
Mar 26, 2022
Also it is ridiculous to work for money in this kind of situation, you are one of the most powerful entity ever and you do 9 - 5 Job? What i understand is they can be invisible to human eyes if they wish to, go rub a bank if you needed or use your power to influence the people to get whatever you need
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Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
Also it is ridiculous to work for money in this kind of situation, you are one of the most powerful entity ever and you do 9 - 5 Job? What i understand is they can be invisible to human eyes if they wish to, go rub a bank if you needed or use your power to influence the people to get whatever you need
I'd say it's mostly because they want to blend in to the society, rather than just use their powers constantly. There's plethora of stories where supernatural entities would rather blend in with human society than abuse their powers, even if those powers would allow them the life of luxury and ease. Something about learning to appreciate things more in life and the social contact that is voluntary rather than because of usage of powers.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Also it is ridiculous to work for money in this kind of situation, you are one of the most powerful entity ever and you do 9 - 5 Job? What i understand is they can be invisible to human eyes if they wish to, go rub a bank if you needed or use your power to influence the people to get whatever you need
You are complaining about stuff that isn't the issue, I don't think I have to spell it out but I'm going to anyways. In almost every instance of being disgustingly powerful or just base level old;. you do something normal to FEEL normal. Saying you don't understand why someone would want to work a normal job is like me asking why you would play this VN rather than just reading a book.

From my personal experience (neither being powerful or old), I would be very happy just living a simple life at 9-5 and enjoy the rest of my time doing my hobbies. I don't have to reach for the stars and fall on my ass, I don't have to act as my family expects me, and I don't have to do what I don't want to do.

Not everyone in the VN is working a 9-5 the literal only example you have is Raphael, and she's a throughobred medic since the dawn of time essentially. It would make sense for her to want to use her powers the normal way to help people, but it would also make sense for that overbearing nature for her to want to go away from it, just depends.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Is it rly worth wasting renders and time on a character just to see her cry and beg ... i like whats going on right now, a somewhat valid reason and they make up, rather than getting an update with no progression and dragging it out just so some ppl have their satisfaction...
Don't know why ppl mock and not just enjoy the vn-s that actually try to tell a "story". Hope the dev don't read this thread and change the story.
No it's not a waste of renders. The main cast (family) is hanging on by a thread for me giving a shit about them. The fact that I and almost this entire thread has to make up excuses for them says a lot. I understand that the game isn't finished at all yet, but that doesn't excuse the way the MC seems to just brush off the whole:

"I delivered you to Hell sure but anyone else would've done it so, no hard feeling? Cool! I'm going to now crack jokes here and there that pile up against your self confidence and then play it off like I actually care."

is what really grinds my ass. That's why I said some tears is the only real way I can see her recovering from her unlikeable personality/actions if she TRULY didn't know or realize what she was doing when she sent us to Hell (torture). It shows emotional growth, and for the love of God some ACTUAL acknowledgement for what the MC went through as negative and not a hot tourist destination vacation.

But if the dev decides to take it a dumb route and after we ALMOST TRY TO MURDER AZEL as;

"Okay he's calmed down now, I wonder what happened to make him this way? I'll have to get Camelia on this tomorrow, for now he'll just take a few days off of school." and then proceed to bring us back to college a week later, I'll have an aneurysm.

Everyone likes to huff the copium that the MC needs space, but he's had space from everyone who cared about him for centuries and look where that got him. What he REALLY needs is to hash out the deets of what all happened with his family if he's going to be around them a while. We got more information and bonding in one conversation with Raphael about the truth than we did talking the last few days with all the family members. Albeit we got more questions, but if they hash it out truthfully in detail I think we can salvage something. Instead of always having a nagging what if at the back of our and the MC's mind. I'm not saying solve everything in one meeting, that's not realistic. But if we put them on the right path it could go a long way for the writing, you can still keep issues for drama, content, etc. But at least we'll have some form of foundation other than, "We knew each other in the past, now go to college."
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Active Member
Oct 30, 2021
I agree.

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I was going to say something similar but damn you did a such a good job that I can't do it now. I liked this game in the beginning and was trying to give the developer one more update to fix things but now I am out of here. At this point I can't find a single redeeming factor to follow this story.


