Ren'Py - The Headmaster [v0.15.3.1 Public] [Altos and Herdone]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Games but not enough interactions need to wait the next update to see. But it's good. A lot of caracters for now and i love the submissions and the domination nice. So 4 stars is good enough ECT.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Obvious nods to another game but with bespoke graphics. I like the setting being in England and the geographic look. The premise is maybe a bit extreme but brings plenty of scope for fun.
    I did write a vaguely similar story for a game with an artist but we fell out so it never got off the ground. It was set at a Swiss finishing school for girls of a very very similar type to those in this story except the main character was a highly sexed school girl dealing with a deviant Head of Discipline and between the 2 of them they corrupt all the teachers and pupils. I only say this to illustrate how firmly this game is in my ballpark.
    I love the fact that there are so many characters both staff and pupils which are all unique, even the twins. There's a good back story behind them all and all the female characters look hot. There a couple of the girls who are a bit on the large size but not off-puttingly big like I find so many games include.
    The game isn't too hard or too much work either. With some other games it is a lot of work before you get anywhere - quite frankly it is exhausting. You can skip as well if you are bored by the lack of weekend on content which I trust will be filled.
    If I had criticisms I suppose it being at 0.5.4 I did not expect as much to be missing as there was, maybe there could have been some outside locations, and that the main antagonist (so far) could have played more of a role. It did seem that for someone who didn't trust the protagonist, she took a lot on trust! Also a school without a toilet location? But then taht's just my fetish.
    These are minor complaints and maybe will be rectified when the game is complete. I would imagine there will be outside pressures from the owners and the government which will close in on the protagonist's perfect world but maybe he'll have everyone onside by then. I repeat that the female characters are attractive and the discipline scenes are pretty sexy with the different angles. 5 stars
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Watcher X

    This game is extraordinarily good.

    Despite the dark subject matter of sexual abuse and humiliation, which is really not my thing, it is done in such a way and with humour that it never leaves you feeling uncomfortable.

    The secret of this games brilliance is in making the implausible, plausible. All the situations the girls find themselves in, the school rules, the disciplinary actions, the MC justifying his actions, are so silly yet presented in such a way you find yourself thinking it's believable. That shows true skill in story writing.

    Visually the game ranges from adequate to superb, all the girls are gorgeous. Some of the animations are amazing. The interface improves with every update. At no stage does the game feel grindy, despite having lots to do and many hours of gameplay.

    My only minor complaint is some of the UI, especially things like the quest log and character information sheets look a little amateurish and could use a polish.

    Overall, a download is highly recommended.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has some really good stuff.
    The writing has really good black humor which people rarely get it right(even netflix gets it wrong most of the time).
    The scenes are smartly written and the story is intriguing at the very least
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I've discovered this gem yesterday.

    There's a nice background story.
    Nice renders.
    Lots of animations.
    Musics and sounds!
    Nice and lovable girls (tits and asses of all sizes! yay! Amy <3).

    I'm not fond of domination, humiliation and punishment but the way this game bring them on table have piqued my interest (For 9 hours straight lol).
    It look like far from completed but there's already tons on content, it's pretty impressive and very well done.
    I really hope I'll see this one completed! (and an extension, a sequel, a sequel of the sequel, and another one.)

    Apart a few scripts errors already known by the author with this version, the game smells love. Tons of texts and so few typos errors... Not enough to lose a star.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    So far I'm impressed with this adventure. Characters are diverse and each have their own needs to progress. Story so far is smooth, and outside of the few hiccups I've had its really good. ( I got a issue message once trying to save) Just can't seem to get the grounds keeper to give me the keys. Overall I gave it 4 stars. Keep up the work, and thanks
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at 0.5 beta.

