Unity - The Handyman [v1.1.2] [thecyborgmummy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Hans Flammenwerfer

    This Dev and this game are totally cool. If I should type only one person without much thinking who deserves to be supported on Patreon or any other supporting site, I would say - thecyborgmummy. One army man.

    I'm lazy and don't want to write much, but if you are looking for a decent game with the addition of sex - look no more. Very high quality game this is.

    + Top tier animations.

    + Nice plot.

    + Not only a sex position viewer - this is a proper game with gameplay.

    + Graphics - I like how girls look like in this game, especially their mimicry.

    + Great Dev still supports this game after all those years.

    + Some form of customization.

    - ?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games. The animations are god tier, and it's an actual playable game where you walk around and complete tasks while interacting with the girls. The scenes have sounds and it's obvious that a ton of work has gone into animating every little movement and look. I had a great time going around the house, completing the tasks, and getting to know the inhabitants. The dialogue is good as well and the characters are hot and have their own unique personalities. The thing that makes this a 5/5 for me though are the god tier animations and the way the gameplay is integrated into the scenes. Very much an interactive game rather than a scene viewer, and very fappable.

    The developer has a different model where there is no subscription, just the entire game available for a very reasonable price on itch.io. It seems this has kept quality high and allowed for consistent updates - I wish him the best of luck and can't wait to see more.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Love the style, the polish, the attention to detail. For example I believe there's only one scene where a character might use the bathroom depending on your actions, but when they do, they walk in, close the door, turn on the light, lift the lid, use the bathroom, flush (and the bowl empties and refills realistically), wash their hands, turn off the light, and leave the room. That's a lot of programming for something that might happen. But therein lies my main problem. There's too many conditionals in this game. You might scene X scene if Y character did Z action on day 7. And like many other games, particularly timeloop ones, doing the same actions over again except for precise changes at certain times to get a slightly different outcome is more frustrating than many players, myself included, are willing to put up with.

    I think Araceli is hot, so why am I punished for pursuing her and boosting her confidence? Why was Tanya punished by my lack of foresight to the Dean's plans? Why am I spending resources on cards that allow me to more efficiently earn resources in a puzzle porn game?

    I feel like this might be the dev's first game of this scale and they are experimenting with systems that they are largely successful in implementing, but one should always ask if they need to be there in the first place. Anyways this game is pretty great but a lot of frustrations creep up over time. Mixed bag, but I could see myself re-reviewing down the road.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    not much i can say about this game.
    but the only fault i find in this game is omar if omar would be gone it would be a 20/10 i simply dont care if he would score with the girls but why do i have to help him with it
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best i played if not THE best, very complex, a lot of scenes, customization of the girls and outfits. Nice replay room when you can swap girls and choose some aspects. Its not short and without playthrough you would need to find a lot of things yuorself and its not easy. That means a lot of day retries, but every time you can try different customization so its not boring or you can just use game wiki.
    Definetely recommend
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Frustrating scene completion loop.

    Handyman is a game that revolves around a handyman named grant who has gotten a small job fixing things around a girl's college dorm house. As the only male around, Grant gets into many sexual situations while fixing things day after day.

    The gameplay revolves around you completing jobs in a day. You will have a task to do (such as hang banners, fix appliances / bathrooms, etc) every day that will progress the days. Alongside these main quests, theres where the actual gameplay is to unlock scenes. Each day will have side quests that lead to some kind of sexual scene. I believe there are NO main tasks that lead to scenes, its all side quest related. So your gameplay involves getting into the situation to trigger those scenes. Part of that is distracting other characters so they don't interrupt the scene at hand, because then you will get kicked out. The scenes also have a small mini game which while it isn't hard, its pretty boring after a while. But its a porn game so whatever.

    The scenes are amazing, girls look good with a very unique art style which while others may call ugly, it really does a lot to stand out in a sea of Honey Select and flipped asset model porn games.

    Now here is my main issue with the game. Remember what I said above, that the scenes revolve around the side quests? Yeah. Thats the issue. With how the game is structured it is incredibly difficult finding out what to do for side quests. I found myself opening every single drawer over and over going into every room for something to trigger. Talking to every person to find out what exactly to do. And while this is all great, there lacks a concrete hint system that can really point you what to do. Here's a good example in the most recent day, day 11. Without any spoilers, there is a scene where a female secretary will have a scene. In order to trigger this scene you have to talk to them, then talk to another character, THEN COME BACK TO THEM and talk to the secretary again. They then go talk to another character and you have to eavesdrop on the door 3 times to eventually trigger the scene. You then need to distract other characters that are wandering so that the scene does not get caught. All this is very hard to discern and you're basically just guessing. Which takes me to my next point. The dev realizes this is a problem because they make an actual walkthrough on their MAIN website. This speaks volumes to the issue that the scenes unlocking structure is a problem if every day and every scene requires a multi paragraph step by step to get the scene. I understand having secrets and not feeding the player with a spoon fed on the rails system. But this is really barren in some areas where I thinks some conversation dialogue or Grant internal thoughts should help you point in the direction for a scene. The game should also list all the scenes on a particular day. The worst part about this is that some day scenes require PREVIOUS day scenes to be done to have the ability to do them in a later day.

