Ren'Py - The Headmaster [v0.16.3] [Altos and Herdone]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    9/10 Another perfect game. Easy navigation, everything should be. Your genre of fun title.
    Too much excitement is missing for my taste. Doing prohibited things is always exciting than trying to do them legally.
    This game lacks teasing and excitement.
    Anyway, it's a game that is already in the top 20 category.
    Nice work. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, I love the fact you can tell the girls apart from their faces. The setting is a really great balance of unbelievable, but believable in the universe it sets up. I like the slow corruption that occurs! I just wish the main character had a young cousin or something show up for some incest fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    James Do

    Great game. To my taste the intro is a bit overdone, but the game it self is very good and has great potential.
    - The game has good graphics.
    - The game promises a well thought through punishment system
    - Normally I don't like the Japanese graphic style, but in this game it doesn't bother me (it's not overdone).
    - Story is interesting.
    - Only game I know where male domination is big part of the game.
    - a game with also breasts without causing the women instant backache. (I love small breasts).

    If the next episode is to my expectation , I will definitely support this game on patreon.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played through the current version in one sitting.
    The format seems pretty original to me.
    The beautiful part about this game is the endless amount of open opportunities for the developer.
    If he plays his cards right he can develop this game into one of the games with the most gameplay.
    There's a lot of good characters. The story lines are pretty short at the moment, but the way they start out creates a lot of potential.
    You have the possibility to upgrade the school which also leaves in the opportunity to open new areas, and it seems like that will become possible pretty soon.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where the developer takes this game. I will definitely be checking in to see where it goes. It's a fun game and it has a bunch of potential.

    Great work, Altos and Herdone!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a phenomenal melding of Hentai High School as far as structure in a Honey Select modeled visual novel, with sheer artistry on display in both how they used the models and how they crafted the python code beyond what you see from typical Ren'Py projects that just get dialed in with a few branching dialogues. This game knows exactly what it wants to be and after playing for the first time today I'm excited to back their Patreon. These devs deserve the money.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is gonna be a great sandbox management game for sure.

    Playing demos usually leave me skeptical and unsure about the direction of the game would be heading, but this right here is not the case.

    Introduced characters already have a spice and personality to them which was surprising in a good way.

    Prologue explains itself well, but still leaves more room to build on, which is great and can flourish into something very interesting.

    Models look great and polished. MC could use a little polishing on his motives and feels like a devious personality would be his thing, hopefully we get to see that explored mode, after all this is a corruption game, so expect blackmail, domination and more.

    Creators seem honest and forward on their Patreon, which is always a good sign. Definitive support this, or at least follow and like.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Gotta give this game cred for trying something new.

    First of all, the models look great. Girls are hot and come in many forms, not just physically but personality wise. I appreciate that. The premise is also as batshit crazy as it is unique. You are a nutty academic desperate to prove how effective molestation can be as a diciplinary method, and you're hired by a shady company to run their school. Its ridiculous. I love it.

    What really should get you interested is how this game goes about being a GAME. It has gameplay systems that feel unique and fresh ans most importantly, fits with the theme of the game. All girls have different personalities, desires and weaknesses. You learn these weaknesses by getting closer to your students, and use them to train them into your sluts by customizing your diciplinary methods to fit their kinks and fetishes. all the while, you assume more power of school policy by doing quests for the teachers.

    I love it. If you want a porn game that does something new and smart about its gameplay, this is it.

    HOWEVER, this being a first release, dont expect to much action. As of version 0.1, all you get are some undressing, spanking, and a blowjob. In a few versions, where things escalate, I think this could really be something special.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start and well flashed out concept. Corruption with a purpose, and it seems like the charecters all have a personality. Still needs more content, but all the ingredients for an amazing game are there.
    Really looking forward to the next versions, but this demo got me very excited.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great demo; it has it all: immersive music and sounds, impressive models and render, understandable mechanics, a fresh story or focus (the ultimate goal is helping the students and improving grades). Glad I tried it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Bit soon to give 5 stars, but i'll take my chance this time since the game looks very promising. Its a clean and well structured game with a plot that differs from other games. Looking forward to next update.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    unique is the word i have in mind.. a good start.. a different story line.. not same plots like 90% of the games.. from graphic to controls to everything.. too good.. high hopes for this game.. Will be waiting for future updates as well.. keep up the good work is all i have to say..
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game looks great! Fantastic setup here, some early content. A great tutorial introduction, I think more games should do this sort of style. Lays out the premise, gets you up to speed. Doesn't look too grindy (but we'll have to see once the game opens up after Day 1). Lots of good story hooks and different angles. Certainly one to watch going forward!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty impress. Story line with the animation is perfect. I can say it will be one game that I will check for an update. Like the concept so far that you can choose different option in order to advance in the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start. Only 1 day implemented at v0.1 but very promising for first release. The introduction might needs to be less agressive with the sex scene in order to make it more realistic, do not present main character like coming from outer space and give space for building up the corruption game. Other than that realy good concept, rendering, guiding UI etc
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    For a v0.1, I thought this was really rounded, enough content available to be able to see where this will be going. I enjoyed it and look forward to the next release.

    I have rarely enjoyed a v0.1 release and this made a pleasant change.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review made at the 0.1 Version of the game (Released Demo), will edit it as more content is introduced.

    Another interesting release worth stepping away from the lurk to comment. As far as game demos come this one certainly meets the definition of the better ones: it introduces the story and fundamental elements of the game, it is well written in proper English, has a diverse and interesting pool of characters and I for one found the pacing to be good for a first release. You get a glimpse of what is to come in the game with that first spanking in my opinion, in the sense that while your goal will ultimately be to corrupt the girls it will be something you have to work towards, going as far as doing side-quests to gain influence to change the rules as to not have your game be too easy or boring too quickly.