    This is a stimulating, dark concept with a lot of potential. Players who enjoy acting out a power fantasy and are okay playing the bad guy will get their fill, here. The art is pretty good and only a distraction in some places, but very exciting in others. The gameplay is also engaging here as it actually offers the player a sequence of levels to achieve in the corruption of some girls. The sheer cast of characters and the options presented for the discipline sequences are quite promising. What will make this title succeed in the long run is if the interactive scenes become more fully fleshed out challenges, with opportunities to "level up" all of the students and staff. The opportunity to upgrade the school and change the school rules to suit your agenda is also very intriguing, and will help the game to shine if it is more fleshed out. I am very eager to see where this project goes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    xl Daedalus lx

    Amazing thus far and I can only hope that the high-quality work continues.
    I was very impressed with the 'new' mechanics to train/dominate/control the girls. I see that this will be a much more in-depth game than most of this genre. For that, I am appreciative.

    The models are average at worst, and some achieve a really good quality. The animations that I have seen thus far are fairly average as well, but it does not detract from the above feature - the gameplay itself.

    I am very excited to see more and to eventually sit down and play the completed version, updating and improving the school; unlocking new features; training and manipulating the various students and teachers, etc.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. multitude of characters, constant updates, great variety of situations. Definitely spent 7 hours straight playing on the .4 beta to reach the end. highly recommend to anyone who likes good situations and well written content
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall rating 3.5 ( above avearge)

    Story 3/10. There's little to no story in the game: besides the introduction and the quests the game is void of story.

    Renders 7.5/10. They're above good but below great. Its definitely decent.

    Fetish (BDSM/ School/blackmail/spanking/ corruption) 9/10. The game mainly focuses on BDSM,Spanking and corruption. If you're a masochist then odds are you may enjoy this game.

    Animation 7/10. Not plentiful, plus they're held back by the renders.

    sound/music 5/10. Average, kinda what you expect really.

    Would recommend; 3.5/5 starts in my opinion.
    Keep up the good work!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    also like this game , i hope i am the headmaster...mmmm. very girl is beautiful,so sexy, love this game. good job ,a powerful game developer team. wait for new update, I can not wait any more! I can not any longer! new version please...
  12. H
    5.00 star(s)


    The Headmaster is definitely worth a 5 star rating, it has an actual game for you to play, managing stats, your students and money... But it never feels grindy or pointless it's always rewarding to unlock new content, nothing feels rushed and nothing feels like it's dragging more than it needs and all is tracked by a replay screen that helps you get all scenes in a version.

    The game also has great image quality with a reasonable footprint and a surprising amount of content as of 0.4.3.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    At .2.2 I was interested, but unsure if the game would flounder in mediocrity or evolve into something meriting a 5/5 rating. At .4.2 I would say it seems much more likely to be the latter rather than the former.
    Still a very limited amount of content, but the content that exists floats consistently between "good" and "great". Renders are consistent quality. Animations are mostly minimalist yet smooth enough to serve the purpose effectively, and the newly added animations that are full motion are genuinely impressive. The setting is what it needs to be to manifest the game's focus, and the plot, though largely only eluded to thus far, is as interesting as it needs to be (which is to say..."who really cares?"). Most characters have very limited development so far but are well done - each person feels unique, visually and psychologically. The game mechanics are only implemented for one girl so far, but it is a pretty solid system that can be very entertaining when applied to all characters.
    If the current trends continue, I have every faith that this will be an exemplary game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Exellent artwork, a couple of really good animations, sexy girls, an interesting premise/plot and alot of branches to go down, a true trainer game, with its unique own twist on the genre. Weird thing is, i usually hate 3dcg games, but this one is just downright sexy to the core
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best training games I've played, allot of variety in terms of looks of the girls and personality.

    Animations are really smooth also.

    Good regular updates as well so far too, can't wait to see where this goes in the future. I just hope that they take their time with the training mechanics and don't feel pushed to rush into sex with all the girls too fast as i feel this breaks the immersion of games like this. It should take time to get to that stage.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game is great and I hope the dev keeps working on it. The setting and premise may be my favorite of all the games on f95. The graphics are excellent, the writing is fantastic and once the upcoming punishment system gets put in place it will be my a terrific game and will probably result in me supporting on patreon. .

    The characters are well written unique and I hope the punishment system is as broad to deal with all these naughty girls in the appropriate fashion. Well done Altos and Herdone, I'm a fan!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoyed it rather than “critical/objective” rating. In another words my “review” is PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments.

