Thank you for your good words, I appreciate it.
As for a fixed number of chapters, no. I do have a rough outline of the story planned out, with several important events set in stone. And different points where I could stop the story if, as you said, the VN overcome its welcome. But no, I don't do meticulous planning, not my style. The rest is up to where my writing leads me.
I am a DM (Dungeon Master) IRL, and that's how I operate when I play tabletop RPG. It allows some flexibility. Because sometimes, the cool scene that you envision cannot be made. It doesn't work, or I can't find the right assets, or the work for creating it is too much for the payoff. Sometimes, I change my mind. Hell, for a couple of events where I was 50/50 on an outcome, I rolled a dice. Maria nearly died that way, and the tiff with the Queen could have ended with the MC leaving Wildale temporarily.
Right now, I would say we are at a quarter of the story, perhaps? Probably less. Like I said before, at least a couple of years of development, perhaps more. There are still a lot of threads that need to be unraveled. 4 countries to visit, at least.
As for chapters, depends on what you mean. I do intend to separate the VN in parts, but with the same save, it's more for file size reasons. But perhaps in the future, I will make a sequel. I have already an idea for it.
Next game is already planned though, and it will be urban fantasy. A mix of Dresden files and Call Of Cthulhu, with a pinch of Noir fiction. Made in HS2. Because, you know, as much as I like making TFS, I will need some change one day. And medieval assets are a bitch to find. With the same kinks involved, pregnancy being at the forefront. But I have time to change my mind, still.