Ren'Py - The Headmaster [v0.16.3] [Altos and Herdone]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The whole idea was promising , but not anymore after playing the game

    I played this game 2 years ago version 0.8 and now I replayed the game 0.13.2 and I don't see much have changed in the game, if the creator made 2 images per day it would have much more content

    I wanted to play this game when it would be 1.0 (which mean a complete version of the game) I assumed that 0.8 > 0.9 > 1.0 however the creator went 0.9 > 0.10 :p

    it feels like that the creator is making the minimum thing to earn the tag
    the game is mostly unsatisfying to play , it feels like you are getting scammed every time you reach a goal

    for the H-Scene as of 0.13.2 It's a regular western vanilla scenes where the focus on anal/oral sex , sex toys and birth control with a mix of male domination and slapping

    The Great Wall: you will reach the wall wherever you look, nothing completed , I assume there is 1 character that almost complete , however including everything in the game right now and looking on how the story is playing out that means less than 10% of the game is complete, whatever your goal you will change it countless amount of times because you will reach "this will be done in the next update" block of text, and with this speed look like the creator wont finish the game before 2050

    I will make sure to tell my great-grandchildren to update this review when the game is complete.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games on the site, and one of the few I've joined the Patreon of, at least around new releases.

    Overall the game is very well-written, very nice renders, the dev dedicates time each release to update older animations in a way that doesn't seem to slow down progress, and choices seem to actually matter in a way that doesn't have one "clearly the best" option.

    The game can feel a bit grindy, but that grind can be 100% skipped in a way that doesn't impact other progression or the story with the cheat menu, and the different thresholds to grind to actually feel relevant to the story.

    Finally, I've seen people talk about how long it takes to get to sex scenes. If all you're looking for is penetration then you might be a bit disappointed, at least until much further in development. But there's a lot of good sexual content here still with a lot of different premises.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty sure the dev inserted himself in as the MC. Narcisistic, sadist who drones on endlessly about boring psychological methods blah blah blah, while spanking the same girls over and over again for very little reward if any. No intimacy, no relationship building, just spank them til they work for you. There are so many other games that do the same thing with far less grind and a hell of a lot less .. spanking. I will never look at another girls ass again without feeling an overwhelming impulse to spank it.

    Not to say that the actual game itself is bad, because its not. The visuals are great, the mechanics are great, the UI is good, and even the built in quest tracker is niceley done. Theres just a lot of potential here but its not getting past this guys huge ego. pun intended.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played several school games where the protagonist is the headmaster or a teacher. Well, this is the best of all so far. Good renders, excellent story, excellent writing and quite long game. I loove the punishments and the brain poking the Headmater does to the girls. They are superior to the ones I would come up with myself! Congrats to the author - you're wicked, man!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent gameplay and characters. Love that each character is unique, and that the things u learn in the game actually make sense and can be useful.

    Also liked the nicely timed and selected music in certain scenes(particularly the marching theme)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I absolutely do not like this style of render typically, but this game is really deserving of praise, enough that I enjoyed it and forgot about the graphics.

    The pacing can be a little slow and start to feel a little grindy, but not awfully so. This is a good example of a sandbox done right

    The stories and twists are subtle enough to be engaging (vs say AnniesSchoolDays for an unsubtle example) and the characters have their own personalities

    I appreciate that this style might be exactly what some love, for me if this had the type of renders I love (e.g. CMA, DMD) it would be a 6 star game. The render quality is surprisingly good in some areas - vaginas sometimes look more realistic than in some of the subjectively 'better' render styles
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly it's a masterclass in BDSM/training content.

    Render/model quality isn't anything amazing, but it more than makes up for it with a lot of content and high quality dialogue. One of the few games I actually play, not just speed through to get to the good stuff.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games I have ever played in here.

    funny story, good charecters, very nice charecter designs.

    only bad thing I can find about this game is waiting for a new episode. rest is perfect. thanks.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is kinky and fun. Lots of detail and decent storylines. Character models are on point and the girls have distinct and well-realised personalities. Thanks very much to Altos & Herdone for creating it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I believe this is the best game I ever played. There is a lot of content here and its building up towards a certain momentum. If you expect easy come and easy go, this is maybe not the game you are looking for as it is more a slow runner. However, the story and the way it progresses to a climax is maybe the best there is out here on the marked. The developer takes their time in progressing the story with new updates, however, it comes steadily every few months. I would def recommend this game to everyone who likes games with builds up. The animation is very good and so are the models.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily my favoutite porn game so far.

    Totally recommend it to anyone who likes Schoolgirls, their butts, spanking said butts, and more.

    There is lots of content, still it needs more. So much more of this....

    6/5 Stars. Keep it up!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, I wish there where at least some optional femboy/trap content in it, like come femboy that got in the school by accident or something. I will definitely update to five stars if thats ever put in the game.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Was really looking forward to this game as I played it a while back. The concept is very interesting to me to be in a school and discipline girls and the initial way it was introduced really had me excited. But after years of development at a snails place, it has turned out to be a huge disappointment.

    Firstly, the art is outdated and very poor compared to other games. But that can be forgiven. However, the worst part is the grind. It's just grind grind grind and absolutely little to no action years after development.

