View attachment 4485021
Over 20 people complaining about the grind contradicts you.
Acting as if pushing people to pay 20 bucks a month for a buggy mess in order to avoid the grind is not bad faith or scum practices is truly amazing. And yes, you can go through that amazing grinding experience for free. Surely there's not a majority people complaining about it, right?
Are you on drugs? Are you seriously this dense? Because if you think painting the picture as "lol them little kids having fun eating sand" avoiding any discussion around your shitty practices regarding monetization is yielding a better outcome than being honest and open about it you
might want to take some courses on business direction too.
Here's my honest opinion:
Your game is quite literally shit. It's boring, has little content, the minigames are plainly stupid which
I would bet a hand and a foot its code it's stolen either from another game or from a github project seeing how, oddly enough,
the areas that are more "complex" in regards to coding are THE ONLY ONES that are not plagued by bugs.
The writing is simplistic, repetitive and I saw you reuse
a fuckton of passages on the code. Your coding is so poor you didn't even care to declare a fucking variable to manage relations between MC and NPCs and instead your hardcoded them, making the "landlady" become the "mother" at random for fuck's sake.
I gave the game a try and quickly discarded it. The only reason I came back to it was that I saw your scum tactics and, combined with your attitude, it fucking pissed me off.
I'm not happy about breaking your shit code.
I'm not happy about having to play this garbage 10 minutes after I'm done redoing changes to verify I unlocked everything. (Which, by the way, what I do involves WAY more testing that you fucks do. And it's so rich seeing you write this:
Because we BOTH know you guys don't test shit, relying instead on people reporting specifics so you can dive in and try to fix it,
much less go through the grind you guys have put on and now don't know how to change.)
What makes me happy is thinking my doing will impact your income.
If you end up closing shop because of it that will make me even happier. The "work" you've done so far doesn't merit a single penny of what you are getting and we both fucking now it.
I'm not going to even entertain the childish implications from this comment, I'll just say this. I took a look at the accounts that left 5 stars on this sad excuse you call a game because some of said reviews looked a bit suspicious. As if someone fed ChatGPT a summary of the plot and asked it to write, I don't know, 30 different positive reviews with a little bit of criticism.
Wouldn't you know, almost all of the 20 or so accounts I looked into have been offline since the very same day they left their 5 stars review and they follow this pattern:
- They post 2 messages on other forum.
- They post a single message here.
- Finally, they leave a 5 star rating to your "game".
Quite a few of them were even created on the same day they left the review.
I'm no ornithologist but if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck and shits like a duck, it's probably a duck the same way these look like you try to offset the rating of your game by writing a bunch of fake reviews(Instead of doing the sensible thing which would have been listening to criticism and working to do better).
I decided to waste yet another 15 minutes compiling those findings and I'll be sending it up to the mods to evaluate because I'm pretty sure posting fake reviews on your own games is not allowed.
I wonder what the actual score will be if/when they take those down.
And don't get confused. I love helping people who struggles with code. I enjoy giving feedback or helping those who do need help with their games or are stuck. But you, dear lads, decided to purposefully worsen the experience for the end user in order to promote an extremely aggressive monetization, for which you all lack the skills to back up.
Guess a 2 week MERN bootcamp and ChatGPT can't turn you into a developer, huh.
Congratulations again mate.
You are a masterful PR manager.
Keep doing what you are doing, it's clearly working in your favor.
As a last thought, feel free to keep disregarding criticism and don't strive for improvement. I mean, you already alienated the community against you, I don't really think a 180º would even achieve anything.
Cheers, mate.