
Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
why does everyone get mad about her trying to hit on us 24/7.
I mean, this is the kid that she failed to not only protect from being sent to Hell, but also failed to free from Hell.
So, to make him forgive her for being a shitty mom who abandoned him in hell for a damn century (100y, btw) of torture that fucked him up real badly both physically and mentally, she 'comforts' him with the power of her pussy and her lame attempts at seducing him ??:WaitWhat: Bro', be serious now !!

We all know the Supreme Dickhead holds that title for a good reason, but so far, the 3 cunts are almost as guilty as he is, coz for a supposed almighty goddess and a damn angel of death, they basically stood there with their hands up their asses and probably masturbated thinking how they screwed him. And to make things worse, Azel even trolls him for being sent there and mommy dearest takes him shopping, instead of talking things out and earning his forgiveness. That's very bad storytelling.

I know she's beautiful, and I'd definitely smash, but only after the dev gives us a few believable reasons to believe and forgive her and Azel, Raphaella is off the hook for now coz she's the least powerful of them. She basically this game's version of Sakura from Naruto, which means she's useless for the most part of the story lol. At least she beautiful. Can't go wrong with a hot AF blonde nurse.:WeSmart:

It got so bad that it took a toll on her mental health with having to take meds and seek therapy (assuming that there REALLY was no way to get to Hell but that's a whole other topic we've already discussed).
Poor horny bitch... she should multiple her so-called "trauma" a thousand fold and maybe then she'd understand how her son really felt all this time coz his dickhead dad definitely didn't send him to hell to party and fuck horny bitches.:sneaky:

What doesn't make sense and the main issues I have are; the blatantly ignorance of acknowledging the MC was tortured, the Hell jailbreak strategy/give up for 50 years, and some of the explanations to how the powers with Angels vs Demons work. The handling of the MC's trauma is also bad but I can afford to look over that if they start to change their ways after a sit down and realize how they've gone about everything was wrong.
You basically summed up all the reasons why they deserve to be hated and why the story sounds ridiculous, why argue with us then ??;)


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
So, to make him forgive her for being a shitty mom who abandoned him in hell for a damn century (100y, btw) of torture that fucked him up real badly both physically and mentally, she 'comforts' him with the power of her pussy and her lame attempts at seducing him ??:WaitWhat: Bro', be serious now !!
Again, it's not just her wanting to hop on his dick for the sake of hopping on his dick, there are clearly outside factors at play. Examples being she is RIDICULOUSLY attached to him (and with good reasons) and her powers. This is the Goddess we're talking about, dominion over all living things being thrown at you isn't something you really just walk off. ESPECIALLY if you aren't used to it (she isn't), this is a first. Why I brought it up in the first place; is because people are mad about Emma trying to fuck us when regardless if she was/is a shit person or not or even if you want the option to just not romance her all together, none of that matters because it's her powers inflicting the issue. From a writing perspective her wanting to fuck us is the last thing I'm worried about, which is...
Poor horny bitch... she should multiple her so-called "trauma" a thousand fold and maybe then she'd understand how her son really felt all this time coz his dickhead dad definitely didn't send him to hell to party and fuck horny bitches :sneaky:
Mhm, I wasn't defending her, it was just to enforce the fact that she is deeply attached to the MC, even disregarding the powers. It's infatuation, damn near yandere levels of caring due to losing him and failing as a mother.