    I still rate this game highly. 4 stars easily. Just the caveat with how the scenes work in the day cycle should be looked at by the dev. I'm all for putting effort into a game, I have countless releases for this one in particular. But it does become very tedious and boring if the bar for unlocking the very reason why we are playing this game is set too high. If the dev can incorporate some kind of system where it can help you without just telling you exactly where to go, I would give them 5 stars easily. But this right now is a game that you must play with the wiki or you will have a rough time for the most part.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I wasn't going to DL this game at all but after reading the reviews it had me curious. Its interesting, quite addictive. Not for a quick FAP, but working as a handyman in a Sorority house has its advantages for sure. Every day you work is a mystery. Just so people that haven't played yet know, its a 3 dimensional game, you move around like a first person shooter. You have to use your middle mouse key a lot too, you can't spot everything from the birds eye view.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy hell what to say about this game. It's excellent play it now. If I could leave my review at that I would, but here's some reasons why:

    The characters - they all feel different and you are incentivized to meet, befriend, and (yes you guessed it) fuck each one
    The gameplay - part point-and-click puzzle, part minesweeper, part fuckfest this game is genuinely enjoyable throughout. You're always in the same building, so you'll get to know the dorm well throughout the game!
    The sex - SO well animated. And, if you have a favorite girl like me, you can unlock all the positions with any character (given time).

    And let me just tell you, this thing is replayable. SO replayable. The characters remember what you do, remember who you fucked, and remember how good you fucked them. GO PLAY THIS GAME NOW!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Favourite game of the year so far. So much replayability and different routes (although some people dont like it) but this is alright for me. Just the right amount of grind although I really wish there's a cheat to make Grant walk fast and just instant build.

    Aside from that, the animation is awesome, the easing of it into the characters feels right, and this game makes me read more than all of the other VAs on this site

    Please and it will be a 5/5
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site. I'm astonished by how good it is.

    Key features:
    - Free-roam gameplay with hidden story branches for you to explore. Zero grinding required.
    - A lot of hot girls with well-depicted varying personalities. They all want your dick, but you need to avoid getting caught by exploiting certain logic in the story context. Very interesting story puzzle solving experience.
    - A lot of choices to make. Some are made through dialogue, others through certain actions that are not always presented to you in an obvious way, but there are always hints contained in the dialogues. Most of the dialogues are gameplay-related and worth reading. Some choices have consequences that may open or close some storypaths for you.
    - Well animated sex scenes. The graphic texture might not be of highest quality in this game, but man, the animation is insanely well-crafted. Fluent, vivid, and absolutely erotic. You can even adjust the artstyle to your liking manually.
    - Plus, a very advanced animation viewer, allowing you to view any sex scenes collected. You can view the same sex scene with different girls engaged, in different appearances, under adjustable lighting.
    - Besides the already properly-implemented in-game hints, there's a very comprehensive official guide available, detailing every hidden event, storypath and collectibles. You would know what content you might have missed, should you hope to.
    - Audio experience is very enjoyable, too. Music, sound effects, sex sounds, all of them are quite satisfying.

    Note that there are indeed sex-scene minigames in this game. Personally I don't find them annoying under default difficulty, which can be further lowered if you want to.

    Conclusion: any game developer who wants to make a free-roaming choice-n-consequence game should learn from this game. A good example of how to combine branching storytelling, gameplay and erotic content correctly.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It succeeds to be both a game and an excellent porn piece. Creates a set of believable relations, a believable world. It can benefit from a little bit of QoL and an in-game tip system what to do next. Other than that with its characters, sex scenes, customisation options it's really one of the best and most probably one of its kind in this site.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is like Leisure Suit Larry sequel done right. I think the closest one would be Magna Cum Laude episode.
    You solve menial tasks, sometimes a bit obscure interactions, and find hidden items, to get with the various hot girls around you(oh, don't forget dialogue interactions).
    Only this time you can see the action , and models are hot, if a bit unique character design style (check screenshots to see if that's your thing), and sex scenes got minigames to add some interactiveness to them(which can be frustrating, but dev is fiddling with this part) . Looks like some decent replayability as well, as game seem to have branching between girl routes at later days.