Sep 17, 2018
I was going to say something similar but damn you did a such a good job that I can't do it now. I liked this game in the beginning and was trying to give the developer one more update to fix things but now I am out of here. At this point I can't find a single redeeming factor to follow this story.
Next chapter will be make it or break it for me.

MC is fighting Azel and one of two things will happen:
1. Family stops being bunch of idiots and start treating what happened to MC with seriousness it deserves. Apologies left and right, realization they've been idiots and actually trying to mend relationship in logical way.
2. MC feels like shit he hurt Azel, mopes even more that his family doesn't deserve how he's treating them, goes to college and therapies to learn to live among humans.

I'd love to have 3., MC going on rampage and tells family to fuck off, ain't going to happen so at the very least hopefully something resembling 1 happens.

If I see even a single shred of "reee, me hurt Azel, me bad" from MC I'm dropping this one instantly. There's only so much frustration I can get myself go through playing a VN.

Story took a nosedive faster than you can say "Martha" (WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!?!?!), but one more chance.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Next chapter will be make it or break it for me.

MC is fighting Azel and one of two things will happen:
1. Family stops being bunch of idiots and start treating what happened to MC with seriousness it deserves. Apologies left and right, realization they've been idiots and actually trying to mend relationship in logical way.
2. MC feels like shit he hurt Azel, mopes even more that his family doesn't deserve how he's treating them, goes to college and therapies to learn to live among humans.

I'd love to have 3., MC going on rampage and tells family to fuck off, ain't going to happen so at the very least hopefully something resembling 1 happens.

If I see even a single shred of "reee, me hurt Azel, me bad" from MC I'm dropping this one instantly. There's only so much frustration I can get myself go through playing a VN.

Story took a nosedive faster than you can say "Martha" (WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!?!?!), but one more chance.
Thank God I thought I was the only one. This is PRIME time to redeem the family (or at least start to) with the whole ALMOST KILLING YOUR SISTER as taking this as a serious matter. Have them sit down and realize that there is ACTUALLY something wrong then MAYBEEE after a while send him to college. But we have to establish the groundwork for a functional and more importantly believable relationship first.

I even believe Azel can be redeemed believe it or not. If only she takes responsibility for what she did as fucked up and sheds some god damn tears. Emma is a bit of a paradox, I think she's under the whole scent thing and more importantly, in denial of failing her child. Raphael is cool I guess, just needs to, like the rest; stop pressing the, "everything is fine" college obliviousness.

It's funny because I quite like the personality of the family and considering they are the main cast, I want to see them thrive. Sure they are about as basic as any VN family but that's all I need, the focus is in the plot anyway. It's the way they HANDLE the MC's trauma in a plot hole filled way that gets me:

1. Not being perfect in how you handle a trauma victim is fine, but blatantly ignoring the issue by sending him to college? He isn't human, no need to get his life on track.

2. Cracking jokes that are obviously a sensitive topic.

3. Talking about how non-reactive he is right in front of him?

4. Not explaining what the family did after being exiled and expecting him to figure it out on his own, despite being so forthcoming on everything else?

5. Useless therapist? Stop huffing that copium that she is good and was just doing her job as an introduction, she essentially told him he was psychologically distressed and then didn't bother prescribing him any medication. Or telling him he had cancer and telling him to come back next Tuesday for some solutions that she could've just told him in the same session.

I quite literally can't see a scenario of sense where outright trying to murder your sister in a trance ISN'T an indicator that there is clearly something wrong with your mental state, but alas; we shall see.
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Sep 17, 2018
Thank God I thought I was the only one. This is PRIME time to redeem the family (or at least start to) with the whole ALMOST KILLING YOUR SISTER as taking this as a serious matter. Have them sit down and realize that there is ACTUALLY something wrong then MAYBEEE after a while send him to college. But we have to establish the groundwork for a functional and more importantly believable relationship first.

I even believe Azel can be redeemed believe it or not. If only she takes responsibility for what she did as fucked up and sheds some god damn tears. Emma is a bit of a paradox, I think she's under the whole scent thing and more importantly, in denial of failing her child. Raphael is cool I guess, just needs to, like the rest; stop pressing the, "everything is fine" college obliviousness.

