Feedback and minor bugs, version 0.8.2
Having just finished 0.8.2, I can say that this has been one of my favorite updates so far. I don't know when I've laughed out loud so much. I loved the scene with Cassandra's horrifying realization that the headmaster was right. And having the girls gossiping about desperate game developers just putting sex in a game to sell it was about as close to breaking the fourth wall as you can get, considering a lot of the comments you see in this very forum about that issue.
The scenes with Miss Potts were hot and sexy but still gave you some real character development. Like some others have mentioned, I got really worried when I thought that she was about to go all evil on us. But the idea that an inexperienced young teacher who has difficulty controlling her class suddenly gets a power rush when she finally has someone under her complete control makes complete sense.
And as for Rachel... my head is still spinning. She goes from looking like someone's impossibly cute kid sister in her dorm room, wanting her first kiss, to some of the hottest sex scenes in the game, to outright comedy ("don't come in! I'm… MASTURBATING!"), to full-on sexual exploitation (when you matter-of-factly talk about the need to stretch her holes out)... all in about 10 minutes of game play. And that's without even mentioning her butt plug scene, which managed to be cute and sexy and funny and sexually corrupt all at once. I swear, some Hollywood screenwriters could take lessons from you about how to play with their audience's emotions like that.
As always, I've noticed a few possible (but minor) bugs and issues. Hope this helps!
1) If you complete Rachel's student quest, and then do the repeatable handjob scene in the gym on Thursday afternoon, it resets her quest (back to when you did the boner scene for the first time).
2) During Rachel's "butt plug in reception" scene, if you put the butt plug in her, her quest action changes to "teach a class". But if you don't use the butt plug (e.g. if you wake her up), then her quest action doesn't change. (Even through there's a "non-butt plug" version of the class event that you can see.) Instead, the quest stays as "spy on her room and make sure her gaming addiction is cured".
3) If you tell Rachel you don't like her breasts in the sports class, then during her public punishment there's still a placeholder message that says "Dev Note. Scene where we convince Rachel we do like her breasts. To be added."
4) After you raise Rachel to Level 2 and give her the Special Homework Assignment, then her quest (Spy on Rachel's room to make sure she does her homework) is already grayed out (but does not have "complete" next to it).
5) Once you punish Amy in class without her skirt, you can get a repeatable event where she is early to class but is missing her tie. If you let her off, you don't get any popularity points. But in other similar cases (e.g. if you let Rachel off when she's sleeping in reception), you get +1 popularity.
6) You're meant to spy on the shower when Amy is wearing her chastity panties. But if you don't spy on the shower until after Amy's chastity week, then you'll still see the scene with Amy and Debbie in the shower. I'd suggest this gets scene gets removed or something after Amy's week is up.
7) At the end of Lucy's storyline, if you peek on her changing into her topless apron, she just demands more money. But if you then ask her to wear the maid uniform and peek on her, she still runs away from your house. I think this scene needs updating once she's willing to go topless.
Ada, the new student, needs added to the list of characters. Fixed in
9) At the top of the event log, there's a not saying that "Events marked with a * have additional content this update" but this hasn't been done. I think this should be removed or updated for the Public release.
10) Minor typo – when you click on your desk drawer (before you get Amy's magazine", the message is "the DRAW is empty" (should be drawer).
11) This is more a wish than a bug, but please tell me we're going to be able to view those naked pictures of Miss Potts on our computer soon, right?