VN - Ren'Py - The Hellcat Lounge [v0.3.34] [Wilson Wonka]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd truthfully rate this 3.5 out of 5 but I can't, so I'll be generous and round up because I enjoyed more things about it than I disliked.

    Renders are dope. Flat out.

    As someone who's type irl is alt\emo chicks i strangely get so tired of them in AVNs because they are always so similar in hair\model\personality but the girls in Hellcat Lounge are better than the usual alt chick you find on here.

    I definitely have to commend the dev for fleshing out the girls personalities. The more the game scratches at a character the more depth than what meets the eye is there.

    The music was pretty well done. I enjoyed it as well as the background for the story being a rock bar and the MC being in a band looks like it could be really fun. The scene backgrounds and environments are actually pretty decent.

    The animations like everyone has mentioned are really good. Definitely among the top shelf AVNs with animations. They could really take the top off it if they included more finishes in the scenes. Not neccessarily has to be in the animation itself but I left more than a couple scenes with lack of closure.

    My official rating for the dialogue is used m'lady too many times\10. They first time the MC said m'lady I thought "Okay, maybe it's used ironically² and that can be fine." Then he uses a second time, and I'm thinking that's way too many times for a game. M'lady gets used at least 3 or 4 more times after that. I don't know if I'm being crazy here, but that's at least a full star off the rating offense. There was also a couple too many "Sir's" and "Ma'am's" for me.

    Another thing was I did love the fact they gave the MC arm hair and body hair. The ass hair the other hand was a little I don't know brother.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    This game looks promising so far.

    Not a fan of VN's but this will probably be among the good ones. It has decent models, animations, non-bloated story, some music to go along.

    It already has gallery, it is easy to play, walkthrough mod helps and should be integrated into the game (optional setting).

    (I give 5 for effort and cause it is starting out, my score is 4)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game, music is great, best sexytime animations ever, you got a pretty good eye for setting scenes, intro is not boring or convoluted, 3d models are on point, story feels good, it is just a great work.

    I hope you keep going strong.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Not perfect but close.
    Good story, likeable characters and great renders.
    Choices seem to have an impact.
    Looking forward to see more of the plot unfold.
    Congrats to the Dev. Nice work.
    Definitely deserves some Patreon support.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving a VN 5 stars is not something I normally do, and to be fair this game is not perfect, but there are so many things right with this and it hits all the right chords for me. Plus, the dev is extremely talented and has put a lot of work into it and we need to support devs like this.

    So let's talk the not so good first. I am not a fan of all the LIs. The band leader that comes in and immediately starts opening her trash mouth is way over the top for me. Nothing about her was attractive or even made me want the MC and her in the same room. I have never been so turned off by a character as I was with her.

    Then there is the contest. What a load of crap. I hate when LIs are portrayed as being desperate or fighting over one guy. It makes them seem less of an individual and more like someone who can't function without a man. Only one of them actually knows the MC and yet they all jump into the same contest. It just seems like lazy storytelling to me.

    On the positive side, there is a whole lot to love. I love that the MC is kind of a bad boy but still treats people with respect and courtesy. He can be an ass too, but usually only to people who actually deserve it. When he squeezes Ainsley's ass right in front of Mom... that was a great little scene.

    I also like the relationship he has with his friends and the dream sequence with them was really funny.

    The MC also treats the women with respect and doesn't judge. He takes them all at face value and doesn't take any more from them then they are willing to give... not just physically but emotionally as well. He can also be a bit of a pig if you want to play him that way but he still finds a way to keep things balanced.

    Plus, he's not perfect. His GF obviously has something going on with an old fling... I am not convinced she was actually cheating on the MC with this Steve guy, but she wasn't telling the MC about him everything either, so she is obviously hiding something. You can play the MC as completely unforgiving or you can have the MC leave the door open, but it is your call how you handle it. I like this, I wish there was more of this in these games, but most of the time the MC is either a cuck who gets humiliated and is a loser or they are never cheated on. This is a realistic portrayal of how, I think, most men would respond. Just because you are being cheated on, does not automatically put you into a loser category who sucks at life and in the sack.

