Ren'Py - The Headmaster [v0.16.3] [Altos and Herdone]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    As of v0.6.1 Beta

    So, fair warning, the game is silly. It knows how silly it is, embraces it and runs with it for a full marathon.

    The Good.
    A very decently looking Honey Select game. I admit I was impressed, the devs know how to use the platform.
    The UI is clean and easy to use, you don't need to go through idiotic loops, just to check some minor thing.
    The game is lighthearted and fun. Every time it goes full comedy it's hilarious.
    The characters are nicely written. It won't be long and you will know them and what to expect of them.

    The Bad
    Most of the quests are very linear, forcing you to do specific things to progress. There is some variety, but as a whole, despite it's free-roam nature, it's a damn linear game. I'ts actually my only complain about it.

    The Ugly.
    The story is... well, the story is ok, but the premise of the story is something you come up with while drunk. It would have worked much better if it was just an unnamed country and not so obviously England.
    Don't get me wrong, it's a functional premise and once you get past the fact, that the MC should have been jailed from the start... it's not that bad. I'm actually curious about what exactly is the organization that hired me and about everything else going on in that world. But... "Ain't enough students graduating, so we will strip them of basically all their rights..." just didn't work for me.

    Conclusion: Barring the premise of the story, the game is fun, enjoyable and interesting. A little grindy at the start, when you have to do your damn best not to get a game-over and almost trivially easy after that. Still, it's a good game and I recommend it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I was hesitant to try it first because this kind of art (anime like) didn't appeal to me, but I'm happy I gave it a try. I have found a game with good art, very well written, good interface and an interesting story where each character has each own personality.

    One of the best games out there.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is going in a great direction.
    One of the best looking Illusion Models ive seen so far, the animations are nice and the writing is good.
    Gameplay is engaging and it makes actually fun to find events and new information about the characters. There are a good amount of characters but not overwhelmingly many, like in some other games.

    So far a excellent game, i do hope that the devs keep this great foundation and focus on content rather than try to make the game more "deep" with tons of new gameplay mechanics, noone needs in a porn game :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I first tried this game with version 0.5.4

    It has a lot of potential. I was expecting more content regarding the punishing aspect of the game but I got satisfied with all the side stuffs.

    I can't wait to see how this game is gonna evolved. A strong base has been set and I can see all the signs of an awesome game, with interesting mechanics, and story that you actually want to read !

    PS: omg Amy, what an angelic sexy face !
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Not convinced

    Well, to be honest I did not understand the hype around this game.
    I almost gave up after 30 minutes, I didn't like it at all at first for many reasons. I gave a second chance the following night, it was sligthly more interesting...but still not convinced, I played like 2 hours in total, I have no idea how far I am in the current game, but anyway I will stop here.

    --- Chara Design :
    HS design and not even improved. Kinda Basic. A lot of variety of girls though. Their personality are quite stereotypical. We are supposed to see some character developpement, well... nothing striking so far.

    --- Story/Background :
    Ok let's put aside the setup of this game. It is just a weird excuse to put some spanking. I don't see what is great about that.
    However, the story do progress more or less in a sensible way, with some side stories, and objectives to accomplish. The writing is ok.
    The music is nice, probably the best feature of this game.

    --- Animations/Sex Scene :
    HS animations, plus some renders there or there. Maybe interesting for people who never played Honey Select...otherwise...

    --- Gameplay/Contents :
    Easy everlasting sandbox kind with some VN at times, it might become more complex at some point. I don't really like sandbox games, but here it is ok, I have seen worse. You have objectives to accomplish in whatever order you feel, it will take you weeks of spamming the same action at times, but thanks god sometimes the main story does interrupt your boring week with some scripted event.

    I don't know if it is because I had the chance to play to much better games before this one, that I have a very different point of view than the majority of the people who rated this thread.
    Or maybe the strong fetish and sandbox aspect was the appeal for those who rated it 5 stars. Anyway, it is not a bad game, but I don't really like it, I can't get into it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Postive things about the game:
    +Good variation of characters
    +Good charecters
    +Good history
    +Regular scenes
    +Good grafics
    +Have cheats if you get stuck(y)
    +Good explanation of the missions
    Negative things about the game:
    -Short like 1 hour or 2:unsure:
    -short of erotic scenes:(
    -For be on half made i think is short
    -For now you only can punish 1 character that is a boomer:mad:
    Personal opinion about the game:
    I like alot this game bee like a person ho wants to do a good thing or a bad thing i like it.the problem for now is the lack of erotic scenes and the puinshments that this game is about..... . the erotic scenes for now they are good . the history is very good bee a profesor ho wets spoiler spoiler .... and then gets that oportunity for try to do it in the direction he likes .
    i give him 5 stars for now for the good history if this game is abandonet i gona change for 3 stars
    but i give him the 5 stars becose is my personal likement
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Personally i don't like Honey Select based game, but i read the description of the game decide to give it a try and was pleasantly surprised.
    The beginning of the game must seems ridiculous and absurd at first look , but then after we meet our employer and get a job, the plot will become really interesting.
    First of all, i want to write positives sides of this game.
    What i really like in this game is that it provide realistic corruption. The algorithm (pain+shame+pleasure=submission) which our MC discovered, of course may seem debatable , but if you think about it, it might work even in real life, maybe not on all people but on some people for sure. Because this algorithm includes real mechanisms from the basics of psychology, what makes story of the game believable. And is really cool, if you remember that it just a porn game. I really don't like most game of such genre where you get stupid cheating mind control powers or boring blackmail and this game resists these rooted cliches except training idea, I guess.