It's funny because I quite like the personality of the family and considering they are the main cast, I want to see them thrive. Sure they are about as basic as any VN family but that's all I need, the focus is in the plot anyway. It's the way they HANDLE the MC's trauma in a plot hole filled way that gets me:

1. Not being perfect in how you handle a trauma victim is fine, but blatantly ignoring the issue by sending him to college? He isn't human, no need to get his life on track.

2. Cracking jokes that are obviously a sensitive topic.

3. Talking about how non-reactive he is right in front of him?

4. Not explaining what the family did after being exiled and expecting him to figure it out on his own, despite being so forthcoming on everything else?

5. Useless therapist? Stop huffing that copium that she is good and was just doing her job as an introduction, she essentially told him he was psychologically distressed and then didn't bother prescribing him any medication. Or telling him he had cancer and telling him to come back next Tuesday for some solutions that she could've just told him in the same session.

I quite literally can't see a scenario of sense where outright trying to murder your sister in a trance ISN'T an indicator that there is clearly something wrong with your mental state, but alas; we shall see.
I'm sorry good sir, but it still is only you :D

I hate family, I don't want them to be redeemed and I'll still go for every negative relationship point possible.

But this is a porn game on porn site and family are main LIs. That's why I'm hoping for number 1. It's the only scenario that doesn't make me drop the game and that makes sense as progression.

There must be an attempt at redemption. There must be heart-to-heart, tear-shedding talk with family. They must acknowledge the quite literal hell MC went through. Otherwise there can be no saving relationships at all and most people will hate the guts out of a story and characters for eternity.

As much as it pains me, for this game to turn to proper porn game, MC must make up with his family. But if it's through method mentioned in #2, then the story and game are not worth saving.

Or dev can go for (too) complex branching, one path MC makes up with his family, they live happily ever after, another path MC uses his copy powers to force whole family into submission. This would require whole dev studio and metric ton of work for everyone involved, so unrealistic for a game of this scale.

In any case, I'm just hoping game survives chapter 4.
May 31, 2017
I think this is the first game that makes me just want to kill everyone , no sex , nor romance , just kill them all , and i truly wish we get the choice to do so , or at least get some revenge , by dominating the fuck out of the world , it would be cool to show them a glimpse of the torture that happened in hell , i hate almost every character lol

Thanks for your work dev and good luck im keeping an eye on this game


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I'm sorry good sir, but it still is only you :D

I hate family, I don't want them to be redeemed and I'll still go for every negative relationship point possible.

But this is a porn game on porn site and family are main LIs. That's why I'm hoping for number 1. It's the only scenario that doesn't make me drop the game and that makes sense as progression.

There must be an attempt at redemption. There must be heart-to-heart, tear-shedding talk with family. They must acknowledge the quite literal hell MC went through. Otherwise there can be no saving relationships at all and most people will hate the guts out of a story and characters for eternity.

As much as it pains me, for this game to turn to proper porn game, MC must make up with his family. But if it's through method mentioned in #2, then the story and game are not worth saving.

Or dev can go for (too) complex branching, one path MC makes up with his family, they live happily ever after, another path MC uses his copy powers to force whole family into submission. This would require whole dev studio and metric ton of work for everyone involved, so unrealistic for a game of this scale.

In any case, I'm just hoping game survives chapter 4.
That's literally what I JUST said lol. The whole point of redemption is so you don't hate the family. As you and I have stated, the only way I can see it is if they sit down crying tears of regret. Playing the full villain path really only makes sense for the narrative if it's well deserved, otherwise you just come off as a douche bag for no reason. Of course that's not the case for this game as the devil points are well warranted, but if they redeem themselves and you still decide to gather all the big bad guy points it would probably make for a significantly less interesting MC and would deminish any chance of good writing ever being present.

What I like about the MC right now is his mental trauma. It makes for making bad and good choices sensible to a degree, and allows future room for growth OUT of bad devil points or even into it. But if going fire and brimstone murder everyone that makes the game terrible, as you miss out on potentially entire character developments just because you were petty in the beginning. Again, not for this game in particular but I definitely have seen it in another game I ADORE to death.

