AltosandHerdone is here a good place to leave a review that you can see?
The game is bombastic, one of the best story-driven trainers. Unique in that the MC has an actual agenda other than usual - you can really believe he's on a mission, it's jarring in a good way after mindless corrupt-them-alls, and hilarious!
Renders and visuals are for the most part really good.
The biggest thing that stands out negatively is the MC's cock coloration, it's like there's some serious STD going on or something, the head and underneath is bronze with red patches; puts a yikes into scenes.
Other than that, some animations have slight clipping, and renders - especially of unnamed girls - can be seen with white border, but those are minor things.
Now, the game takes itself seriously - as I mentioned, you can really believe the that MC has a mission, and probably also a mental disorder of some kind
But that's cool. What's less cool is when something cheap breaks this carefully crafted image - for me it was "Mykock", but as it was in the beginning, I wasn't immersed yet and let that slide. But when a long time later I saw "Mr Cummigns" and "Ms Swallows", it was really such a facepalm. Like you've been building a fragile tower all this time and then decided to add poop as a fundament replacement. I don't get that, and imo those names should be swapped for non-comic ones.
As for the girls, Amy is such a fucking champ, love her, please more! Then it's Rachel, Liz, Debbie, and Sally(I think there's a lot of potential for personal interactions). The twins are also getting dangedously close to being awesome. I know you put a lot into Priti, and she's ok but doesn't click for me.
As for adding new girls - I'd personally rather see more with existing ones, for instance Debbie I wasn't keen on at the start but she got cool later, and the more interactions with existing ones the better imo.
And that little scene with suncream has to get a continuation
Would love to see variations on repeating scenes - not even new renders, just changing text, it's weird
groping inspecting girl for 5th time and she's shocked each time; or when good girl well used to mock punishments(when you call to your office for mutual fun) is sad in the beginning or on change of pose. This would nicely help to show how the school progresses slowly into debauchery.
A minor thing, but if you can remove the bell sound when scrolling back events, would be great - hate to hear it 4 times in a row when checking activities from school corridor.
Another nit - Sally saying you need to undress girl at the start and then asking for position each time gets a bit annoying. And chatter on repeating the position(i.e. over knee, when she's been over knee already and then in another position this punishment) isn't necessary imo.
But wait, there's more!
Sometimes I have to scroll back many times before it starts rollback of events/text, I think what's happening is empty "events" are added, meaning there are 10 identical frames which I have to scroll through.
"Goodness me" - I thought was Priti's verbal tick at first, but then Sally, other girls and MC started using it as well, and it feels off character and isn't a great tick for everyone I think.
Thanks for the game!