How do I get further with the mother? The only option I've ever had with her using the orb is that one night in which she plays with herself in bed.
When she asks if you met anyone you liked during your first night out you need to pick "Mention her". You will then confess your interest in her and she will come up with a plan to prove you wrong. You then get to pick if you want to use red again to corrupt her or if you want to try more traditional path, which will lead to the romance path.
With mommy in tow you can then pick your sister up when staying at your aunt's. I hope this helps.
what's the new jenny scene?
Not sure if the only way, but at least one way:
* Red for Sandy the barmaid, come inside.
* Red mom, red sister.
* You can also pick the help from Rosalin the head maid.
* When Sandy shows up during the party to demand alimony for her upcoming offspring you should imprison Jeremy.
* When possible, visit Jeremy. Let Red make him more presentable.
* Save the queen.
* Next we have long selection of activities, including the new scene to visit Jenny and the new Rosalin scene.
PS. Jenny, previously known as Jeremy the pirate, has a scene that involves deposit option and stocks. And these are not investment terms here.
EDIT: merged my ugly double post.