We've met them already, but no idea on the expected time frame for them joining. The MC will probably need to interact with them again before that happens.
Spoiler: They're the half-elf merchant the MC's party saved from bandits, and her mute lover with tan skin.
Given at least the next update (and possibly a couple after that) will involve a trip specifically with her (and the party and some guards), I suspect it'll be sooner rather than later.
the 2 merchants coming back was something i predicted as the MC makes a few valid points about winddale being a better place for them to setup shop
also naesalla asking to stay whit the party might become a big deal once they start traveling to the wood elf territory
(meaning that the future heir off the county(i believe its a county atahgan lords over not sure) treating even half-woodelf whit enough respect might go a long way ,as it said that they usually aren't treated that well since the war/skirmish )
princess arwen being at the pregnancy feast and interacting a lot whit the party will be a boon as well
i can clearly see a future path where the borders get reopened based on how things are turning out whit the story thus far
and just politically speaking a marriage between the MC and arwen would solidify relations a bit
not just i'd need political reason to take awen in she's a cuttie
we just had a chill update so hope next one has a bit more spice or ompfh to it