VN - Ren'Py - The Hellcat Lounge [v0.3.34] [Wilson Wonka]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The choice of protagonist is very unique. Normally we think of the bartender as a bystander, but this game makes the bartender the main character, which is surprisingly good.
    The figure modeling is very characteristic, and the tattoos of different figures reflect the author's delicacy.
    It's great how each character's expression changes in each dialogue.
    The overall animation quality is surprisingly high for a game of this size.
    I didn't expect much from the blurbs and tags before playing, but I was pleasantly surprised when I play. The whole game is very good, and objectively I can't find a fault.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Just one word: QUALITY.

    Engaging dialogues that don't make me want to fast skip like 4/5 of the VNs, characters with an interesting personality and not just the pre-baked stereotyped girls you see everywhere, renders are very good and the animations are awesome. Props for the soundtrack too, I love it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Haven't even finished it yet, I'm probably about 2/3s of the way through it seems but I wanted to write up my thoughts real quick.

    The games pretty damn good, it has tons of potential for sure. The story isn't anything crazy and nothing really groundbreaking is happening here, but it's more than good enough for what the game seems like it's trying to do. Which seems to be a game about boning a bunch of horny punk rock chicks with little to no consequences (at least that's how it seems so far, anything can change this early on I suppose).
    Keeping that in mind, I like the setup for this game quite a bit. It really doesn't waste time in getting to the action, which I do feel sacrifices some time that could be spent in developing character stories and relationships a wee bit more, but there's still time for that regardless. A good balance can definitely be found there, I think.

    Character renders are very appealing and thankfully largely lack the "derpy face syndrome" that other games like this often have. Animation work is also well above average in quality and I can see it only getting better as the game develops further.

    Really enjoying it so far and can't wait to see what else is in store for this game. Highly recommend giving it a go even this early on as there's just enough content for a satisfying experience. And I'm saying that even before having finished the whole thing yet.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Old Man Al

    I liked the first release back than, and the update is at least the same quality.

    Very nice renders, first and all.

    Music is top notch, if you like hard rock/metal (I do). And of course it is original in a VN.

    Story is interesting and well told. And there is all in there: good humor, believable friendships, drama - this VN is just a good time.

    Only thing I complain is that really mean cliff hanger at the end of version 2. I hope the next update doesn't take another 8 months. :p

    Give this one a go guys. It is really top notch. :)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There are so many things that are excellent about this game. Presentation, pacing, story, ladies, and the writing is top notch.

    There's something incredibly alluring about having the main character be a genuinely fun person where the ladies have autonomy (and fun) with messing around with the MC.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    Very nice game so far (v0.2.00)

    renders and animations are great
    the writing is flawless so far

    a big plus for me :
    there is no annoying textbox and the text is readable at even brighter scenes (text-outlines (y) )

    some transsitions should be a bit faster i think , but this is personel prefer
    (for example the blackscreen after leaving the house with simone)

    a minus for to much tat´s - really lol

    at all a good game - worth a try (for now)

    gl with your game @Wilson Wonka
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice Character design, a lot of hotties ( the pink hair girl is one of the best Character design i ever seen in a game , one of my favorite ) i hope this game update very fast and regular . Nice Job developer .. ( sorry everyone for my bad english , is not my language )
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty well made game, story is kinda average, the MC looks like a total derp, but I personally pref the "no face" protag.
    The girls look unique, and I really like that Tats.

    each Xxx scene has a few animations and are pretty decent, even if they are all in the "and then they fucked" category.

    all around a well made game
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Goggle Goob

    What's not to love about this game?! The characters are interesting, the girls are gorgeous, the setting is great, the story and dialogue are fantastic, and the music is fantastic! And that's not even talking about how good the animations look. Some of the best animations in an AVN! And the dialogue is just the cherry on top. If you're a fan of metal, girls, and solid story then you really should check this game out. It's a feast for the eyes and ears!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Unicorn Mixer

    Five stars? Yeah, I said it. 5! I know it's early, but I have not seen a VN with so much potential. The visuals are stunning...Animations that are used in a very creative way. Wilson Wonka is taking a very original path in how they seem to be structuring the flow of this story. Even offering tips on when to click and when to resist the urge so you don't miss parts of scenes. Very immersive experience.
    If they keep this up, this has the potential to be one of the top VN's out there. In fact, I'm gonna subscribe to this one as soon as I finish this review!