You basically summed up all the reasons why they deserve to be hated and why the story sounds ridiculous, why argue with us then ??;)
I know, that's why I brought it up. We COULD bitch about every itty bitty little detail about the game as a whole:
-Why is the MC's hair white? (Stress?)
-Why did the game carbon copy Tokyo Ghoul torture?
-Why is this Emma bitch tryin to fuck us? (Which is why I explained it, comes up a lot) :WeSmart:
-Why is Azel a cunt wanna be friend? :FacePalm:
-Why can the Demons go from Hell but the "stronger" Angels can't?
- Why did Inessa die off screen? (dramatic effect, still salty about that tho)
-Why didnt Raph just keep pursuing us after we told her to fuck off? (Probably nervous due to her guilt and upbringing, i.e overbearing Emma) :WeSmart:
-But to go further into that topic; why was SENDING THE MC TO COLLEGE the go to FIRST before explaining WHAT THEY WERE DOING FOR THE PAST 50-100 YEARS??? :FacePalm::FacePalm::FacePalm:
-Why did Raniel (messenger bitch) turn into a cunt and then suddenly want to be buddy buddy shoulder to cry on when we try to kill ourselves again only days after she was a dick giving out Dad's orders? :WaitWhat:
-What's going on with the other Angels? Some of them work under an outcast like Raph? Even though apparently God is strict, so he wouldn't allow that right? :WaitWhat:
-Why are the Angels that left with Emma still following God's jobs? Union that shit. :WaitWhat:
-Why didn't Emma just control God and tell him to not send the MC down to Hell initially? (Putting money on she can't, she's only the Goddess because her power is second to him, MC mentioning it could work on God is just that, a mention, could very well not work) :WeSmart:
-Why does the balance exist (obvious answer) :WeSmart:
-Why do the Angels work jobs to live like humans? (Again, obvious answer) :WeSmart:
-Why did team, "free the MC" give up like a year or so after their attempts? :WaitWhat:
-Why are Demons allowed to have dark magic, but Angels can't use it. (Azazel was an outcast who created it so why is her unique power passable only to Demons? Affinity?) :WaitWhat:
-Do the closed Gateways ONLY affect Angels? Which is why the Demons can come and go, but the Angels can't? :WeSmart:
-How so Angel powers work? We know they are born with a unique one, but does Black Magic count as a power? That would explain why only the MC could come and go on the first try :WeSmart:

I could go on, but that's boring, which is why I left it out in the initial post. Some of these could simply be explained in the bnext update, I can't expect the entire plot and all of its secrets to be revealed in 3 Chapters. My goal wasn't to argue, but to infer what I wanted to see explained to make the story even somewhat believable. Things like, "Why is Emma trying to fuck us?" should be the least of anyone's problems with this game :rolleyes:
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Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
there are clearly outside factors at play
There really are, and MC suspects he copied her 'power', or pheromones, or whatever it is that she has to make others her lapdogs and bend them to her will, BUT if that's the case, shouldn't Emma suspect something ?? I get that the dev tries to go out of their way to tell us how affected she supposedly was that she couldn't help her son and left him there to be tortured by a sick fuck for a damn century, but going from desperate, (again) supposedly caring and loving mom to bitch in heat desperate for his dick sounds ridiculous to me coz she was sexually interested in him before the MC even made contact with her, so this is another plot hole the dev failed to explain.

none of that matters because it's her powers inflicting the issue
Exactly my point. She should know better than anyone how her own powers work, ffs, so her being under the influence of her own abilities sounds ridiculous to me, especially since even Azel knows how to avoid being controlled by her.

she is deeply attached to the MC, even disregarding the powers. It's infatuation, damn near yandere levels of caring due to losing him and failing as a mother.
Maybe you right about that, but the dev needs to give us more details, coz she sounded pretty chill and just a lil bit concerned when her asshole husband told them the MC needs to stay in hell, fuck knows why again coz it ain't explained and nobody bothers to tell the MC why he needed to be thrown aside. It's why most players are pissed at them, coz instead of talking things out and explaining to him why his asshole dad threw him there and how hard they tried (IF they did it) to save him, they just brush it off, Azel, the bitch who executed the order and who supposedly isn't afraid of her daddy, trolls and mocks him for being anti-social (da fuck, hoe ??), Raphaella is upset coz he don't wanna play loving brother with her, and his mommy takes him shopping, tries to fuck him on many occasions:WaitWhat: and tells him he NEEDS to go to college like a good lil wimp. If that's not the most ridiculous plot ever, I don't know what it is lol. And the story had so much potential...:cautious::(