    Of course the other great things about this are the renders and the animated scenes are the best I have even seen in these games. Normally, I don't think VNs need animation, but these are so well done I actually enjoyed them.

    I do worry the dev is setting themselves up for a whole lot of work and I am hopeful they will continue and not get burned out. I will definitely be donating to this dev and I hope more people give this VN a look. Even if you don't like the story or the characters, download it to at least look at the animation.

    Really well done.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Have to say animations are nicely done, renders are unique and no generic models here so that's a plus as well. Dialogues are decent as well combined with some humor to go with. Quite a lot sex scenes for an avn in its third update but build up is lacking most of the time. So like to see more improvement on that front.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it a lot. still in start up mode, development-wise, but with plenty of very well done renders and animations in a nice balance to convey the story.

    I don't believe we've seen all of the story and character development yet, but I've seen so far tells me the tip of the iceberg is hiding some juicy tidbits coming soon.

    do I wish the animations were broken down a bit for strategic partial replay purposes? yes, yes I do. is that a deal breaker that requires rating the game slightly lower? not in my opinion, no, especially with the upfront dev warning about how the animations work and when to (and not to) click.

    pacing wise... it's fine. given
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    I think you get the expected pacing, even though some of the girls obviously need more time than they give themselves to be comfortable with what they're doing. not because of the MC though, which is nice. plus I remember my just out of college days well. you really get the I'm not sure why this or that girl is interested in casual encounters, but I'm probably not going to pass up this opportunity to broaden my horizons at this time thing he's got going on. what you choose to do with that concept ultimately decides how fast you go with many, but
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    of the LIs.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    v3: The story is in-line with the recent vibe of tough-guy-with-heart minus girlfriend plus savior-complex plus hero-complex times a half-dozen college-aged hotties (each with their own expected dysfunctions) plus a few milfs .... etc: But the writing is phenomenal. I laughed - out loud - many times. Just wow. The renders are nice, and most of the animations are pretty good: The "last' animation set with Lane was almost indistinguishable from AAA-budgeted stuff in parts. Just... Wow.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great.

    First off, the best things about it. The writing is solid, for the most part. The story is well paced and interesting, the MC is a likeable guy. Second, the animations, which have clearly been made in Blender or Maya, an actual animation software, by far some of the best animations I've seen in AVNs

    Renders are extremely high quality, and the setting of the game gives a nice touch that makes the game stand out from other modern day AVNs
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Some of the best looking guys and gals <3

    1. Writing is decent
    2. Plot is decent
    3. Music is fire
    4. Characters are multidimensional and some very touching moments.
    5. H scenes are very tasteful and fluid with the mod especially.
    6. Renders are beautiful.
    7. This is a big one...and I had this as a con for a long time....I think the buildup is unnatural but it's intentional. The guy isn't trying to get romantic since just came from breakup and we are slowly understanding the girls in depth. Up until now, it's casual sex but i think it will get more emotional and romantic down the line.
    1. I had the relationship buildup as a con for a long time but I think it was done intentionally to progress the Plot in a better way so I don't have any cons for this game.
    Verdict: I would still play it cuz it's really beautiful and nicely done but just needs some tweaking to make it better. For Plot lovers, I would suggest waiting for few updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hellcat Lounge is insanely high quality, the animations are great (even though they aren't 60fps) Honestly I'd rate it 6 stars if there weren't any tattoos, but I guess a 5/5 will do. It's Artistically superior to most games out right now and no joke, I think it'll continue to break through the ranks.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Hellcat Lounge captures that drunken, unfiltered, frontal-cortex not fully operating Bar energy very well. If you like manic pixie dream girls, wholesome romance shit, good banter, and rock music this is the H game for you.

