Just to plug this site for what it is, I have spent quite a bit of money on Patreon (before purge) supporting people I found here. The gumroad purchase just now also because of this site spreading your name. So many people wouldn't have ever seen any of my money had I not found it here. Not to say you aren't losing out (Subscribestar sucks) but still. I like the idea of Gumroad for full final releases, so please post them here (or PM me if mods don't like you posting links). You can get $5-10 from me through that site over SS.
Also, does Gumroad not let you do zips? 90+ single downloads sucked
And just for you
JDseal , I'll not post it. I will let whoever leaks normally do that. But I won't promise not to post other stuff in the future

Old habits and all that.