    Characters of the game feels alive, some of them have touching backstory: Excellent student girl who was framed and could not finish school , or girl who haven't enough money for training for olympic game and forced to make photoshot for adult magazine. And after you will hear their story, game will give you morale decisions like make this excellent student girl take nude photos for old perverted math teacher or don't harm girl and solve situation in other ways. I think is also cool that game give you opportunity to solve situations in different ways, i hope dev will continue to make more such decisions in future.

    MC grow adult with scientific degree, cunning mind and acceptable level of perversion (He have not nose bleeding after every panties or boobs he'll see, what for me is breath of fresh air)

    Game also have really good humor and scenes staging.

    Animations some good, some are not. In the beginning most of them not very long and interesting. But in last update dev did decent one, i hope he will improve further with it. Oh and there is non sex animations, like dancing or showering which are really GREAT. I wonder, why dev don't spend such effort on sex scenes? :)

    About cons, i don't see much of them, maybe just lack of sex content for now, there is so much updates already, but not so much of that you want see.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing is what really makes this. Most of these Ren'Py games are absolutely ridiculous and have no sense of realism. Though the premise of The Headmaster is a little silly, and there's silly moments, it's played straight enough that it works. If the writing is this good going forward, then I look forward to future releases.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747

    Kinky and enjoyable

    The good
    • Overall ambience and style (I'm a sucker for immersive VNs - and this one delivers).
    • Characters are very attractive, but also well written and show distinctive personalities.
    • Animations (some are "just" okay while others - like the dancing or shower scenes - are truly great).
    • Facial expressions and animations
    • Fitting subtle music and ambient sound
    • Thanks to the superb writing, story and setting - despite their absurdity - feel coherent and plausible.
    • Believable and witty dialogue
    • The humour is hilarious.
    • I've never been into spanking, but The Headmaster made me enjoy it - as long as there's a reason for punishment.
    • Apparently, a lot of love, passion and thought went into creating this VN (magazine story, water pistol fight).
    • There's already a good amount of content and a couple of very hot scenes.
    • Event log, which lets you replay key scenes to... erm… improve your educational skills.

    The so-so
    • Free roam mechanics (the devs managed to keep the "grind" bearable, but it still gets a bit tedious at times).
    • The character biographies and quests add to the immersion, but aren't always accurate (characters showing up as "not introduced" or quests as "not finished", even though they are).
    • Controls could be a tad more intuitive (like skipping "do you really want to spend the morning doing x?").

    The improvable
    • Unlike the other characters the MC doesn't look very appealing - and his dick looks like a strap-on.
    • At times the story gets a bit too dark, especially when people get overly mistreated - like Ruth being humiliated despite her grief, Mr. Wilson almost getting killed, Debbie being forced into a hand job even though she's a lesbian or the twins being punished until they cry. Some of these scenes made me feel uncomfortable. It’s a thin line and I hope the devs will stick to the light-hearted atmosphere instead of walking down a darker path in future updates.
    • Sadly, at the end of the current version all potential antagonists (Ruth, Debbie, Maxine) have already been silenced - I think especially Ruth has been "sacrificed" too early.
    • Some minor bugs like missing animations in secondary camera angles, the "detect-o-meter" still displaying during scripted scenes right after spying on the girls - or the whole image being shifted during the second dream sequence (at least on Mac).
    • Quite a lot of spelling errors, missing words, double words, etc.

    In my opinion The Headmaster is among the best adult VNs, especially if you enjoy attractive & believable characters, witty dialogue, a good laugh and... spanking of course.

