Unity - The Handyman [v1.1.2] [thecyborgmummy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Leisuresuit Larry feels are killing me. Good game, definitely one of the best on Unity engine. A must try I say.

    ++ Once you unlock a scene, you can swap girls in it via the main menu Animation. Nice.
    ++ Some scenes and outfits that are easilly missable. Wanna catch them all, Ash Ketchup.
    + Graphics
    + Decent scenes
    + Actual gameplay (steps to do stuff makes usually sense also)
    + Girls are nice and variable
    - Having a really good PC yet the Unity is making it scream (fan spinning) like I am playing Cyberpunk :D
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well put together game. Reminds me a lot of Leisuresuit Larry back in the day. Very bug-free, well built, and easy to get into. Lots of fun, and a nice simple platform. Following for future updates, great work dev!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game. I like the style I wish more games had it and the point and click puzzle mechanics are good. Challenging but not too challenging. Graphics are okay, the animations are good. I'm excited to see where this goes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A damn good start.

    Actual gameplay that doesn't require a walkthrough
    non-prerendered graphics

    Graphics aren't great

    In short a game that is kinda fun and if the graphics are the cost of gameplay I'm willing to put up with it to get away from the standard VN plots/"gameplay"
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has potential to be a great game. The graphics are simple and I'm a fan of that. It feels it needs to have a keyboard movement so the player can move easier in first person. It also needs to be more optimized and less buggy.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't Go for the graphics,the game play is so interesting,a 3d erotic game seems like this!!! Waiting for full version!! This is a pretty good project,some bugs need to be repaired!!! UI could be more user friendly in extreme condition,or working time!!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent premice. You're a handyman, at a sorority house. You pick up on what girls are interested in you, while you do your chores around the house, You plan ways to hook up with them while making sure the GoodyGoody RA doesn't bust your balls and get you fired.

    (the chores are well thought out and not a grind, even this early in development.)

    I'm liking where this is headed.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty fun little game to play, and the graphics aren't bad either. Also the animations are pretty fluid and if you are lagging you can always turn down the graphics to make it easier to watch. I like it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool concept, full 3d, nice style of models.

    A few bugs here and there, not much content as for now, unconventional contol scheme and mildly annoying minigames.

    This game definitely has potential and is like a breath of fresh air in the category oversaturaded by realistic but same-y looking 3d games, try it out and decide for yourself if you want to support it or not.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a good game not bad not great and put in mind it's at the first stage of the game and I like it so far.
    There are some annoying things you do to get the scene it's not the worst there are games that far worse than this to get a scene .

    ---But I always hate that the sex happen so quickly without any connection or chemistry between the two characters
    You just need to be near them and they gonna be horny for some reason.

    I wish that the developer will put more character development in the future, so you feel the connection between the 2 and make it some sort of real feelings.
    That's what made some of there other games so popular.
    Anyway good luck with the game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Graphics are cool, actually looks like a game. Controls are bad but I can imagine the reason of one hand controls. Scenes look nice.

    Oh man, gameplay is the worst I've ever seen. By Far. You have to do some annoying as fuck stuff to get a single scene. If you fail you start over. Some of them are bugged and you can't even complete them.

    It's like developer know he doesn't enough content and trying to make game longer as possible without actual content.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Although it can be buggy, the models are good. Looking forward to more updates! Pretty good for being in beta stage. The animations and world is pretty smooth so far, the characters act more humanly than robotic.