Superhuman is a game where you play as a shapeshifter who can make either good or bad choices on pretty much anything. The issue with games on this site is most of them have a focus on one of 2 things, relationship development or sex. If you pick ALL the bad options in that game you can quite literally kill off entire characters making both of the aforementioned points obsolete, which makes the entire story much less fruitful. It's like post nut clarity; fun at first and then bam, you got through it so fast and now the magic is gone and your questioning why the fuck you just wasted an entire character arc just to play villain.

Way I see it the best way to go about it is if you can either full blown ignore them or my personal favorite, corrupt them. Not involving them by murdering them will just take away from the plot. Especially if they are redeemed, if they aren't; fuck em, but let them watch you raise Hell around you. End game is where you can half hazardly throw away any sensibility such as killing them.

None of this would be an issue of course if those 3 clearly weren't the main cast, but they are, so the fantasy that we can kill them the first chance we get is just that, a fantasy. What I WOULD be okay with (if the fam is redeemed) is killing the other Heavenly hosts. I think a game needs to be played (in order to come off well) with a good balance of good and evil points:

Be nice to those that are nice to you (all your good boy points) which is so far is pretty much only;
1. Inessa (best girl, enough said)
2. Luna (she can be annoying but means well)
3. Azazel (history with getting kicked out, probably a good character)
4. Angela (honest, relates to our trauma, open)
5. Arianna (interested in us but shy, still willing to go out of her comfort to scratch that itch)
6. Sofia (typical cougar, they've never been bad)
7. Emily (outgoing introduction, definitely not hiding any bullshit despite just meeting)

And contribute bad boy points to everyone who fucks you over:
1. God (...)
2. Bethor (lapdog willing to throw us at daddy's whim)
3. Azel (no hard feelings right?)
4. Aniel (lapdog mailman was an ass upon first meeting and suddenly concerned the next? Fuck off)
5. Nyks (immediately comes off as condescending, let Inessa die)
6. Ghost (I don't like people going behind our back, let alone possessing us)
7. Buck & his goons (typical bullies, no mercy)
8. Lukas & Tom (willing to see us rage out just to entice their own curiosity, weren't honest)
9. Elisa Ross (immediately an ass without even knowing the real us)
10. Camelia (useless)

The rest are pretty neutral, as they are just oblivious to everything but it's not like they are or ever tried to actively kill/backstab you, do what you like and it would make sense:
1. Raphael (tried to be honest, despite the plot hole writing and the forced college, she's alright)
2. Emma (again, plotholes and bad parenting, but she does care to some degree, which is less than I can say for 99% of the angels)
3. Arkas (behind our back and personally, fucking ANNOYING, he's like every anime protagonist's hypeman best friend, and looks like it too)
4. Ellenna (obvious vixen, don't trust her personally)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
I believe people here are harsh mostly because of the ridiculous college theme that don't fit with the game style and they don't understand why the MC change of personality before and after meeting his mother, the MC (also us) now realize that he is influenced by his mother power (some of us simply don't appreciate the plot and turn blind eye)
He is influenced by the power of nonsensical writing, not his mommy's mind control farts or whatever. The game establishes she needs promixity to use that power (aparently his head clears and gets angry when away from home). And yet we see plenty of scenes where he is away from her and still acting like the same pussy boy. His bitch of a sister making fun of him for being a dorky virgin (because he couldn't get laid while being tortured to death in the hell she put him in), mommy not near. And yet he doesn't react. We even see him feeling guilty about being too harsh on them!!! While alone and not influenced by anything.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
He is influenced by the power of nonsensical writing, not his mommy's mind control farts or whatever. The game establishes she needs promixity to use that power (aparently his head clears and gets angry when away from home). And yet we see plenty of scenes where he is away from her and still acting like the same pussy boy. His bitch of a sister making fun of him for being a dorky virgin (because he couldn't get laid while being tortured to death in the hell she put him in), mommy not near. And yet he doesn't react. We even see him feeling guilty about being too harsh on them!!! While alone and not influenced by anything.
It's funny because I feel like most of this could be solved if it was just written a different way. The main issues I PERSONALLY have are 4:

1. The obliviousness that the family carries as to what happened to the MC in Hell. He mentions torture continuously and they brush it off as no big deal or even as if they didn't hear him.

