying skills are used for buying clothing, which is kinda dumb, they should be unlockables for completing the levels in my opinion.

    The game is fully translated into English, even though the voices are in Japanese, but let's be honest, if you are reading this review, this does not bother you at all.

    It took me 3 sittings to beat the game, I wasn't expecting so much length or so much effort put into it, the developers did a great job.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ High quality Visuals
    ✅ Gameplay is fairly fun side view metroidvania’ish
    ✅ Plenty of outfits and all affect scenes (and your combat stats as well)
    ✅ Main character can be customized from get go (body, face looks etc..)
    ✅ Fair weapon selection
    ✅ Plenty of skills to unlock including useful passives
    ✅ Hentai scenes are long to keep you busy for a while
    ✅ Scenes are high quality & variety of fetishes
    ✅ Superb voice acting
    ✅ Story is fairly straightforward and enjoyable
    ✅ Enjoyable character stereotypes & proper character growth/development
    ✅ Lot of scenes are game over specific BUT if you finish a level without losing you can still unlock the scene in level selection
    ✅ Played on normal difficulty, was challenging on occasion, but in general fair difficulty
    ✅ Lewd crest development was NOICE
    ✅ Game actually tells you when you can unlock a H scene
    ❔ Story is rather grim though
    ❔ Voice acting is too good for hentai genres that this game presents...
    ❔ I think her intimate body parts progressively changed as well the more she went through
    ❌ Last levels optimization was kinda shit (on my end at least)
    ❌ Because main H tags are fairly violent then superb voice acting left me very bad aftertaste... (strong focus on rape, brutality, ryona)
    ❌ Played on normal difficulty, was challenging on occasion, but in general fair difficulty
    ❌ Some rather niche mechanic boss fights (grim reaper was most obnoxious for me)
    ❌ Sadly most scenes are forced thus you get lot of painful and breakage type of voice acting / dialogues
    ❌ Last few levels are also quite clusterfuck and feels like they started rushing game to the finish
    ❌ Like any this type of metroidvania’ish game. At certain threshold it becomes very repetitive
    ❌ Ey where is x-ray vision
    ❌ Don’t remember seeing much of H stat screens
    Okay for starters. FMC Is fairly kiddish, I plumped her up in customization. Made her similar to her older sister but a bit less developed variant. Vanilla was too loli for my taste.

    2nd, this game is probably the best voice acting quality I’ve heard in a long time in hentai games, BUT it’s double edged sword. Since this game is heavily focused on forced sex, ryona (sexual brutality) and all sorts of other forced genres… then it leaves extremely bad aftertaste. (if you don’t like forced tags) If game has proper character, development in a way you grow into character…. Then this type of tags are simply not nice… Tried to ignore that part, but yeah…. I felt bad for her and I felt bad in general, could still enjoy scenes, just left much stronger bad aftertaste. Not really my cup of tea. If it comes to forced genres, NTR or cheating then make it simple premise, with set characters and hot scenes… but don’t make me grow into character then I’ll be furious.

    Now moving on. What I love about H scenes, not only they are extremely high quality scene players, long but also all the outfits had outfit damage and also states. Another great H feature was that game actually gives you a little info bubble when you can unlock a scene and ON TOP OF THAT you don’t actually have to lose. You can legit finish the level and then in the level selection menu unlock the scene afterwards. So no save scumming for scenes

    As for game itself. It’s a sidescroller combat platformer or metroidvania’ish game basically. (simply linear version). You have large skill tree with various abilities to unlock & various passives. You have plenty of weapon types to play around with as well. For most part it’s fairly easy combat, but it can be challenging on some maps depending on your placement & weapon. Combat during platforming is nightmare as always. There were some bosses that had extremely niche functionality on how you can damage/beat them, that was something that annoyed me occasionally… It took me too many times to beat death reaper, simply because how he could be damaged was obnoxious to achieve.