    + All the characters have a lot of personality.
    + Gals cover a lot of diverse archetypes
    + Male friends that aren't just weird perverts or put in the story to facilitate NTR.
    + Trying to get inside each character mind-state is fun.
    + Being a lech can have actual consequences.
    + MC cannot succeed in some routes unless he plays his cards right.
    + Music suits the vibe of the narrative
    + MC isn't some weird horny teenageer. He is an actual adult man. He looks nice. Makes the plots where a chick is really into him more believable.
    +Some plot hooks and SOL elements that give the MC goals to pursue make the plot better- hopefully we see those advance over time in parallel with the romance / sexual arcs.

    ~Core premise.
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    It is a bit porny. But it's a porn game so....premise makes game go BRRRRRR. It's fine
    ~ A lot of the characters are overly libertine. Its an okay balance since most characters aren't slutty in general, mainly just slutty for the MC.
    ~The scenes were a mixed bag. I'm a bigger fan of stills than animations- this title combined both. I loved the stills where the characters were bantering / talking while they fucked. In concert with the animations it was a good vibe. There were a couple scenes that felt a little stale due to having very minimal amounts of text however.

    * More mff poly stuff with the MC. A slow burn poly route where Lane and Caitilin learn to share would be kino. Better yet- the whole band :love:
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Yvier the Duck

    In early stage (v0.2.00) but promising. You can see the effort and affection in every scene, every song and every animation. It can be one of the best games in this site, so my hopes and 5 stars are with the developer and the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing renders, models and animation work. This game has the standard VN format, doesn't fuss around with gameplay or sandboxes.
    • The game is leaning heavy on the alt girl, tatted up heavy metal aesthetic. Music and UI fits in with this theme. A great fap game if this is your thing. If you're not into that, probably avoid this one.
    • Story wise, it's serviceable. MC has a tattoo on his face, is in a band and runs a bar and lot of hot girls eager to fuck him...So there's alot of fucking from the get go without much character development. Otherwise nothing compelling so far.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders, character models and animations are just amazing. Have to say this VN has a lot of animation, i mean a ton. The animations and sex scenes are long, detailed and just fantastic i would say one of the best out there. The character animations during dialogs also give it a real life vibe while experiencing the story. The story is great. The background music just makes story more pleasant to experience. Overall Fantastic VN

    Story - 9/10
    Animations and renders - 11/10
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Restaurants, different cuisines, diners, fast foods, etc. Everybody knows them, everybody loves them. Having a nice, pre-prepared meal that's top quality. Eating in a nice environment with a classy atmosphere Or maybe you simply like to have a meal delivered to you and eat it in the comfort of your home. I really don't know anyone who wouldn't like eating out or ordering in. You see, AVNs are just like restaurants. There are many of them, and all try to provide a great experience. Often times they are quite similar to each other, albeit there are always clear differences. You have your different cuisines: your Italian college games, your Mexican harems, or your disgusting British NTRs. Not even your two Italian restaurants will ever be completely the same. Every carbonara you taste will have a slight difference that is specific to the game you play...

    Now then, where am I going with this? While most dining places are often very similar, after all, why break the mold if it works? You can often find some weirdos who try to do their own thing. The hipsters, if you will. Hellcat Lounge is a game made by these hipsters. In a world of AVN restaurants. Hellcat Lounge is the smoothie bar of the AVN industry. And these fuckers know how to make banging smoothies. Like, fuck me, are these some of the tastiest smoothies you will ever eat.

    They are absolute masters of their specific crafts, which explains why so many people love them after all. But because they are doing their own thing, different from the rest, they are met with their own specific issues. The taste of their smoothies is awesome, as are the texture and atmosphere of their posh little shop. All of it is fucking immaculate. Can't forget the viking-like fella behind the counter with his little manbun and huge beard who makes the smoothies. All of it just screams good vibes. That is the case from the outside anyway.