2. The way they went about trying to get us out of Hell. Maybe it was just extremely vague, and I'll still defend it by saying it was something to do with God's gateways and the Angels (demons being exempt), but that doesn't explain the dark magic they could've used unless God LITERALLY made it impossible for Angels to get into Hell, I believe there is a line that says something similar along those lines. Even if we do believe what I just went over, what happened to the last few centuries? Did they just give up when one method didn't work the first try? Just decided to live lavish lives until by some miracle we just got out? I don't buy it, perhaps the Dev can clarify it later, because Raphael explanation (and the powers for that matter) are brief; which brings me to the next point.

A. The powers are a bit of a mystery, we know that each Archangel has a unique power they are born with, but it says nothing about them being able to use knew ones. That's what makes the MC so unique, because he can learn multiple. What it doesn't account for is whether or not Demon powers like the dark magic can be learned as is prevalent with multiple demons knowing how to use it, and how that translates to angels being able to learn it. All the dev would have to do in my opinion is tell us no, they can't learn it and I'd probably be fine more so than if they just ignore it.

B. Emma has the power to control ANY LIVING BEING, and according to the MC; that COULD include God (I know everyone likes to huff the copium that it 100% includes God and that she can do anything but get off that ride there has been nothing to indicate so). But for arguments sake let's say it is possible hence making her an actual equal to God as a Goddess, then why didn't she just make God NOT send the MC down to Hell? Which is why I think it's less so that she is equal and more so that God just tolerates her as the mother of his children and a powerful being SECOND only to him.

4. Azel's incessant need to be liked (from a wiring standpoint) by the MC. He starts off hating her, then the second she says, "Anyone would've done it, no hard feelings?" the MC bends over sideways to defend her and suddenly his PTSD of her is gone, just like that.

The college isn't really the issue for me as I just see it as then handling the trauma in a believably bad way, no one is perfect. But that also doesn't account for if they knew he was tortured, see it goes full circle. All of which I PERSONALLY think could be fixed with a nice sit down and in depth writing spill. Explain the powers, acknowledgement the torture, and make Azel BEG for forgiveness in every conceivable way, keep her baseline personality tho, I like it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
It's funny because I feel like most of this could be solved if it was just written a different way. The main issues I PERSONALLY have are 4:

1. The obliviousness that the family carries as to what happened to the MC in Hell. He mentions torture continuously and they brush it off as no big deal or even as if they didn't hear him.

2. The way they went about trying to get us out of Hell. Maybe it was just extremely vague, and I'll still defend it by saying it was something to do with God's gateways and the Angels (demons being exempt), but that doesn't explain the dark magic they could've used unless God LITERALLY made it impossible for Angels to get into Hell, I believe there is a line that says something similar along those lines. Even if we do believe what I just went over, what happened to the last few centuries? Did they just give up when one method didn't work the first try? Just decided to live lavish lives until by some miracle we just got out? I don't buy it, perhaps the Dev can clarify it later, because Raphael explanation (and the powers for that matter) are brief; which brings me to the next point.

A. The powers are a bit of a mystery, we know that each Archangel has a unique power they are born with, but it says nothing about them being able to use knew ones. That's what makes the MC so unique, because he can learn multiple. What it doesn't account for is whether or not Demon powers like the dark magic can be learned as is prevalent with multiple demons knowing how to use it, and how that translates to angels being able to learn it. All the dev would have to do in my opinion is tell us no, they can't learn it and I'd probably be fine more so than if they just ignore it.

B. Emma has the power to control ANY LIVING BEING, and according to the MC; that COULD include God (I know everyone likes to huff the copium that it 100% includes God and that she can do anything but get off that ride there has been nothing to indicate so). But for arguments sake let's say it is possible hence making her an actual equal to God as a Goddess, then why didn't she just make God NOT send the MC down to Hell? Which is why I think it's less so that she is equal and more so that God just tolerates her as the mother of his children and a powerful being SECOND only to him.

4. Azel's incessant need to be liked (from a wiring standpoint) by the MC. He starts off hating her, then the second she says, "Anyone would've done it, no hard feelings?" the MC bends over sideways to defend her and suddenly his PTSD of her is gone, just like that.

