Okay, I'm a little confused here.
When you first, leave the hospital, with Emile, to go to your new home, and when Dr.Tucker comes to explain stuff, I could swear he said you'd have 2 weeks before the 'flatmates' return, for school.
Emile tells you she'd be staying there till they come back.
Well it hadn't even got to the first weekend, and she disappeared, (Thursday night & Friday morning/day), I thought she had just gone to work Thursday night, and she'd be back during the daytime, but she didn't show up.
Didn't see her at all for the weekend, or Monday either. (it's Tuesday by this point)
Went by the school, and the game prompted her to go to class. (a week too early
When she attempted to do so was told she was too late for class and return the next day.
Problem is I don't know what time she's supposed to go to school.
I thought that would be explained, when it was actually supposed to happen, in 2 weeks, not a week earlier ?
The character keeps complaining about 'her' fat stomach . (even though she's running in park and excising at home, it doesn't look like it's being affected at all.)
She complains about the clothing she has, because it shows off her fat stomach, so she wants to buy new clothes, But everything is so damn expansive, even the underwear !
The 500(euros ?) Dr.Tucker gives her to help with expenses, can't even buy 1 pair of undies, much less a top, skirt, or cheap dress ! (it took her 3 1/2 days to earn enough (@30 euros/hr.) to gain enough for one piece of clothing
. (was thinking to get the 'pub' job, but can't find a 'hook/trigger' for it . Thought maybe Emile, would suggest it , but she didn't.)
How, when can you get your non-sister sister, Emile, to move in ?
How can you affect her relationship with the MC, if she 'skips-out' a week earlier, than she's supposed to ?
I like the game, the graphics are nice, but not knowing what the hell you should be doing, in what order, is frustrating.
Read, some players, haven't done 1st mission yet cause they are working on 'her-stomach', but have been attending school.
Are we supposed to wait, till we get to school, before we do the mission ?
(reason for asking; when you go into pub, to look for Simon, one of the choices, has a
green school cap , at the end of choice, but have no clue, what it represents to the player.
Which seems to mean you can't get pub job, or get money from missions.