I like this game, very well made in many aspects. Texts are not bloated and characters still have personality. MC is a likeable guy, not annoying in some way like in many other games. Gameplay is well paced. Maps are well composed. Game mechanics (day/night, gardening, building) are not very used but well implemented. It looks like combat system was balanced for something bigger, current hunting does not require this many tools.
What I really want to see in a game like this are random encounters/events. Right now it's a bit too linear, you are guided by every quest and you can just force relationship with NPC, whole game is like following straight line. Side things and random encounters will make this game feel more alive.
Also, I really questioning dialogue choices, player does not know what those decisions with NPCs do. It feels like game wants you to save/load for every such dialogue just to see the correct options and not miss out on anything. This probably can be implemented in a better way.