Is it bad that my first reaction to a game that has so many decrying a twisted childhood story is
"Alices dress is the wrong color, and Snow White is too derived from the disney version".
I mean these stories only got "wholesome" in the late 1800s. Well OK, Alice was written sorta "wholesome", but Anderson started Thumbleina pretty twisted - I mean she was always getting chased by critters trying to "make her their bride" against her will. And everyone knows that the Grimm stories are the equivalent to a modern Del Torro movie (or more accurately that a Del Torro movie is a modern continuation of the storytelling used in the Grimm stories).
But my biggest problem with a nubile symbol for innocence lost being abused is "that character has the wrong color dress". There must be something wrong with that.
But my second reaction was "I wonder if they went with the version where Red eats the flesh of her grandma or not". Which isn't really improving my introspection.
This just makes me want to watch the little red ridding hood short with Christina Ricci running around naked from the wolf....