We COULD bitch about every itty bitty little detail about the game as a whole:
I could go on, but that's boring, which is why I left it out in the initial post.
Yep, there are a lot of ridiculous things in the story that, other than make the player laugh their ass off after reading them, are useless and can't be called 'facts' or 'arguments', but the rest needs to be explained ASAP. You made a few good points about the Supreme Asshole (pls don't call the fucker God, for obvious reasons:WeSmart:), but most of us suspect that he felt threatened by MC's ability to copy everyone's power by touching them, which means, theoretically, there's no limit to the shit the MC can achieve, so his spoiled, paranoid Supreme ass sent him to hell under the excuse to protect the balance, when in reality, he only wanted to protect his own selfish ass, but even so, Emma should've done more to convince him that their son won't become a threat to him, and even hide him instead of just leaving their world and playing therapy with her (probably) lesbian friend.

Things like, "Why is Emma trying to fuck us?" should be the least of anyone's problems with this game
It actually is, but for the rest of the stuff you mentioned, we need at least two more updates to judge if the story's really gone to shit or the dev can still salvage it, so that's why ppl are so pissed about Emma's sudden over-the-top infatuation with her son. Don't get me wrong, she's a hot AF bitch in heat I definitely smash IRL, but in this story, fucking her son won't make her feel better about the fact that she didn't save him from the torture that fucked him up and it definitely won't make him forget what he's been through. That's one of the things ppl want the dev to address and work on fixing it, not make the MC go from King of Hell to good lil college and momma's boy, ffs. What's next ?? Will he molest them in their sleep and do yoga together like the usual creep MC in incest games ??:ROFLMAO:(n)


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Hey all, WhiteBear. I know the community (myself included) has been giving a LOT of constructive and/or negative criticism; so I thought it would be fun to revive the positivity of the thread with some things I personally like, or even love about the game:

1. The Premise:
-I never thought I'd see a Lucifer style origin story turned into an adult game but, here we are :ROFLMAO:.
The thought of all the potential history you can drag out of your ass and twist into whatever you want for the story makes it VERY ambitious, in a good way.

-There's just something about overly powerful entities be it Gods, Angels, Vampires, whatever; going about normal mundane lives and either hating it, enjoying it, or curious about it like it's an alien creature!

-There's also the concept of superpowers, which are usually a littttle iffy to look good in a VN, but this one in particular (for 3D) works tremendously, bringing me to my next point...

2. The Renders:
-Small note but a big impact on whether or not I can enjoy a game. A story can be good and all, but sometimes I'll look back on old renders and (semi) good stories and wonder, "How in the flying fuck did I ever jerk off to this? Let alone find it appealing to my eyes?!" There's something about the level of depth in the characters expressions, thoughts and feelings, skin that just makes it feel, more alive than 2 NPCs talking to each other. Speaking of Cs...

3. The Characters:
-Hot topic ooo :KappaPride: (sorry REALLY diving into the forum features after spending a billion years on this site), okay; we'll start with the MC. Lil Lucifer Kaneki is quite enjoyable in my opinion. Usually an MC is RIDICULOUSLY horny (like myself so no judgement), but it's a breath of fresh air to just have someone, normal. He reacts with curiosity more so than just blind lust. His mannerisms are also very nice, as he's just got done with a hundred or thousands of years of torture; I'd say he's holding himself up quite well, key word, holding. It's interesting to see him break down or lose control of himself instead of being an overly positive person, it makes sense. But his inner monologue is constantly trying to balance himself out, which I also love btw. Definitely one of my favorite MC's and I've played well over 367 of these fuckin games (I checked today and had to stop counting).

-We don't know much about Raphael, but from what I do know; I actually kind of relate to how she carries herself, at least from what I've seen in a way. She harbors a lot of responsibility and you can see that from her youth (i.e Emma hounding her to heal the MC, or bring him back to the house, or criticizing her losing him, etc.) In a weird way she's also been a tad tortured (nowhere near us mind you) losing her brother she was joined at the hip with for little to no explanation, but also stand offish after we told her down. That timidness finds it's way back to her despite the MC probably being the most comfortable person to be around for her. It sucks to see people change like that, from personal experience, especially someone you are close to or care for. Side note is that I love that she still plays medic for her human job, and I hope she sees it less as expected of her, and more because SHE found joy in it.

