Ren'Py - The Headmaster [v0.16.3] [Altos and Herdone]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Slow burn corruption where the girls' personalities and backgrounds are fully developed and believable. This isn't a fuck everything that moves right away game but other reviews saying there is no sex or lewd content beyond spankings are wrong. So far you can have sex with one student and two teachers. There are at least four other different students you can get a blowjob, masturbate, give a facial, get a tit job, or get a thigh job. There are plenty of faps to be had already and surely many more to come in future updates.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    Okay.. So I don't believe one should write a review to challenge other reviews. However, there is also the fact that reviews are here to help other people who are trying to decide whether to invest in a game or not, and reading the top few reviews denigrate something they did not understand is counterintuitive to the very purpose of the review system.

    So let me address that quickly before the review. A lot of people have predefined (mostly incorrect and / or limited) understanding of certain terms, and they refuse to accept anything but. And that makes anything they cannot fit in their box, incorrect. Further, they have some of the loudest voices and strongest of words. To take advice from such people will be to deny yourself the exploration of "the art of possible".

    A firm believer of "to each their own", I will not try to undertake the lost cause of trying to alter opinions of stubborn people. I Will however, try to stop them from stopping other people from forming their own.

    TLDR: Awesome game, must try for those who like an involved story, and people with some IQ and EQ. If looking for a fuckfest/Hardcore BDSM game, move on to the other titles.

    Now about the Game. if I could define it in one word, its BRILLIANT!


    A BDSM game (in the typical "tied up, suspended bodies writhing in pain" sense)
    A Fuckfest (again, in the typical "penetrate everything that moves" sense)
    A game that goes from sex scene to sex scene without preamble, reason, or story building.


    It is the PERFECT (and I do not use that word liberally) combination sexuality, sensuality, human desires and manipulation. It is a title that people with some IQ and EQ will enjoy.

    You don't get to the lewd bits without immersing yourself into the situation. making the outcome that much more desirable. Having said that, the game is NOT GRINDY. It just makes you participate in the events makes you feel involved. the details and hints are aplenty, and for those who want, there is a cheat button to skip even that bit (although I recommend against it).

    In this game you will experience the skillful machinations of a savant manipulator, who gets what he wants while making people dance to his tunes. This sometimes involves not playing your hand too soon. There are tons of very desirable characters of all body and personality types, and YES, you see almost all of them naked up close.

    It is a layered, nuanced game in which you get better rewards as you go deeper.

    The renders are great, the sound effects and animations are good, and keep improving constantly, the story is unique and compelling (and more importantly, engrossing), and you will enjoy every bit of it!

    I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME to anyone who understands that 90% of sex happens in the big head, only 10% between the legs.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Pink Camel

    I can understand if a game wants to slow burn. I can understand if it is story focused. But gosh, this game has zero lewd content. Like literally not a game for sex at all. Yes it does have some spankings and punishments, which is actually what I enjoy. Which is also why this is so disappointing. I had huge expectations for this game.

    And it was fun for a while. But it justs get repetitive and super grindy. The concept is truly interesting and pretty unique. The potential was immense. But the execution was just lacking.

    The graphics are extremely subpar comparing with other HS games and the girls are cookie cutter typical hs models. No amazing renders. THe writing is ok. But just terrible execution.

    Cheap looking map. Grindfest. Lack of sexual content. And even lack of a clear and interesting plot. Really felt like missed potential and a waste of a few hours.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    You have to understand the orientation of this game.
    This game is NOT FOR SEX. (The dev already said it.)

    If you're crazy for spanking girls, this game is for you.
    You have to do grindy spanking (extremely slowburn) and you get some nudity of girls. You can make the girls embarrassed and that' s the main fetish of the game.