The college isn't really the issue for me as I just see it as then handling the trauma in a believably bad way, no one is perfect. But that also doesn't account for if they knew he was tortured, see it goes full circle. All of which I PERSONALLY think could be fixed with a nice sit down and in depth writing spill. Explain the powers, acknowledgement the torture, and make Azel BEG for forgiveness in every conceivable way, keep her baseline personality tho, I like it.
All those points are like half of the game's plot :LOL:. Not that easily fixable.

Personally I can't see how the family can be redeemed. It's not just what they did in the past (or didn't do), the complete lack of acknowledgement they show, makes them irredeemable.

We are talking about millennia of imprisonment and torture. If the writing was even 5% realistic, his mind should have been so far gone, that any reunion with the people who sent and abandoned him there, would either result into murderous rage or a complete mental collapse with him running away from them for his life. Not like a kinda moody exhange with a slightly estranged family member. They should be thankful he didn't attempt to kill them on the spot, not berate and order him around! The game tries so hard to become the standard doting mom + 2 sisters (bitchy older, pure younger) incestfest, that its characters don't make any sense.

The only way this could be salvaged, is if it's revealed his family is under mind control like him and they act like a happy family because they don't know any better. But that would make his mother the primary villain (she has the power to do it) and from the desperate attempts to whitewash them, I don't see that happening.


New Member
Apr 1, 2021
I think the game is unique and very original. Like most here, I was going the revenge route. I think the game can still be saved. We still don't know who they sent to protect the MC, and how the hell did they get into hell if no one could do it? We also have the other fallen angel who is waiting for the arrival of the MC. Regarding Azel, the DEV makes it clear that she has no emotions, that's why GOD sent her to hell to leave the MC. We also don't know why the MC gets kicked out. The MC had to go alone for 6 hours, but God came up out of nowhere to send him to hell for all eternity. To save the game, I think the Dev should develop what the fuck happened to his family in all those centuries that the MC was tortured and should stop writing to the family as nothing happened, give it the validity that they understand that the MC is suffering and has 3 personalities that can apparently possess him. We're all at a loss because we don't understand how an angel's mind works, but assuming it's similar to a human's (since Emma went to therapy and now the MC does too) the Dev should take the next version in trying to cover the largest number of holes in history. I can only imagine that the MC is the future God, from the ability to copy the powers of Angels and Demons. That's why he was expelled. I don't know I'm still confused


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I think the game is unique and very original. Like most here, I was going the revenge route. I think the game can still be saved. We still don't know who they sent to protect the MC, and how the hell did they get into hell if no one could do it? We also have the other fallen angel who is waiting for the arrival of the MC. Regarding Azel, the DEV makes it clear that she has no emotions, that's why GOD sent her to hell to leave the MC. We also don't know why the MC gets kicked out. The MC had to go alone for 6 hours, but God came up out of nowhere to send him to hell for all eternity. To save the game, I think the Dev should develop what the fuck happened to his family in all those centuries that the MC was tortured and should stop writing to the family as nothing happened, give it the validity that they understand that the MC is suffering and has 3 personalities that can apparently possess him. We're all at a loss because we don't understand how an angel's mind works, but assuming it's similar to a human's (since Emma went to therapy and now the MC does too) the Dev should take the next version in trying to cover the largest number of holes in history. I can only imagine that the MC is the future God, from the ability to copy the powers of Angels and Demons. That's why he was expelled. I don't know I'm still confused
Yeah I think the plotline is pretty obvious it's just the amount of holes with either the ways characters interact with each other or the actions of said characters/what they are capable of.

As you said it's pretty obvious that God found out what the MC's power was and put him in Hell for 6 hours out of fear of losing his power over everyone (i.e the MC also being able to change reality and space time with a thought), but then decided it would just be best to put him in there forever in order for him to eventually die (like the seer had mentioned). In the future I'm sure we will do the revenge path, be it filled with blood (devil points) or giving those we beat second chances (angel points), either way it's going to happen.

The confusing part (for me at least) is the whole plotline with breaking the MC out of Hell. The capabilities of angels seem to vary, Emma not controlling God I get (ppl gotta stop huffing the cope), and the prayers not getting through (also makes sense, stop huffin), but the grandiose plan for centuries (or even 50 years) was to spend a week at best trying to get into Hell only to what; give up after it failed? Maybe the dialogue wasn't clear enough and maybe ANGELS really meant any way they tried they couldn't have any interaction with Hell, but then, that doesn't explain how Demons can do it.