-Hear me out, I like AZEL'S PERSONALITY. While the writing is a bit "rough" on who she wants to be right now; I still like her uppity tomboyish attitude. And when we see "sensical" vulnerability from her, it also shows there's more to her than JUST this tomboy who likes to have fun. Being curious about human anatomy despite being this expected cold Angel of Death is nice, I prefer it over emo that's for sure. (Goth would've also been exceptable).

-For Emma I'd like to see more? I guess? She's just kind of typical right now but again, these 3 Chapters have been more about progression, and less about getting to REALLY know the characters right now, I look forward to seeing more.

-Luna is a beautiful character, inside and out. Her caring demeanor is reflected from the MC's desire to have love (of any kind). But she also feels much more personal than that in a way, perhaps more than meets the eye. Definitely better than horny ass (me) Arakas :p

-Inessa is best girl, enough said.

-There are other characters but I'd rather the thread not be longer than it already is. I'd wager I'm interested in EVERYONE's development if given the chance. No one really strikes me as boringly cliche, at least not to a nauseating degree to the point where my years of experience could predict them in the blink of an eye (didn't mean to flex...but flex :LUL:)

4. The Writing:
-Mmm...again this is all about the POSITIVES you little responding keyboard warriors (guilty). But alas it actually has a lot of potential. So far despite some "questionable" decisions, what I really want to compliment is the OVERALL "vibe?" of the writing. It feels professional, semi realistic, but not nauseatingly real like if I were to go touch grass with someone.

-The pacing helps in this regard. I feel like once we are doing something, we see it through. Not jumping from plot point to plot point like a LOT of these VNs do is sooo relaxing. The MC has deep thoughts, small short personal thoughts. The dialogue can be heavy, or very short and sweet. These are not ROBOTS but individuals, and it shines in its exposition and dialogue when it wants to.

That's all I have to say, we don't have much to go on right now, and of course some things need work but even despite the issues it's still FURTHERING me as an MC to want to do something (bad path) which means it's working in it's own way. I do wish there was more leeway/motivation to go another (good path) but right now, even if the writing doesn't change; I'm still satisfied with my options. There are FARRRRR worse alternatives, BELIEVE me.

Keep up the great work dev, you're better than most, and you have potential to be even greater. The reason we are so hard on your work is because we want it to succeed, not fail. But I'm not an English teacher, so what the fuck am I lecturing you for ;)

P.S positive recommendation: I want some more GOD DAMN AUDIO AND/OR MUSIC! I vibe with music...now happy fapping you pricks, and feel free to ask me questions should you have them :Kappa:
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Hey all, WhiteBear. I know the community (myself included) has been giving a LOT of constructive and/or negative criticism; so I thought it would be fun to revive the positivity of the thread with some things I personally like, or even love about the game:

1. The Premise:
-I never thought I'd see a Lucifer style origin story turned into an adult game but, here we are :ROFLMAO:.
The thought of all the potential history you can drag out of your ass and twist into whatever you want for the story makes it VERY ambitious, in a good way.

-There's just something about overly powerful entities be it Gods, Angels, Vampires, whatever; going about normal mundane lives and either hating it, enjoying it, or curious about it like it's an alien creature!

-There's also the concept of superpowers, which are usually a littttle iffy to look good in a VN, but this one in particular (for 3D) works tremendously, bringing me to my next point...

2. The Renders:
-Small note but a big impact on whether or not I can enjoy a game. A story can be good and all, but sometimes I'll look back on old renders and (semi) good stories and wonder, "How in the flying fuck did I ever jerk off to this? Let alone find it appealing to my eyes?!" There's something about the level of depth in the characters expressions, thoughts and feelings, skin that just makes it feel, more alive than 2 NPCs talking to each other. Speaking of Cs...