    But If you want more than grindy punishment , this is not for you.
    Despite of long development (over 2 years) and long playtime, You'd better not expect sex scenes with your students.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    TBH i always dreamed of a scenario like this. and this game executes it pretty effectively! it is an amazing game with a great storyline, a strong mindset for the protagonist and an amazing community.
    the best thing i like about this game is that its actually free! once an update is released the patreons will get an early look at the game and after a weak or two its open for the public free of charge!!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    You can actually masturbate to this one(y)

    Nice characters. The girls feel like people in an Adult Game, not just some nice renders void of personality. Every part of the story focuses to develop one or more of the girls whilste pushing the narrative.

    The story is original and has a good layout. When the MC is working towards a goal it does not feel forced but organic. The (weekend) events where you can play sports, have a squirt-gun match or watch the girls play DnD are lots of fun.

    The writing is good. The narration and pacing make sense and add to the game as well.

    The ambiance of the Sex sence is great and the kinks are implemented fantastically. The renders, sounds and animations get a thumbs up as well.

    The punishment scenes and system is almost top notch, I love it.

    Personal feelings out of the way first!

    Goddam fucking Sandbox. Goddamn stat grinding wtf why WHY WHYYYYYYYYYY. To elaborate: When a new release drops and I've saved on a Sunday I dont want to skip 5 days and 2 time periodes, click on a building and then on the meetingroom to the damn meeting on Friday to unlock the new rules to get the new content to then skip another 4 days to get to an event on Tuesday.
    This reduces the enjoyment by quite a bit.
    @devs: I'd love for you to implement an option where you can jump to the next story event. Free roaming for repeatable scenes and maybe to get a new piece of content is a nice feature for some but a hinderance for most I'd assume. Running into Amy 27 times with the same dialogue might be fun for some but I don't really like it.
    That said Sandboxness in this game is like 100000* better than in almost every other I've played.

    Now to some objecitve negatives:
    The render quality isnt up to paar anymore due to it beeing made with Honey Select 1

    There are lots of unnecessary sounds e.g. when you spy in the shower

    There is a lack of text in the spanking and sex scenes. Add descriptive text to them. When it's there already its good. But add more!!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of my favorite games in a long time. The writing was good and the gameplay was fun. It did a good job making you work for things without feeling like a grind. I hope for more animated scenes in the future but I'm happy with the direction it's taking so far
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is on my short list of favorites. Each girl is very unique and the renders are great. Story is compelling and one I definitely follow and not breeze through like in many games. I'm counting the days until the next release.
    Likes: SenPC
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Loads or really good content here and potential to be one of the best of all time. Good character work and sexy models. The story is engaging enough and has plenty of teasing of future content with is keeping me on the hook
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you like peeking under girls skirts? This is the game for you!

    Do you like spanking them in a firm but polite manner? Download now!

    Do you like games that let you get intimate with girls slowly over time, as you get to know them? Hit that download button!

    The Headmaster combines an interesting story with well thought out characters. Every character has a unique personality and look, no cookie cutter cutouts here. The dialogue is on point and rarely boring, allowing you to be immersed in the world Altos and Herdone are painstakingly creating.

    The authority you command as Headmaster is intoxicating without being overly perverse. It is a slow build up offering more teasing than outright sex, but you'll seldom care as the game effortlessly guides you along the journey as you attempt to use a unique punishment/reward style of teaching to make each one a better person.

    The creators are transparent and communicative, putting any fears of being milked to bed. While updates can take months, the amount of content each one delivers is well worth the wait!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    love ya work keep it up :) and please finish off rachels arc asap, my kitty needs love. and night time encounters are needed asap.
    cant wait for the next update, played it thru to the "end" 4 times now
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has good graphics and story involving the slow teasing and sensible direction of story. The game has a lot of potential for future and story is unique in its way. Looking forward to more content in the upcoming releases.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I must instruct these girls to study, get good grades, and take their place in society. And the best teaching method involves punishment. And the best punishment involves humiliation and pain and pleasure. And the best combination of humiliation and pain and pleasure involves sexual activity.

