I assume you are the dev. If you are not, please feel free to ignore mePlease don't use the cheats to get around the patreon codes that were posted earlier. If you don't have a proper patreon code, THEY WILL BREAK YOUR GAME.
If you have entered some of the codes, you can try reversing them, but you will probably need to delete your game and the game's data in your application data folder to play it again.
Message for the dev:
Creating games is a difficult and stressful process. To want some monetarization from your game (here through patreon) is completly valid and understandable. Nobody asks you to do things for free.
If you want to make games, then do so. Dont let anyone stop you from it.
Just please keep in mind what your goal is. The game needs to be made. And that means in needs features, quality renders, story, etc.
Keep the code base easy to understand for yourself. Keep it clean so you can implement new and amazing features quicker and be able to react to your fans input. If you somewhen down the line hire someone to do the coding for you, it would help them speed up their work.
Stop focusing on people leaking the patreon codes. It does not matter how much time and money you spend on protecting these codes. They WILL leak. Look at these billion dollar companies that get their oh-so-well-protected games pirated on the launch day. Dont be that guy.
Focus on what is important: the Game. Start by attacking these game-breaking bugs. Clean up you code base. Make it easier for yourself. Add new content. Develop your story.
And when everything is a well made product, people will buy it. But forcing people to buy your game when its quality is lacking, is not the best marketing aproach.
I wish you the best of luck. Make this game great!
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