    "Don't quote latin at me while I'm having sex."
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Games but not enough interactions need to wait the next update to see. But it's good. A lot of caracters for now and i love the submissions and the domination nice. So 4 stars is good enough ECT.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Obvious nods to another game but with bespoke graphics. I like the setting being in England and the geographic look. The premise is maybe a bit extreme but brings plenty of scope for fun.
    I did write a vaguely similar story for a game with an artist but we fell out so it never got off the ground. It was set at a Swiss finishing school for girls of a very very similar type to those in this story except the main character was a highly sexed school girl dealing with a deviant Head of Discipline and between the 2 of them they corrupt all the teachers and pupils. I only say this to illustrate how firmly this game is in my ballpark.
    I love the fact that there are so many characters both staff and pupils which are all unique, even the twins. There's a good back story behind them all and all the female characters look hot. There a couple of the girls who are a bit on the large size but not off-puttingly big like I find so many games include.
    The game isn't too hard or too much work either. With some other games it is a lot of work before you get anywhere - quite frankly it is exhausting. You can skip as well if you are bored by the lack of weekend on content which I trust will be filled.
    If I had criticisms I suppose it being at 0.5.4 I did not expect as much to be missing as there was, maybe there could have been some outside locations, and that the main antagonist (so far) could have played more of a role. It did seem that for someone who didn't trust the protagonist, she took a lot on trust! Also a school without a toilet location? But then taht's just my fetish.
    These are minor complaints and maybe will be rectified when the game is complete. I would imagine there will be outside pressures from the owners and the government which will close in on the protagonist's perfect world but maybe he'll have everyone onside by then. I repeat that the female characters are attractive and the discipline scenes are pretty sexy with the different angles. 5 stars
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Watcher X

    This game is extraordinarily good.

    Despite the dark subject matter of sexual abuse and humiliation, which is really not my thing, it is done in such a way and with humour that it never leaves you feeling uncomfortable.

    The secret of this games brilliance is in making the implausible, plausible. All the situations the girls find themselves in, the school rules, the disciplinary actions, the MC justifying his actions, are so silly yet presented in such a way you find yourself thinking it's believable. That shows true skill in story writing.

    Visually the game ranges from adequate to superb, all the girls are gorgeous. Some of the animations are amazing. The interface improves with every update. At no stage does the game feel grindy, despite having lots to do and many hours of gameplay.

    My only minor complaint is some of the UI, especially things like the quest log and character information sheets look a little amateurish and could use a polish.

    Overall, a download is highly recommended.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has some really good stuff.
    The writing has really good black humor which people rarely get it right(even netflix gets it wrong most of the time).
    The scenes are smartly written and the story is intriguing at the very least
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I've discovered this gem yesterday.

    There's a nice background story.
    Nice renders.
    Lots of animations.
    Musics and sounds!
    Nice and lovable girls (tits and asses of all sizes! yay! Amy <3).

    I'm not fond of domination, humiliation and punishment but the way this game bring them on table have piqued my interest (For 9 hours straight lol).
    It look like far from completed but there's already tons on content, it's pretty impressive and very well done.
    I really hope I'll see this one completed! (and an extension, a sequel, a sequel of the sequel, and another one.)

    Apart a few scripts errors already known by the author with this version, the game smells love. Tons of texts and so few typos errors... Not enough to lose a star.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    So far I'm impressed with this adventure. Characters are diverse and each have their own needs to progress. Story so far is smooth, and outside of the few hiccups I've had its really good. ( I got a issue message once trying to save) Just can't seem to get the grounds keeper to give me the keys. Overall I gave it 4 stars. Keep up the work, and thanks
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at 0.5 beta.

    This is a stimulating, dark concept with a lot of potential. Players who enjoy acting out a power fantasy and are okay playing the bad guy will get their fill, here. The art is pretty good and only a distraction in some places, but very exciting in others. The gameplay is also engaging here as it actually offers the player a sequence of levels to achieve in the corruption of some girls. The sheer cast of characters and the options presented for the discipline sequences are quite promising. What will make this title succeed in the long run is if the interactive scenes become more fully fleshed out challenges, with opportunities to "level up" all of the students and staff. The opportunity to upgrade the school and change the school rules to suit your agenda is also very intriguing, and will help the game to shine if it is more fleshed out. I am very eager to see where this project goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    xl Daedalus lx

    Amazing thus far and I can only hope that the high-quality work continues.
    I was very impressed with the 'new' mechanics to train/dominate/control the girls. I see that this will be a much more in-depth game than most of this genre. For that, I am appreciative.

    The models are average at worst, and some achieve a really good quality. The animations that I have seen thus far are fairly average as well, but it does not detract from the above feature - the gameplay itself.

    I am very excited to see more and to eventually sit down and play the completed version, updating and improving the school; unlocking new features; training and manipulating the various students and teachers, etc.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. multitude of characters, constant updates, great variety of situations. Definitely spent 7 hours straight playing on the .4 beta to reach the end. highly recommend to anyone who likes good situations and well written content
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall rating 3.5 ( above avearge)

    Story 3/10. There's little to no story in the game: besides the introduction and the quests the game is void of story.

    Renders 7.5/10. They're above good but below great. Its definitely decent.

    Fetish (BDSM/ School/blackmail/spanking/ corruption) 9/10. The game mainly focuses on BDSM,Spanking and corruption. If you're a masochist then odds are you may enjoy this game.

    Animation 7/10. Not plentiful, plus they're held back by the renders.

    sound/music 5/10. Average, kinda what you expect really.

    Would recommend; 3.5/5 starts in my opinion.
    Keep up the good work!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    also like this game , i hope i am the headmaster...mmmm. very girl is beautiful,so sexy, love this game. good job ,a powerful game developer team. wait for new update, I can not wait any more! I can not any longer! new version please...