We know the way Demons can get to Earth according to Inessa is via possession or summoning. Summoning doesn't work on an Angel so no go on that, and possession makes sense with the bar tender scene and what have you, not an Angel thing either. But the way we found was doing Black Magic, this is where the fun begins. We know that there are Demons who just live on Earth like the powerful wonder twins who were probably just born here, but we ALSO know about the Demons that have the books of Dark Magic. They are clearly not possession type looking, so they must have been summoned, because they have said so themselves that they personally are not powerful enough to open a portal to Hell (I'm assuming that also counts the reverse way). So the conundrum is, the Angels were in contact with Demons of a high caliber for their time on Earth, why didn't they just learn dark magic to open a portal themselves? The ONLY explanations I have are;

1. Again, God TRULY meant Angels just can't be interacting with Hell, MC is obviously a special case as even he himself has said he's not an Angel anymore.

2. Angels have some sort of stigma far past psychological that prevents them from using black magic (refer to Raphael).

3. And my most plausible point, dark magic counts as a power, and would explain why Azazel (desert outcast) was an expert on the matter and spread it to the public; that was her gift. We know Angels can only have one power, so in doing so they would NEVER be able to use black magic themselves. Which is why the MC could do it right away to escape Hell (he can have multiple powers). We don't know Demon rules, perhaps they can learn the dark magic due to their dark affinity and the way Azazel's power is written down, I have noticed that Demons aren't using multiple powers, if any at all, and only high level or old looking Demons are capable of the most basic abilities (Ice Queen of a royal bloodline, the 2 Earth Lords that looked ancient, Lord of Hell, etc.)

The next point was the way they interact with the MC but again, maybe the Lord of Hell kept what he was doing to the MC in private. He had already killed Emma's messenger Demons that were sent to Hell, so why not make sure his favorite toy being tortured 24/7 rather than just being held prisoner was also kept under wraps? Still, they could be a bit more considerate, this is obviously excluding Azel, and while I get your point that she is heartless and that's why she got the job, it's not an excuse because one moment she's trying to get closer to you, and the next she's criticizing you or your trauma.

I agree though, all the Dev has to do is air out the issues with additional writing in a sit down via the next update or something. This is only Chapter 3, shit I could read the whole thing in less than an hour, give it time.


Jun 24, 2017
I think the game is unique and very original. Like most here, I was going the revenge route. I think the game can still be saved. We still don't know who they sent to protect the MC, and how the hell did they get into hell if no one could do it? We also have the other fallen angel who is waiting for the arrival of the MC. Regarding Azel, the DEV makes it clear that she has no emotions, that's why GOD sent her to hell to leave the MC. We also don't know why the MC gets kicked out. The MC had to go alone for 6 hours, but God came up out of nowhere to send him to hell for all eternity. To save the game, I think the Dev should develop what the fuck happened to his family in all those centuries that the MC was tortured and should stop writing to the family as nothing happened, give it the validity that they understand that the MC is suffering and has 3 personalities that can apparently possess him. We're all at a loss because we don't understand how an angel's mind works, but assuming it's similar to a human's (since Emma went to therapy and now the MC does too) the Dev should take the next version in trying to cover the largest number of holes in history. I can only imagine that the MC is the future God, from the ability to copy the powers of Angels and Demons. That's why he was expelled. I don't know I'm still confused
Totally agree. I love the revenge route too.


Jun 24, 2017
i know many like theory crafting but its only the 3 update why we dont let the dev [ut out a little more about his idea ......i dont see any harm in the way he is doing so far ,ofc i have complaints but wh doesnt ,yeah the college isnt the best one,bcs well he is an angel but he is in distress and noneone knows ,he doesnt open himself to his emotions and the only ones who are well aware of them are those inside his head ,some of them bad some of them good .i see ghost being the evil part and luna being the good one ,and the little guy well just a teen with high hormones
Yeah, we should see where its going, i already talked a bit with the dev, And they state that there IS multiple endings, ALSO revenge/evil ending. I think they can satisfy everyone... That being said, The review from AL.D pretty much sums it up for me, atleast before knowing if we truly can go revenge mode, But i agree, so far we have had to much "ok mommy" in the game, and not enough "fuck you bitch"
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