    Story & Characters are fairly good. Main story is enjoyable and has some entertaining plot twists and maybe even references. Main character duo/sisters had great development and growth as well. Also the loli side-kick that shows up later in the game was pure bliss as character and scenes.
    Top notch visuals and voice acting. But optimization felt bad at later stages… (maybe because I played with higher texture quality mod & uncensored , who knows. But basically, the last gothic map lag the hell out, rest ran just fine in capped fps)

    I probably have forgotten few things to mention, but ANYHOW as whole. It’s one of the highest quality 3D hentai Games I have played. But I do not recommend this for those who can’t deal with forced sex tags and brutality…. Hell.. I personally hate those tags, so digesting this was not easy. That alone lowers score 1-2 point wise as whole...
    Total Score: 8/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    this game was so good great story and good gameplay highly recemmend to play don't let the first stage fool you i thought the game was bad coz of rica not being able to jump nor fight but then turns out really good the dev made a great masterpiece
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    best game i have ever played. I was put in awe from the side scroller action, the variation in the maps, the mini puzzles and level design. honestly, the story was good. It had depth and coherence. The main character, Iris, and Miria all had character development. Im still halfway through! theres also a lot of great H scenes which got me dry every play session. multiple times too lol.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually don't review games here, and I haven't even finished the game yet, but this game is amazing. Completely blew me away. As someone who likes rape in lewd things both for my noncon fetish and for storytelling reasons, this delivers so well. The scenes are sexy and well made - there's more VN-like ones as well as ones where you can adjust the camera angle and such, but I find myself preferring the VN-like segments because they're just so masterfully done. One of the few games I actually want to buy for real - and honestly, I'd pay significantly more than the dev is charging for it. I think review edits are allowed on this site, so I'll come back later to give my full thoughts once I've beaten the game, and I'll try to keep it spoiler-free.
    Some other thoughts that might interest you (or deter you):
    - The game has a very interesting lesbian sister incest aspect to it. The relationship between the main character and her older sister is integral to the plot, and from what I've seen, it plays the aspect of "is their love familial, romantic, or sexual - or any combination thereof?" really well, and I love that kinda stuff.
    - IMO it should have a graphic violence tag - there's no gore or such that I've seen so far, but definitely more violence than would be allowed in, say, a PG-13 movie or T rated game. (Based on USAian rating guidelines.) I know that can be a big turnoff for people, and sometimes it is for me too, but the way it's portrayed manages to give meaning to the story and situation in a way that's both well-written and sexy.
    That's it for now.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting plot, decent gameplay, good h-scenes, strong character customization

    It plays like a 3d Wii game

    It made my laptop whine

    Excellent fap material, it is a slight challenge to 100%

    The scenes were good enough that I forgave the lose to view scene mechanic
    However, it tells when you should lose, and usually after losing theres a close checkpoint to start from.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game that i ever played, good grafic, nice dialogues, good customization of heroine (cloth and etc.), good porn scenes (orc one was good), i am really like this game, not fun of this genre, BUT this one really cool and GOOD! Was very interesting to play! So this game that you should be played!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty solid. I was disappointed to find it's a sidescroller instead of allowing free movement, but I was surprised that there's legit RPG mechanics here and that the gameplay's not TOO bad.

    #1 complaint's gotta be the keyboard and mouse controls, though, the game uses the arrow keys and ZXCV.

    #2's gotta be how simple the actual gameplay is. It's 99% just button-mashing, spamming moves to kill things as quick as possible, the other 1% is boss fights and maybe perfect-blocking.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The fact you can change up the MC to your liking from hair, color, chest size, etc freely is really a big selling point for me. And un censor patch is a thing now so even better. You're custom MC will stay for all but one or 2parts where you're not in "holy knight mode" but otherwise it's your own.

    The H is better than I thought overall. Kept coming (insert pun) back more than a few times.

    Game is not that bad, different setting s/ items to change it to your own liking. Skill tree, etc. Can make it 1 hit and you die or wade through with very little effort.

    Went back and bought the game on Dl site to support dev. Think it's worth checking out. Should have a bit of something for everyone.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Hentai game shouldn't be that hard, especially if it offers a "casual mode" juste for enjoying the story

    Game is still too hard on casual mode and ended ragequitting it. Hornyness has been ruined lol
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on v1.1.8.

    This game is, without a doubt, one of the best games on this site.
    And I actually mean a game.
    Unlike other "games"on this site, this one is not a vn or a glorified animation viewer that's stuck in a development hell because developer likes that sweet patreon money.
    No, this is an actual, proper freaking game made by a talented developer, and a good one at that. It has smooth gameplay and excellent h-scenes/animations.