    Overall, unique and well-developed adult game. Check it out if you don't mind some point'n'click-like challenge or reading a walkthrough beforehand.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    this is possibly the best erotic game i have ever played, the sandbox elements flow with the story very well and the characters are full of personality. the game has a decent amount of content and seems to be keep on growing, really excited to see this game grow even more.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I played this a while back and was turned off initially by the first scene which triggers with almost no effort on the player's part. I gave it another chance recently and I'm glad I did. After that initial scene, the next scenes require solving some puzzles (in the point and click sense, not in the jigsaw sense). The puzzles are pretty fun to solve and very few are of the "no way I would have figured that out without a walkthrough" variety. The characters are generally likable and have some personality and the writing is not bad. Also there's a kind of interesting mechanic where the choices you make in a previous day affect the choices you have available in subsequent days giving it a little RPG flair and some replayability. The sex scenes are pretty good, some are quite hot. Overall, a fun game.

    I only have a few minor gripes with this game. The art style, while not bad, I don't find particularly arousing. It is rare that a 3D CG game does much for me and this kind of cartoony style does even less. A bigger and more objective gripe is that the mini-games (during the sex scenes) are not fun and can be extremely frustrating, even on the easiest difficulty setting. Fortunately, they're not really necessary to progress, so you can skip them if you don't need/want to unlock stuff in the animation mode (sort of like a gallery of sex scenes). Lastly, moving around is a little tedious and the camera is a bit annoying to control. Would be a lot better with controller support. FYI, you can move around with WASD on the keyboard which makes getting around a bit less tedious, but doesn't really help with the camera or interacting.

    All in all, a great game. Also, an actual game. Will buy when it is complete.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Artist is good. The director is also good. Game designer is clueless and has no logic nor care. Lots of grind. UI is impossible for mini games. I don't even know if my "easy" settings worked. This game is simply best to avoid once it's done as it has way too much growing to do.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great animation and an interesting/fun gameplay loop. I'm also a huge fan of the character designs. On top of that, thecyborgmummy seems to be very dedicated to the project and does a great job implementing feedback from his players. Looking forward to seeing where the rest of the game goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I like that this game isn't the same old DAZ stuff everywhere on this site. It has an actual style (though I think the two cel-shaded styles look bad. The smooth shading is good enough though.)

    Animations are well done- they're just cartoony enough to compliment the art-style but not realistic to the point of uncanny valley. The tanya system is kinda annoying but it makes sense to not make everything too easy right off the bat.

    Some people say you need the guide. So far I've found every pretty intuitive. If you've never played a point-and-click game then you'd probably get lost pretty easily but if you played those kinds of games in the past then I'd assume you can figure out what to do.

    Lots of characters too alongside the animation mode (basically a more in-depth gallery).

    Plus there's an actual (albeit pretty simple) game here. I'm a fan.

    Edit: One complaint is that the camera can't be zoomed out very far. It feels a little claustrophobic navigating the house because of this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It’s a real actual game that has porn in it. Almost like a ‘porn game’ what a ca-razy concept. If you are sick of the endles VN and RPGM stuff, this is for you. It has payable sex scenes, progression, customization, replayability, and most underrated for a porn game, a great soundtrack.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the graphics, because it's something unique. The gameplay is not bad either. Now comes the part that killed the game for me: No. fckn. guide. No questlog. I HAD to use the attached guide to understand HOW do hang up the posters. The house is literally filled with stuff and things for usage and how the heck should I know when, where and how to use them? I would never have found the duct tape in the kitchen if the guide wouldn't have told me before.
    So, progression is almost impossible (or bound to endless trail&error) without external help- Maybe it's just not my type of game, maybe I'm too stupid to get into it at all- but I was not able to enjoy this game at its current state.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    A very nice little game, and a lot more fun than I had anticipated!

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    Obviously this is not the most visually attractive or realistic looking game, but in the end its simplicity is exactly what makes it so enjoyable. For a game where you can walk around freely it has surprisingly little bugs and the gameplay is fairly smooth.

    The game is divided into multiple days and each day consists of three parts:
    1. A task you have to fulfill to progress to the next day.
    2. Finding a way to keep Tanya (the house 'supervisor') occupied.
    3. Fuck one of the female residents.
    Practically you're walking around the house while you search for objects and locations to complete these tasks. So it's like a puzzle/point & click game where you walk with the keyboard and move the camera/interact with your mouse. And if you don't feel like puzzling (is that a word?) you can just use the Guide.

    The sex scenes are pretty hot and very nicely animated, with lots of 'jiggly parts' (I'm a big fan of nicely animated female jiggly parts!) and different automated camera angles.

    So in conclusion: it's fun, simple, hot. Not the best game I ever played, nor one that makes you want to play for hours. But a very enjoyable game if you don't feel like playing a complicated sandbox or a wordy visual novel.