    I must instruct these girls, therefore I should have sex with them. It makes perfect sense.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    • Spankings and disciplinary actions
    • Multiple characters
    • Nice character designs
    • Story premise for quests/side characters
    • Music
    • Almost no penetrative H scene
    • Very grindy
    • Characters texture quality
    • Most H scenes
    • Most of the audio
    I do not suggest playing this game normally, it is very grindy that it took days for me to complete in my free time. It is better for you to just use the cheats and give your self the stats.( I really wish I had known there was an option for cheating easily so I can just have fun with nice content/story without the grind.) You have to press the button that says do not press until you get the hacks for your stats and etc.

    The story premise for the main story isn't bad, its just very convoluted and is 'meh' kind of quality. However the side quest stories are real good (eg Rachel and Pitri)

    The audio was bad in a sense of choice and the quality of the audio.(e.g ejaculation and some of the moaning sounds). The music choices for some scenes weren't bad but needs a bit of improvement from going from one scene to another.

    Character textures may need a redo on the whole thing(The poor quality can be especially seen on the MC).

    The spanking scenes and the H scene premise/flow isn't bad and its not the writing either. The problem with the H scenes are mostly the quality, camera angles and ejaculation scene being of poor quality.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    v.0.9.2 public
    I really love this game.
    There's honestly so many things I could mention.
    +It's unique, no other school setting H game is like it.
    +The MC is intelligent, funny, he has a commanding presence. He's slightly insane, in the best way possible.
    + Unique roles are developed for the girls. A lot of thought has been put into each one that gets their path developed. The girls have arcs, they change.
    +++You get to corrupt a lesbian to the point where she'll suck you off and be grateful that doing so will give her the opportunity to one day work for you.
    ++ Flat is justice girl gamer gets made into your P.E.T
    +++ Breast envy
    + Teach a mean girl with a fat ass to smile.
    +A clothed nudist teachers aide with a rockin body also likes to do the molest.
    +++ Amy, nuff said.
    ++++++Those redhead twins, MUH DIK
    - one of those redheads gets abused by a female teacher, made my dick happy but my heart sad.

    ++ Game mechanics are solid, affect what you can do with the girls on a universal basis.
    +++ Punishment system is so great.
    + You really feel like your achieving something as you progress the story. Both in the feels and what you can do in game.
    <3 Its a bloody game where you get to be principle of an all girls academy and forbid the girls who attend it of doing anything naughty.
    <33 Then you spank them and make them naughty in the way you want them to be naughty. Then you punish them again for not being naughty enough.

    "Yes I know your a duchess, now show me your panties."
    "Oh an aspiring business woman? Great, now I'm confiscating your shirt for a uniform code violation."
    "You need to stop faking being sick to get out of class, here let me shove this anal plug into your ass, that will teach you."

    The girls have great interactions with each other, and you get to be more than just a fly on the wall.
    There's so many things. Bloody play it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The person who laughs and jokes about The Headmaste may he not meet in person. As good and humble as that he is with new people, one of them is to me, who at first I was a fan of him, he could even become friends. Everyone who has met him must agree with me
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is still in an early stage of development but it already has content for a few hours. The animations are very good, though there are very few sex scenes. It focuses on spanking girls for discipline, earning money, convincing your fellow teachers of your ways and discovering the map. The story is also decent. Can't wait to check back in 2 years or so, when there is more content, to play it again.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    been subbed on patreon over a year and thats honestly the most glowing review I could give any game definitely worthy of a download and test run in my opinion. altos and herdone know how to make a quality game
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game starts with a broadside, which made me skeptical at first. But the beginning makes sense, a good exposition to a really great game.

    I just started playing without looking at the walkthrough. That may not have been efficient, but it was a lot of fun. Sandbox as it should be. There is a lot to discover, the characters are finely worked out and some scenes are simply brilliant (Miss Potts in the office, the water pistol fight, the school visit in the classroom etc.). Very woll done.

    I also like the lovingly designed map. A weak point in many sandbox games.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is good but a kind boring, because its a bdsm game, a spank girls ass game, its cool but a kind boring levl up all the submission girls, but it's a good game, with sound effects and good cgs. 7/10.