    My suspension of disbelief was not entirely broken by the opening of the game because while the MC thinks what he is doing is nothing wrong the "realistic" (in the sense he was not immediately arrested lol) crowd reaction and subsequent development of the story made it acceptable enough that is not game-breaking unrealistic to me personally. Everyone seems to understand that while the rules of society have been changed something like this is not yet widely accepted and has to be done in seclusion, gets positive points from me there.

    I also like how I can already see what kind of work I might have ahead of me in order to achieve the desired ultimate harem scenario, with the teachers side-quests, student interactions, limited action turns in the punishment as to figure out the best possible way to unlock the next level with the girls. It has overall good gameplay mechanics and while it is too early to judge if they seem like more boring grind like many other games I feel like they are well balanced enough as of right now (I do realize this is 0.1 the demo). It tickled my planning ahead/roadmap the shit out of stuff enjoyment I often get playing strategy games.

    The Character pool and models are quite honestly very good indeed. I feel like there is something for everyone in here, from my personal favorites the little petites to more voluptuous girls that again, are not unrealistically balloon big (I get that some of you here like that and that's fine, it's just not my cup of tea). And even though my laser focus has already targeted Charlotte, Rachel and Maxine as primary targets the redhead twins are way too fucking hot to not fantasize about! As a side note is there any content involving Samantha, your PA? Her very friendly nature was very appealing to me. Chang also tickled my she's a little freaky but might be worth it tingle.

    So overall i would say you have yourself quite a good opportunity in your hands to develop something good and concrete worthy of a Patreon campaign.

    The positives for me are:
    - Believable story, well within the limits of an erotic fantasy.
    - Proper English, always gets good points from me when i can actually understand wtf is going on.
    - Good Character Pool, with enough variety that should have something for everyone.
    - Good Pacing, as of 0.1 in the sense that the candy isn't immediately handed out to you.
    - Interesting Mechanics, the punishments, side quests, student interactions and opportunities to change your core values all play well with each other.

    The only pet peeve I have is that I agree with another user that said that the MC looks too much like a soy boy imo. Could have gone with a more manly model but oh well.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    TGI Games

    - Writing.
    The writing I found very good in terms of executing the individual dialogues and ideas. Unfortunately, two issues: one of the ideas that were executed were pretty bad (see story section), and there is just not enough of it. There are so many NPCs in this game and to even properly introduce all of them we would need a lot more writing. It's not really a negative, how the writing is executed is really a strong point in this game. The problem is, of course, you have to execute the right ideas. See next section

    - Story / ideas: as others have noted in the thread, the first introduction when we meet the MC is just horrible. He is in a huge auditorium and this braindead MC shoves a dildo into a girl in front of everyone. With the girl trying to say no several times previously to various other actions. Sorry just no. This is seriously annoying, as it depicts the MC as both a creep and a low-iq individual. When the brain dead MC by some miracle avoids jail and only gets fired from his job, he seems surprised. As if he was incapable of seeing the consequences of his actions. (Something he loves to talk about later in the game) . To make matters worse the player is forced into the scene with no option to slow down/stop at any point. Even if the scene is unavoidable for plot reason it would have been easy to give the player the option to stop after say 2-3 actions. (After which he can be fired just the same or his presentation interrupted by the Education Secretary). A dumb storyline is usually fine, but not a needlessly forced one, which is also braindead at the same time. However, after this intro, I have to say things get much better, and other ideas and scenes seem very serviceable.
    The problem is the game is currently so short, there is just not enough content and with that, the first scene really sticks out.

    - Renders are not good. Not sure how to put this exactly. But something feels off, especially with the hair and the characters somehow look odd. I didn't like the graphics personally, it's the main thing that pulls down the score for me. Everyone just looks too similar. Similarly odd I mean, I can't explain it better but I think it has something to do with the engine and if the game used renders created in DAZ it would look a LOT better. Even if the creator is just a beginner using DAZ the end result would still be much better. (Maybe this is just a personal taste thing, but I really did find the renders were so much better in many other games, some of which I only rated 4 stars. )

    - the amount of content:
    is extremely minimal, as the game only allows 1 (one) playable day currently. For a 0.1 (as opposed to a 0.01 or a demo) version, I would like to see a lot more than just a single day. This was a big disappointment after seeing the extremely high rating of this game, I expected a LOT more from it. Maybe I just came in with too high expectations, but I really thought I will get a lot a lot more based on the rating. Will probably update my review after a couple of updates to see how things changed.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Been looking for a high quality Hentai High School spin-off for ages so this game looks like a dream come true. Looks absolutely fantastic for now!
    5/5 hands down and I'm totally hyped up!

    My only concern is it seems to have heavy emphasis on punishments; really hope it's not going to turn into some sort of hardcore BDSM/torture simulator

    Edit(v.0.6.2): Scratch the last one, looks like the devs are really nice ppl, so i dont expect any permanent damage to the cuties :)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Seems to have tons of potential. I like the different stats and interactions you can have with the different characters, of which there are plenty of. Also has a quest log, which is always a plus. Seems to have a bit of a dark undertone too, hinting that your predecessor was murdered for doing a bad job. Maybe thats what happens when your stats hit zero. :oops:
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic 0.1 and I can't wait for the next update. It has an great starting point, with an easy to use interface and plenty of room for expanding. The only thing I'm hoping for in the future is a gallery option.