VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Grim Reaper who reaped my Heart! [Final] [Kamuo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have pretty good looking render quality for its own style.
    + We have god damn cute and beautiful Grim Reaper as a main girl!
    + Our animations looks pretty good. Their physics are pretty good and we have good FPS value for them.
    + We have basic but pretty interesting story.

    Bad Points
    - Well... Its short and not that detailed. This is only bad point which is gives you feeling you want more, this game could have had far more lot content and honestly when i look same DEV new game i saw that game actualy could be part of this and DEV could have use same MC but he did not which is quite shame...

    For The End
    I realy love this game, its have pretty cute characters, well written story and pretty good animations. Espacily that final scene was pretty emotional for me... I got water in my eyes like MC... Well done man, this was great game and i do suggest everyone play this game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    V KO D 693

    Awesome game. The animation is absolutely on point. The writing takes so long to get through, but apart from that, the game is looking like a banger!

    I will be more than happy to see more updates on this game
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice. Of corse not so much content, but is alpha and it's good. I hope author don't stop and do tis game better. More content...yo know. Onlu one scene, but really good. Pictures are exelent, video - wonderful. Sorry for my Englih, i ma from Ukraine)