    Review as of 0.3.4
    +great potential
    +plenty of girls and women to enjoy
    +CG rather nice plus some Animations and voice acting
    +Rather solid gameplay mechanics
    +Cheat menu addition if required

    -needs more depth for characters

    Not much to add as it's rather early progress game. But It has great potential and will surely return and update my review once game has reached "completed" status or enough time and versions pass. Looking forwards all new corruption, humiliation methods with students and as well progress with teachers.

    Hopefully game will have planty of options thus forking routes.

  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on version 6.2

    -Backstories being built up with teachers and some key pupils, potential sweet romances or sexy friends with benefits, can make friends or enemies. I felt warm if I did something that cheered up or helped a character, I could also play a harder line if I wished.

    There are some lovely moments where, having interacted with the character for awhile as helped them as headmaster via quests and they develop as a person, it comes together in some sweet scenes, or other times sensual (or both) scenes, and a feeling of a bond grown between headmaster and lady, of characters changing due to your efforts.

    -Replay system is generous for anything you have missed due to choices and very generous with second chances like hiring Trixie if you went with the… more responsible first time round.

    -Strong enf (embarrassed naked female) about situations the females find themselves in, strongest game for that in my experience. Varies up the situation, very good at playing into the ladies personality with the enf’s so their punishment, reason for being like that (punishment or not)

    +A nice sense of humour from the headmaster about the situations he faces and about the honourable/power choices you sometimes get for a path, the headmaster reacting to the paths chosen.

    +Variation in terms of personalty and body types, varying the enf and springing "now for something completely different" like the hilarious goldeneye scenes

    +Punishment quests (there are other quests for characters). Two so far, I was more in for the enf rather then the spanking so wasn’t sure going into them if I would be “get through this quickly” but it has been interesting.

    The mechanics are clear and usually clear what you need to do to level the person up, free mode lets you explore each and every punishment. Each step unlocks something new in the punishment, adds more depth to the character being punished as well as Miss Newman and your headmaster, alters things that happen in the school.

    The punishments are tailored to the character, what you have discovered about drives them and it drives your character into exploring more about them, granting you bigger rewards and interesting conversations in a virtuous circle.

    +Sense of progress. Both in game and out. In the game you see impact of decisions and the improving school via the characters that become increasingly allied, growing as people, new powers and toys to play with.

    Outside of that, you do see new characters being added, hints at what is to come in future quests or in the school, being able to go that bit further with the characters or new features being added so each update feels another sizeable step forward.

    Great work!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I've just completed all the available content for this version (0.3.4) and have to say, I can understand why this game has been rated so highly.
    Everything about it is first class.
    The storyline is great, keeps one guessing , and has the potential to become one of the better games on this site.
    The sex scenes so far have fitted perfectly with the story. Not too rushed which makes a change from some games.
    The characters are perfect for the story and the girls? Well, what can I say?
    HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!
    TBH I can't find anything negative about it.
    Keep up the great work @Altos and Herdone
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Hello! This is my first rating here and I hope I can at least help a little and get more active ^^
    based on v. 0.3.3 so let's start!!

    Summery: You are a headmaster at a high school like academy where you must discipline the students with your new and "special" methods but you have to gain absolute power over the school first, aka you must convince the other teachers to follow you.

    1. The story is rather creative and interesting.
    2. The characters are unique and rather deep
    3. awesome CG very high quality! !!!
    4. you have a variety of actions and ways to interact with your students (be nice or strict)
    5. Good writing!
    6. Great....GREAT potential for the future
    Bad: There is not a lot here
    1. At the moment it's kind of short on content (especially on H) if it had more of the mechanics and H encounters implemented it would be a 5 star!
    2. Some mechanics that were introduced in the beginning didn't appear later on. and the punishment got boring since you had no way of customizing it like the first time

    It's an awesome game that reminds me of HHS but only the positive points got transferred ^^ I really enjoyed the game! More for the game play then the H content but that just shows how good the game is! and the H content is highest quality I have seen in a renpy game so far....maybe I have missed some gems....?
    I suggest you get it! :)

    Thanks for reading and I hope I help a bit :)