Ren'Py - The Headmaster [v0.16.3] [Altos and Herdone]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 156769

    A very good stab at the porn teacher trope. With an ambitious setup and a professional work attitude the developers have already made one of the best porn games out there, and there is still much more to be expected. A wide variety of girls with actual personalities, a decent storyline with a no nonsense focus on arousal, a sandbox that keeps you engaged: there is a lot to love about this game. The biggest achievement is the balance between realism and fantasy that is held very skilfully throughout, allowing for a real sense of power which is the core of the trope.

    Just a lot of fun to play.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Just great well thought out and hilarious.... wish I had a Rachel of my own. I'm hoping the emplimenting debbies "test dummy" for the teachers happen in the next update.. and im surprised no one else has mentioned it but wassup with nurse kate? She's hot as fuck Lol easy 5/5
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Among all those adult games available on the internet, The Headmaster is the one that I love most.

    The story is original; no cliche.
    Female characters are all sexy and adorable.
    Around 20(?) female characters in the game.
    The developer releases new update regularly.

    This is a masterpiece in the adult game genre.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a game I broke my "wait till after the 0.07(or after the seventh release) update" and tried early, and liked what I saw. I just finished the 0.11 version and while I like the mechanics and tone of the game, it does seem to have a little bit of scope creep. There's a lot of students in the game already, but I think more girls were added recently which adds more work and spreads the content thin. I really hope the dev just fleshes out the current story lines before adding any more. Overall I say this is worth your time and at least a try.

    After thought: This is one of the few games that doesn't just use default RenPy buttons and layout and that really tickles my fancy.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The unique way you interact with each of the students and staff honestly surprised me. The dialogue and writing is actually good to make the gameplay enjoyable, while the art and animations are great and dispensed with in a reasonable pace. Though it's not fully developed yet, some of the choices also seem to hold promise for different branches and endings.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very, very thoroughly designed game with great attention do detail.
    A talented writing - both the concept and the execution.
    A bit grindy if you want to see all the scenes or complete one of the main objectives.
    A bit dated graphics do not spoil the experience.
    A very wide range of girls to everyone's taste - both in terms of looks and personalities/kinks.
    A lot of content available for a decent playtime even though some parts and paths are still under development.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality Stuff! MC is quite convincing lol, I'd agree to be spanked if he convinces me xD
    Game is sexy, educational, funny and addictive as well. Rachel is a cutie <3 Debbie, a badass.
    Learning life lessons from it. The Pain, Humiliation and Pleasure formula for punishment is perfect lol .
    Lastly, the game is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh btw, Humiliation is my fav kink!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone that has been playing adult/lewd games since the birth of the internet, 'The Headmaster' is easily the most creative, story-driven, and enjoyable one I've encountered. It's simple to play yet challenging enough to warrant a couple playthroughs to get all the scenes unlocked.
    Normally I would minus a star(and a half?) for it being incomplete, but in this case the game is steadily receiving updates and the developer(s) seem to be really in-touch with their fans/players!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Very promising title. Not perfect by any means but it combines good writing with interesting characters and situations.

    Good stuff
    Good writing
    interesting characters
    fun management
    lots of events

    Meh stuff

    Visuals are a bit dated
    Sandbox and management aspects not very fleshed out(yet)


    Still early in development
    No one has a completed storyline yet
    a bit grindy in the beginning

    I will be watching for updates, it's great so far but it doesn't feel like the finish line is anywhere in sight as of now.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Masterpiece. Full of variety. All of the girls are beautiful. All have their own personalities and speech patterns. All have their own sexual psychology. The headmaster is a convincing character in his own right. The renders and beautiful. The animations are great. Masterpiece, masterpiece, masterpiece.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down my favorite game on this site. every character has their own personality and issues that you "as a psychologist" helps with with , albeit via sexual punishments.. The art is average but the writing.. my god the writing is 10/10. half of the writing makes me laugh my ass off.. but in a good way. I can feel the writer is TRYING to make me laugh as apposed to your laughing because the writing is bad. The other half of the writing is like if there WAS a person who was trying to help women though issues via sexual punishments and was serious about helping them.. THIS is what that person would say. theres plenty to do in the game and several scores to keep track of but its pretty easy. I love how everytime i think i have a favorite girl.. the store goes into more depth on another one.. then i change my answer.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very promising, looks like it could be a close to perfect harem builder in the future. The biggest downside are the previous generation (and dated) illusion graphics. Looking forward to updates because as things stand there are only very few sex scenes, but it appears as some could be added very soon.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Story very interesting. anyway, of the characters cards for the girls are taken from "playhome", I can send those that I "created". I am waiting continue.
    Good luck.
    P.S. interesting plot, the main character is a cool crazy psychiatrist.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site. I'll get the nitpicking out of the way first, s the visuals are a bit dated. That being said they are still very nice looking and well done and the sexy scenes are all very hot. The main attraction here is the story and the writing some absolutely hilarious scenes and dialog and the characters are almost all well written and nuanced. The cream of the crop though is the MC, without a doubt the most well written and compelling MC i've seen in an adult game of this type. He's charismatic, interesting, funny and maybe probably at least a little bit insane. There are some things that may hold some people back from giving this a try, like the visuals, the sandbox or the BDSM but if you think it is at all possible for you to deal with those things you should give this game a try because it is wildly entertaining.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    • Excellent writing
    • Excellent story
    • Good sandbox and free roam elements
    • Good characters
    • Good character development
    • Good balance of story with grind
    • A fun and enjoyable game