    REgarding the gameplay system, while I applaud the dev for putting in efforts to come up with an actual mechanic, it turns out to be boring, repititive and grindy. Absolutely not worth the wait. Very dissapointed in this one. I'll be back in a year or two to see if there are any improvements.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My only complaint is that: I wish the game had better pacing (too slow), besides that I like it. there is a lot of promising things so far and future things to come, also I love Rachel she is adorable, more of her please.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I didn't play this for like 2 years and its gained nearly no content at all, much less actual lewd content. What is the dev doing? What's their is... okay. Standard illusion asset flip with a non-annoying UI and characters who aren't actively annoying.

    Very boring gameplay loop, though, and annoying. Just clicking on every area in vague hope of seeing a scene that lets you get another scene that lets you get another scene that maybe lets you + 1 a single girl once.
    You +1 them, generally, via doing some really boring, samey, and overly strict (do it in the exact right order or fail) minigame that barely changes at all between girls and levels. Then you may be able to, after this, click to tell them to do a thing. Some of it is repeatable. Some is not. No way to tell which it is. Thankfully it has a decent gallery to prevent the need to save before every scene just incase its one time only.

    It leads to you spending most of your time making no progress at all, unsure if you are doing the stupid minigame wrong or haven't unlocked the tools needed to do it right. And then, if its the latter, wondering what random event for what girl will unlock that option.

    Despite leaving it for literal years its still the same few girls who have any real content, corruption levels or anything available to them, and mostly the same caps they had before, or just 1 more scene longer. 90% of the girls lack any real content to speak of.

    Overall 4 stars for good qol and good (if generic asset flipped) visuals and okay (not great, but not terrible) writing.
    I don't see it getting above 4 before I die of old age at the rate its currently going.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    version 0.12.1

    It has good graphics with acceptable animations as well as the story and most
    importantly the amount of beautiful girls to punish.....I love the game.

    The game does not have many sex scenes so many will not find it entertaining but has a lot of potential to continue growing.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4592215

    This game is grind central. It has a lot of potential hence the rating of average, but many of the positive traits of this game is overshadowed by the excessive or unnecessary grind needed to advance in the game. The premise of the story is you're put into a position of headmaster and must change the all girl students behavior by means of spankings and other BDSM measures.

    However, you aren't allowed to change any rules or apply any of your bdsm measures until you can convince your faculty to support you in the board meetings every Friday (incoming grind) . In order to do this you're given the dreaded sidequests for each faculty member. On top of that you have other things like (reputation, discipline, and lust) points.

    Most of the quest instructions say "Do this" however most of the time it's completely random whether you see the correct scene or not, the instructions don't specify what time of day or anything. Most of my playthrough is spent frustratingly wandering around hoping to catch someone misbehaving, or a scene so I can earn more discipline or reputation points.

    There's cheats that let you circumvent and raise the amount of money you get (very helpful) because you only are paid 500 per week every friday and most gfits are 500-1000+ dollars each. So on top of grinding for discipline points without cheats you have to grind for money as well. Additionally, you can unlock all scenes in replay and max out character bdsm "levels" with cheats but that doesn't help either as several scenes are locked unless you increase bdsm levels through the research tasks that take forever with little instruction.

    All in all the storyline and graphics are decent but the grind greatly reduces the immersive quality of the game as you will find yourself bored and frustrated with trying to find different scenes,. For example you have to train a faculty teacher at night on how to better control her classroom . You literally visit this teacher's house 15 different times to train her, and you also have to watch her in the classroom as well.

    However, as I mentioned earliar it's hit or miss on instructions for tasks. Sometimes it tells you what time of day to visit sometimes not in the case of the teacher it does not and is random. So i go to visit the teacher to observe her during her class and 4 times in a row it says "Nothing of note happens i'll need to come back and observe when someone is misbehaving" (repeat this scenerio everyday)

    I don't mind grind but annoying things like with the teacher but associated with 70% of tasks sucks all enjoyment out of a game which is supposed to be fun. All in all this game would be much more fun as a visual novel. This game still has some enjoyable parts but all in all I ended up stopping as I got too frustrated trying to find different scenes to advance with a characters as the game doesn't tell you when or where to be to discover punishments solid 3/5.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice graphics - the first thing that catches your eye. Then a large amount of content pops up and a good study of each character. The main plot and a separate branch of content for each character - this is not in every game. Special thanks for the good study of the code - despite the small version number - 0.12 and beta status, during the full walkthrough I did not encounter a single glitch or bug. They would also bring localization, but it’s not harmful to dream))
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    You'll love this if you like doing boring in game tasks like delivering a photograph on a specific day, training someone every night etc etc. Same animation cue and the "reward" is probably another task or the imaginary points bar fills up so you can MAYBE progress to spanking the girl. Pass.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    If you have a spanking fetish, this game is probably 4 or 5 stars for you.

    Personally, I don't, so what is here is... competent, but bland.

    Progression is linear, and has (imo) the bad design of requiring you to progress character A. before you can progress Character B.

    On the plus side, corruption is nicely slow.

    On the negative, it is grindy. With lots of spanking. Don't expect to get to sex scenes any time soon.