3. The Characters:
-Hot topic ooo :KappaPride: (sorry REALLY diving into the forum features after spending a billion years on this site), okay; we'll start with the MC. Lil Lucifer Kaneki is quite enjoyable in my opinion. Usually an MC is RIDICULOUSLY horny (like myself so no judgement), but it's a breath of fresh air to just have someone, normal. He reacts with curiosity more so than just blind lust. His mannerisms are also very nice, as he's just got done with a hundred or thousands of years of torture; I'd say he's holding himself up quite well, key word, holding. It's interesting to see him break down or lose control of himself instead of being an overly positive person, it makes sense. But his inner monologue is constantly trying to balance himself out, which I also love btw. Definitely one of my favorite MC's and I've played well over 367 of these fuckin games (I checked today and had to stop counting).

-We don't know much about Raphael, but from what I do know; I actually kind of relate to how she carries herself, at least from what I've seen in a way. She harbors a lot of responsibility and you can see that from her youth (i.e Emma hounding her to heal the MC, or bring him back to the house, or criticizing her losing him, etc.) In a weird way she's also been a tad tortured (nowhere near us mind you) losing her brother she was joined at the hip with for little to no explanation, but also stand offish after we told her down. That timidness finds it's way back to her despite the MC probably being the most comfortable person to be around for her. It sucks to see people change like that, from personal experience, especially someone you are close to or care for. Side note is that I love that she still plays medic for her human job, and I hope she sees it less as expected of her, and more because SHE found joy in it.

-Hear me out, I like AZEL'S PERSONALITY. While the writing is a bit "rough" on who she wants to be right now; I still like her uppity tomboyish attitude. And when we see "sensical" vulnerability from her, it also shows there's more to her than JUST this tomboy who likes to have fun. Being curious about human anatomy despite being this expected cold Angel of Death is nice, I prefer it over emo that's for sure. (Goth would've also been exceptable).

-For Emma I'd like to see more? I guess? She's just kind of typical right now but again, these 3 Chapters have been more about progression, and less about getting to REALLY know the characters right now, I look forward to seeing more.

-Luna is a beautiful character, inside and out. Her caring demeanor is reflected from the MC's desire to have love (of any kind). But she also feels much more personal than that in a way, perhaps more than meets the eye. Definitely better than horny ass (me) Arakas :p

-Inessa is best girl, enough said.

-There are other characters but I'd rather the thread not be longer than it already is. I'd wager I'm interested in EVERYONE's development if given the chance. No one really strikes me as boringly cliche, at least not to a nauseating degree to the point where my years of experience could predict them in the blink of an eye (didn't mean to flex...but flex :LUL:)

4. The Writing:
-Mmm...again this is all about the POSITIVES you little responding keyboard warriors (guilty). But alas it actually has a lot of potential. So far despite some "questionable" decisions, what I really want to compliment is the OVERALL "vibe?" of the writing. It feels professional, semi realistic, but not nauseatingly real like if I were to go touch grass with someone.

-The pacing helps in this regard. I feel like once we are doing something, we see it through. Not jumping from plot point to plot point like a LOT of these VNs do is sooo relaxing. The MC has deep thoughts, small short personal thoughts. The dialogue can be heavy, or very short and sweet. These are not ROBOTS but individuals, and it shines in its exposition and dialogue when it wants to.

That's all I have to say, we don't have much to go on right now, and of course some things need work but even despite the issues it's still FURTHERING me as an MC to want to do something (bad path) which means it's working in it's own way. I do wish there was more leeway/motivation to go another (good path) but right now, even if the writing doesn't change; I'm still satisfied with my options. There are FARRRRR worse alternatives, BELIEVE me.