    Also, this game's developer didn't abandon it after releasing v1.0. They are still updating it based on player feedback. This developer is not only responsive but is also responsible, unlike most of the other "patreon" game developers on this site.
    Those so called patreon game developers only think about:
    "how long can I stretch this game's development to earn more money from patreon"
    while this game's developer think:
    "what else can I do to make my game better".
    The difference between them is as clear as night and day and it clearly shows in the game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay, graphics, animations are all top notch. This is probably the most fun I've had with a platformer since bloodstained ROTN. Really the only complaints I have with the whole experience is the cutsceens tend to drag on a bit, and while I've not finished it yet there doesn't seem to be any H content where Ricca is into it.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is like a complex scene player relally, why? Wel cause most of the scenes that I know of, I would say 99% of them are defeat rapes and there is one in every stage. Being defeat scenes, once you watch the scene you reloaod and continue, so the scene is not actually part of the plot, the plot continues and that scene didn't happen at all and the next scene she will be a virgin once again.
    Ther is one scene at the beginign that is part of the plot, though, the scene sare "kinky" crude and of course rapey, they are well done, un less you are tired of japanese voice acting and their high pitch fake moanings, in that case, the scene will lose a loot of points. In my opinion, the high pitch out of content screaming gets old very soon, cause its like that all the time, it doesnt amtter if someone is likcing her nipples or penetrating her with a 40 inch rock-dick, so the voice acting is just filler, it doesnt tell a story, ti doesnt have buildup.

    About these scenes I gotta say that they have way too much going to black transitions, and before the scene starts you have to clic like 4 times to read a sequences of points like this ..(first 2) ...(then 3)....(then four), then goes to black creepy background, and later the scene starts. It totally feels like a scene player with a very slow loading screen, it breaks the flow. By the way, most o the scenes start with the female being unconscious, so repetitive is a fitting description.

    Regarding the gameplay, The movement of the character and the fluidity of the "combat" is funky as hell, and the platforming part is enough to make you go form point A to point B,but dont expect Triple A, cause any game fpt his style in a Gameboy has the same feeling, obviously the developers didnt think about making good animations that were nice to look at.

    The only redeeming quality are the scenes, thats for sure, if all the female protag games had this level of scenes, it would be awesome, but defeat scenes that dont affect the character development or story or anything, are just that, scenes without story,so its kind of pointless, and the time they take to load and play doesn't help.

    I personally dislike dreams, fantasies, "what ifs" and any oher form of scene planning that doesnt compromise the narrative. Its a very comfortable way of giving imags avoiding the headache of having to write actions and consequences. Its lazy writing.

    For the reasons described above, the game is poor, a nice concept, a very interesting and long tech demo, but very boring very soon.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1565443

    One of the best games on F95. Absolutely worth playing, if you can handle rape scenes. After all, this is full of bad ends if the player fails in specific areas under specific conditions.

    There's a real game here! A real platformer, with a captivating story, interesting characters and decent mechanics. It's pretty fun, pretty long and genuinely worth playing. The H-scenes are part of the story or are bad ends. They are well-made and usually provide multiple angles. It's absolutely awesome.

    The only downsides I have seen so far are the lack of a reason why other types of armor should be worn besides the default one, as it's already pretty good and any negative stats that it does have are inconsequential. Furthermore, the bad end H-scenes are hard to get via regular gameplay, because the player has to basically give up and not do anything for a while. On normal difficulty, the enemies do little damage and Ricca's skills can be maxed out very quickly, making her extremely overpowered. Bossfights don't take very long when spamming special abilities.

    But these problems do not detract from the game. It's absolutely awesome. Really well-made in every way possible. Definitely worth a try if you like platformers.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game. Visuals, character customization, story and presentation are all great. The level design is good until you get to the swamp. That level was so bad I stopped playing the game and just downloaded a full save. If the rest of the game feels like it's dicking you around like that, it would probably get three stars, but I don't know, and everything else about it is fantastic. It's not a feel-good game though and most of the time is pretty depressing and has a feeling of inevitable tragedy.