Okay. I managed to unlock gallery.
By modifying 1 file.
I don't want gamedeveloper to know how though.
Gallery is super lame.All the scenes are just naked women.
And there are only 3 spicy ones at the end of every character gallery...
You're doing gods work!
The way the dev wants to monitize this game rivals that of EA and Activision.
It dangles "extra content" in front of you to somehow force you into "FOMO".
My man(dev), you have a good premise and we can see you put in work but you clearly changed your prorities after you finished the prologue.
The positives:
The premise ("believable" pandemic + end of society + base building + resource gathering) is good
The sounds (lots of games forget to add music and sounds to their games, when I heard the fallout theme I was really hooked for a second, made me feel shit)
The conversations (have enough maturity and believeability so you can immerse yourself)
The mid:
The visuals of the girls are nicely picked out but there is a lack of variety, it would be nice to add some redheads, asians etc...
The combat and mini games require more balancing and it would be great to have some impact on the "speed" of certain games perhaps via items, say the wheel spinns slower or the size of positives or negatives changed based on what you wear or maybe have a skill system implemented for stuff like that.
Info, the icons help to guide you quite well around the world however tooltips are lacking, such as in the inventory.
Equipment system needs expanding.
The bad:
Monitization, there are so many things wrong with this, from locking off a huge amount of content and then parading it in front of you, to locking out features such as cheats, huge nope, stick to a patreon support model or if you really want to milk ppl do early alpha build access for members.
The grind is artificially inflated to make the game seem longer, please find a way to reward the player for doing the same mini games over and over, have buildings give you boosts on resource gathering and so on.
Using existing content to make a game, I personally love live content(live porn in the game etc) however if youre not the artist/creator of all of it and you just "edit" it all together like a story teller and base it on gameplay you add, that hugely reduces the amount of praise(and money) ppl will (be willing to) give you.
Im sure Ive missed some points but all in all, as it is now, its only a 2/5, the time invested is not worth the reward, if the game issues (excluding monitization and locked content) would be fixed it would go up to a 2.5/5 and if everything would be fixed it could be a 4 mabye even a 4.5/5.
I wish the dev luck and success in his endevor as Im sure that like any creator he wants to see his creation thrive.
Edit: corrected the mixed up rating in the second to last paragraph.