    Once you actually taste the smoothies, you start experiencing the issue they are facing. Have you ever tried a smoothie? No matter how well made it was, no matter how floral, how fresh, or how exciting the taste was, every smoothie becomes less and less exciting the more you drink it. It lacks substance. It lacks any form of heterogeneity. There is no difference between your first gulp and the last. Your first mouthful will make you fall in love, while your last will be a slog. Now, it's not like there isn't any variety. Every single smoothie you try, whether it is the strawberry Mary, the banana Caitlin, or the weirdo spinach Sloane. All of them are made to taste absolutely perfect. But once their novelty wears off, you are stuck with a longing. Longing for that first taste to come back.

    You see, just like the Hellcat Smoothie Bar, the Hellcat Lounge suffers from the same issue. Everything is so damn perfect. The visuals, the animations, the presentation, the music, the characters. AND THE DAMN WRITING. God, have I fallen in love with the writing! But man, does it feel disappointing. It has been a long time since I have been charmed this much by a game's writing. But everything seems so damn rushed, so quick. I want to spend more time with these characters, I want to have a real, compelling reason to court these ladies. And every time I start to feel like it's getting there, they are gone. Just like the taste of that smoothie, you've been longing for since the first sip.

    I'd have gin the game a 4.5/5 if I could, but since that is not an option I'm going with a 5/5 instead of a 4/5
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I subscribed to the Patreon, that's how good this one is.

    Now, I want to state that there's not a ton of content, but it's a very good initial impression. Renders/scenes are top tier, hands down some of the very best. Honestly the sex scenes are kind of amazing.

    Writing is good, mature, funny, heartfelt - do I really need to say more? MC is a likable character with relatable traits with the choices provided allow us to tailor whether we want to make him a man-whore or not. The women around him, his friends, the people he meet seem fleshed out and have some character.

    The plot is very interesting. There's more under the surface that you slowly uncover and it makes you want to know more. This is the kind of game you can hope and pray continues to keep the status quo until its completion. It's also a game you hope and pray actually gets completed (as I'm sure many of you have suffered at the hands of the "abandoned" tag).

    I have high hopes here, so much so that I will support it. It's not long, you really should give it a shot just to see what it's like.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    At first release I wasn't quite convinced if this story was more than just a fuckfest, but in retrospect I can say that Hellcat Lounge is not just porn but a real adult novel.

    It tackles some difficult issues that could trigger some people but it's not being done in an overly exploitative way but with moments of human decency at its core, the drama feels authentic and even if some characters seem like stereotypes at first glance, they turn out to be complex and become deeper as the story progresses.

    Unfortunately there are not that many AVNs that manage to tell a good story alongside the pornographic part and in v0.2.00 I can say that a meaningful story with a decent arc of suspense is developing. I like the soundtrack for the most part, I just wish there was a band with a female lead when the Minges play a song. It feels weird to have them perform and hear a song with a male lead.
    Apart from that I have no criticism. I hope that Hellcat Lounge will continue for a long time and right now it looks like Captain Fuckface and I are warming up to each other.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is....such a weird review to make.

    First, I love the aesthetic of this game. The MC is pretty cool, even WITH face tattoos, and the banter among the cast is pretty fucking hilarious and reminds me of a lot of my friends. The story and pacing is also really cool, and the music is fucking awesome.

    The thing is, though....I just don't like ANY of the girls. Like all four love interests were pretty much immediately 'nope' from me within an hour of playing. If this was some harem / free-roam game where I'm essentially collecting pussies, I'd be all for it, but the story is so good and obviously the focus so I tried to play it true and...truly, they are all horrible personalities. The closest one is Cait, but even she is just Some of the side-girls are nice, though, but I know the story is going to suffer due to lack of interest in the main persuants.

    Anyway the game is perfectly fine, your mileage may vary due to the interest in the genres, but if nothing else it's a good story and a cool setting that I don't typically see in these kinds of games.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Shein Shelten

    I love this game, it's just great! Unlike most games here with talented but lazy and greedy developers who need about 5 years of development before handjob, there is a good plot and interesting characters and very hot lewd scenes from the very beginning of the game and all this looks decent, harmoniously combined with each other.