Keep up the great work dev, you're better than most, and you have potential to be even greater. The reason we are so hard on your work is because we want it to succeed, not fail. But I'm not an English teacher, so what the fuck am I lecturing you for ;)

P.S positive recommendation: I want some more GOD DAMN AUDIO AND/OR MUSIC! I vibe with music...now happy fapping you pricks, and feel free to ask me questions should you have them :Kappa:
What the fuck was I doing at 3am......
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Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
I support it, more Inessa=good
At least anything over that painful bench scene...:WutFace:
No, if it is just more hallucinations or dreams, i have no interest in it.
I already find it over the top of how it's Inessa here Inessa there, i never trusted her and as such dismissed her at every choice...
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
No, if it is just more hallucinations or dreams, i have no interest in it.
I already find it over the top of how it's Inessa here Inessa there, i never trusted her and as such dismissed her at every choice...
I like how you find the one solid character (arguably the best) "over the top" despite her having literally the least amount of screen time in the entire game. It was never Inessa this Inessa that, she is literally only there for the beginning after your torture, a few moments after you meet Nyx, and then seen as a delusion on the bench, what are you on?


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
I like how you find the one solid character (arguably the best) "over the top" despite her having literally the least amount of screen time in the entire game. It was never Inessa this Inessa that, she is literally only there for the beginning after your torture, a few moments after you meet Nyx, and then seen as a delusion on the bench, what are you on?
What i mean with 'over the top' is the MC's reaction to her death and how he is always going on about it/blames himself for how he couldn't save her, that his life has no meaning anymore etc.
As i said, my MC always shut her down, didn't interact much with her and he only knew her for a couple of days, so i find his reaction over the top.

So yeah, i don't want more rantings/hallucinations/or scenes like on the bench with her.

As for Inessa's character, i have no problem with her. I just never trusted her, not much screetime either, so i honestly don't care about her death.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
What i mean with 'over the top' is the MC's reaction to her death and how he is always going on about it/blames himself for how he couldn't save her, that his life has no meaning anymore etc.
As i said, my MC always shut her down, didn't interact much with her and he only knew her for a couple of days, so i find his reaction over the top.

So yeah, i don't want more rantings/hallucinations/or scenes like on the bench with her.

As for Inessa's character, i have no problem with her. I just never trusted her, not much screetime either, so i honestly don't care about her death.
Maybe it'll skip if you're not invested in that path? Nothing can be certain just yet. (Chances are you're probably right) But who knows, some games do that.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
So .. MC is a late bloomer. He could not fly, so he had his wings stripped.
Why is the MC's hair white?
He had no other ability than the wings, something had to nudge him ahead.
Seems it took him literal centuries to manifest his abilities.
We can all relate to how Magneto got his powers
and rejoyce for MC that it did not involve phisically hurting his family to get there.
MC absence and his lack of aptitude left his peers reeling, reconciliation awaits, it seems.
MC is bland, dark and gloomy, pondering the end of things ...
Then, all of a sudden, while exhausted in his own mental pallace, a miracle.
Super sayian mind touch ...

MC is now fancy for the next face to face ...
Only in the face of death, it seems, mind entities decide to step up and save themselves through MC.
Moon knight much ???

Nope, it is Luna knight this time around ...
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Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2022
View attachment 2604770
So .. MC is a late bloomer. He could not fly, so he had his wings stripped.

He had no other ability than the wings, something had to nudge him ahead.
Seems it took him literal centuries to manifest his abilities.
We can all relate to how Magneto got his powers
and rejoyce for MC that it did not involve phisically hurting his family to get there.
MC absence and his lack of aptitude left his peers reeling, reconciliation awaits, it seems.
View attachment 2604772
MC is bland, dark and gloomy, pondering the end of things ...
View attachment 2604774
Then, all of a sudden, while exhausted in his own mental pallace, a miracle.
View attachment 2604776
Super sayian mind touch ...
View attachment 2604777

MC is now fancy for the next face to face ...
View attachment 2604781
Only in the face of death, it seems, mind entities decide to step up and save themselves through MC.
View attachment 2604783
Moon knight much ???

Nope, it is Luna knight this time around ...
View attachment 2604784
Anything from nw update or jsut old ones?
3.40 star(s) 77 Votes