Heve the same problem. And it is the start of the game.
Shit hopefully someone who knows a bit about RPGM can fix it
I've done a quick run through: the issue causing the freeze is the plugin script refers to the event names in the game which aren't translated:
The error in question that's freezing is:
"Plugin Command: skit slideOut kokona t" should be "Plugin Command: skit slideOut ココナ t"
If you can translate all the event (character names) for the cut scene with the same translation system you should be able to play through the whole thing: Otherwise it'd take someone manually changing each of the these Plugin commands to match the event names in the game. Or if you can make the translation script skip translating the text following plugin commands and you'll be good too.
I'll attach the fix that will get you through the first one: Just replace the map in the data folder with this one.
I'm caught up doing fixes for my own mod (over at flash cycling ride 2) so won't have the time to go through each time the skit plugin will cause an error and manually fix it.
Alright: I've tried anticipating the errors coming up by translating back the plugins manually.
Replace the maps in your game's data folder with the ones in the zip. I think it was mainly just an error with the slideOut command so these have what have been fixed:
==Second Edit==
Man this took a while:
Hopefully should have all plugin commands covered. turns out it wasn't just slideOut.
Edit again:
Whoops missed another one. Updated again. Speed running through: No issues now after 4 events. So we're cruising (I hope).
Last Edit:
Looks like Dazedanon's Translation does not have the plugin translation issue. I'll keep it up here for the MTL side but for anyone new -> do not put this fix with Dazedanon's Translation.
Btw: I made this reference sheet myself in case I've missed any: You can use this in case I missed any of the the plugin commands that got mistranslated.