    • Outdated character models
    • MC uses the same character model that you see in most Illusion games
    • Slow burn - a bit too slow for my taste
    • Too many developer notes (in game) explaining that parts of the game are still under construction. No ones wants to see this. Finish the content or gate it off until it is ready! Stop advancing the story until you finish existing paths and content. It feels like the developer starts dozens of new paths and then leaves them all unfinished.
    • The MC is very limited on what he can do with the girls and for most of the game it is limited to very specific activities (most being non-sexual in nature).
    • Very few sex scenes in the game
    • Sometimes you have to do things in a very specific order in order to progress or complete a specific event. A couple of times I had to refer to a walkthrough in order to progress. I strongly dislike games that require a walkthrough. In my opinion, games should be intuitive enough to not require one. It is a bad design if most players have to use one in order to finish the game.

    Overall, the game is well done and fun to play. It does take a long time to progress in the game however. What few sex scenes you'll find in the game are very rewarding once you get to them.

    If you are looking for lots of porn or a quick fap, look elsewhere. Just to be clear, the game is more like a M (mature) rated movie or show and not an XXX title.

    The writing is excellent and keeps the player engaged. Overall, the game is very well put together and everything fits together well.

    I seriously debated on giving this game 5 stars but I wasn't quite there. I rate the game 4.4 stars out of 5.

    If you don't mind a slow evolving story with some adult elements mixed in then I recommend giving this game a try!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A very niche game and I believe one of the few of its kind that has been polished to a great extent. The story itself is interesting and the sex scenes are good and varied. Quite a decent amount of content in the game with good replay-ability, however it should be noted that there currently isn't a completed path for any of the storylines so far, so I would say that's the only downside I've seen so far.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I would be straight forward: this game is one of the masterpiece out there.

    Usually, I'm not fond of RenPy games using models from Illusion games. I'm not also into BDSM, spanking, domination, etc.
    However, I absolutely LOVE this game. So why?

    Short answer:
    Everything is very well written and the gameplay is both fun and challenging. The art is also very good.

    Longer answer:
    (not in a particular order)

    - The global story: BDSM stuff is not gratuitous and is well introduced (country politics, special schools, etc.). The world and the explanations of what happens in the game seem believable.

    - The main character: Here, we don't play the nominal pervert who wants to bang everyone. He's still a perv (that's a porn game afterall) but with a noble goal. He believes to his "science" and help other people. Again, BDSM and sex is not gratuitous.

    - Other characters:
    Most of the girls feels true and are well written. They have their own story. They also look great and in different ways. As their personnalities, they have different body shapes.

    - The gameplay: As I said previously, it is fun and challenging. It is also original and varied from time to time. There is almost no "grindy" feeling, which is quite exceptionnal for this kind of game.

    For those who wants to invest themselves in a game where there is a real step by step build up and which is not the classical and easy "speak / touch / fuck" genre. This is for you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is definitely my favorite adult game that I've played to date.

    The story and execution of the concept is brilliant and unique. The game-play loop is utterly satisfying. I love the slow and methodical progression, it's simply *chef's kiss*, especially since that also includes actual character development.

    I also absolutely applaud how it's a management style game, yet does not need or expect grind almost ever. You want to play more and see more scenes, which naturally achieves the resources you need. The beginning can feel a tad grind-y just to get the game underway, and perhaps you'll need an injection of cash at times, but those moments are either far between or non-existent. The only time this does get annoying is when you're down to only a little bit of content remaining in the build, and it's tied to something specific or on a specific day, etc. This won't be a concern when the game is done, but in the interim it's an unfortunate frustration at times.

    It's an in-progress game, so and as you get closer to the more recent content there can be some slight inconsistencies in dialogue, but this does get polished out as the content develops farther and I have no overall concerns here. The one aspect of it that concerns me as an in-progress game is the quality of the animations all around. There's almost never free-movement style animation, it's more of a before-state and after-state update to models, almost like a series of pictures at times. So it's not smooth at best, and jarring at the worst. Also, even when free-motion scenes are included, they're never very smooth. Seeing how early on this game is in it's overall development cycle, I don't think this is terribly concerning, but I've also not seen this be upgraded in the several builds I've played so far. I merely hope that an overhaul to the general animation quality and presentation of scenes is on the table before the game is 100% completed.

    This game brings the corruption genre to new heights, and I crave so, so much more!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my very first favourite adult games here. It is in my top 5 games. I love the gameplay, the snumbers of students and their story.I enjoy slow burn game if the story and gameplay is good which this game is.
    One of the cons for this game is the grind, you will have to do the same thing over and over again with no short-cut or skipping to get some money.
    This game will not be for everyone, the other review give you a good idea on what to expect from the game.
    In my view this is one of the best game I enjoy out there.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think there are plenty of other reviews that echo my thoughts about this game, but it is excellent in almost every aspect: Story, Originality, Renders, Sound, Playability, Performance, Bugs, Grammar, Amount of content, all brilliant.