Ditto. Honestly, I wouldn't want to over complicate things, but given how some of the story lines are, a few varied responses could be warrented, but instead of adding options directly, it could be based on various thresholds.
Example: i you get far enough with samantha, she'll basically use mind control on your gf, and your overall compliance could lead to altered outcomes. For example if you are super compliant with samantha, your responses may not matter at all, as your wife's pov is you are accepting of everything she does with the other girls, so she just imagines you being supportive. Conversely, if you were super against samantha's MCing your wife, it could be a slow poison, where the wife slowly adopts the mentality, so your responses again don't matter, because she's been so molded by samantha.
Conversely engagements with Montana/Tina seems to push the idea the wife might be groomed into the more traditional cuck/humiliation route of responses and interactions.
But curious about the next update regardless, it has alot of interesting sounding content, and could make stuff with darcy hot af so here's hoping~