Edit: embarrasment of embarrasments, I confused Emily and Alice. Totally forgot about the former. Have changed it now.
In all seriousness, tho. Emily is showing all the signs of being a great late bloomer. Hints of naughtiness and jelaousy have been sown. I'm hoping that coming Liz's punishment sistem it will be time to harvest on Em too...
Oh, all kinds of potential have been sown, and Monsieur A certainly has ideas how to reap what he's sown. But - depending on how far my expectations are met (not in a "good or bad" way but in a "direction this is going" way) - I am differing in curiosity as to how the not-yet-spankable will develop (otherwise I would have traded in Cass as well). They come in two sets, those without much story so far and those with a lot.
With story:
The Twins: they are pranksters. They are not afraid. They can be good students if needed so may be able to be a bit daring. Probably they will need boundaries set. Loads of possibilities.
Lucy: I really don't know what would make her the "bad girl" to be punished in class which isn't generic, as of now. But maybe she'll have a penchant for dropping expensive historic Chinese IKEA kitchenware, which would need punishment. Also she may decide to have even more money for her first months after school and offer services. Oh, the options.
Priti: Nice. A bit naughty. Innocent and a good schoolgirl. I actually do not really see where this will be going (new photo shoots perhaps), but in the end she's Priti, so I can't have enough of her.
Without much story:
Maxine (to answer your question first): heart in the right place, wants to make the world a better place. Has a great collection of bum pics from other girls, oh, sorry, not relevant. Is willing to move forward for the benefit of others. Of course slightly wrong about the methods and her actual ability to lead a revolution, but with the correct partner in crime, there's so much to do, if it helps save the rainforest (which needs to be done quickly, Bolsonaro is an idiot).
Donna: breaking the haughty. Making her understand how rewarding it can be to serve others. Nuff said.
April: Of course she comes in a tandem with Charlotte, and both of them can easily be played off each other. Individually she wins out because of her unabashed curiosity. She will probably have questions about how Amy feels when punished or asshandled. I will be able to help her find answers.
Charlotte: the other "team captain", but apart from that I only see her as the smoker - which may easily allow for punishment but I don't see much of a story in it.
Liz: everybody's favorite secret exhibitionist. Says "Hi" when having visiting teachers inspect her body. Many ways this could be going, all of them great.
Alice: one has to be the worst in school. Clearly she needs extra training and maybe some extra motivation and special rewards when she - inevitably with our scientific teaching methods - starts to improve. But so far I don't see too much in her except for the big boobed blonde bimbshell. Surely A&H will have something for her in mind, but until that materializes I'll be less interested here.
Faye: another girl hiding under the radar. A bit of a tomboy, might be handy having her around the house. No idea yet where this will be going.
Nina: as long as the fire safety is in place, I think she'll ... oh, probably she really didn't do it. But there is a button to push and she will explode. If I look closely, I may find more buttons, pushing them may lead to more outbursts.
Harriet: surprisingly little used so far, considering she's the other bombshell. Kind of a mother, gossipy. I think we can have a business arrangement to our mutual benefit.
Emily: nice girl, quiet, easily forgettable

- but sweet. Don't see much going forward as of now.
Ada: latecomer. May take pictures for me to put on my computer. The picture angle may help (although I'll have to keep her away from Priti), but so far no idea, where this can be going.