    Get it, and enjoy the ride Capitan!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, even though it's the first release and it's too early to do a review, this game is just a gem.

    Easily top games out of here, amazing dialogue and script with likeable characters, a good written protagonist who's a normal human and acting like one.

    The models are top notch and original and the story is just too interesting to not follow it, great game and keep up the work!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Well done dev! Renders and animations are great. There's an actual soundtrack that makes sense here. The story... okay it needs fleshing out, but its just a 0.1 release, so got to give it time here. I will say, the girls aren't gonna be for everyone. They are definitely on the Alt/punk side of things with the tats and such. Also, at least not yet, no ridiculous breasts and butts to be seen. Its all just very self assured and the dev's have a very specific vision here. Not everyone is gonna get it, but everyone should at least try it out!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    -Funniest opening to a VN I've read in recent memory. Several moments that have made me laugh out loud. All the characters/scene are over the top, and I love it.
    -Tats are awesome. Awesome renders and awesome tats everywhere.
    -Some of the funniest responses I've seen in an VN "Welcome aboard!" with the facial expressions to match.
    -Seriously, the decision to add a bunch of animations and facial expressions make this VN 10x better than most out there, haha.
    -Girl straight up fucks him and leaves! Holy shit, that was hot. Where the hell has that kind of personality been in all the female leads I've seen since now, wtf?!
    - "Oh, boo hoo. You have four ladies trying to jump your bones. Cry me a river." - Just love the banter in this game, man.

    - It's so short. I don't think I played more than hour or two. I guess a lot of time is spent on the renders? Like, we just barely know what the plot is so far, and the personalities of the ladies haven't really been established yet either, imo.
    - Hardly any story before the sex scenes get going. Like, that's a plus and a minus, but I really do wish their was more substance to things than 'drunk girls down to fuck hot bar dude.'
    Not saying I'm disbelieving it(MC is hot, working at a bar with his bandmate, and the girls are drunk out of their minds? Most believable 'I want to hop on his dick' scenario I've seen yet), but again, I'm really looking for something a little deeper before the fuckfests start. Call me old-fashioned I guess.

    Looks awesome, plays awesome, feels awesome, but expect a short ride -- it's barely past the infant stages.(v0.10.00)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing renders, and pacing. I was enticed in the story the whole way through, and I am someone that normally skips most of the dialogue.

    The banter between the mc and characters in the story is great, which was probably what got me hooked.

    Granted, I do have a thing for goth girls, can't wait for the next update!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Definitely give this one a try but be prepared for one major letdown at the end of each lewd scene. Feel free to ignore other comments about how LIs just throw themselves at the MC as they're either not reading the story or choosing to ignore it..

    The Good:
    • LIs are attractive without the bar feeling like super model central. We haven't seen too much of their personalities but the models themselves are nicely distinct.
    • There is just something about how the scenes in the bar play out that makes this game stand out amongst it's peers. They feel a lot more real then is normal thanks to the animations and little details (good example of this is the interactions with Punk. He has a tiny bit part but its inclusion adds to the scene).
    • Animations are really well done (except for a few exceptions mentioned below)
    • Early days but so far the story makes sense and writing is solid. Feels like it's going to be a fairly simple story but that doesn't mean it'll won't be enjoyable.
    • Action starts off fairly fast BUT it's done in a way that makes sense. Between the fact we're talking about a bunch of 20 somethings who spend their time living the fast life and the LIs having wanted the MC for years now it's pretty easy to accept that things are going to go fast. There is another LI who has nothing to do with the bar though and just met the MC so hopefully she'll provide some of that slow burn you may be looking for.
    The Meh:
    • There are two girls in the final lewd scene and one of them is using a very poor looking model. It's a bit of a weird disconnect to be honest.

    The Ugly:
    1. All lewd animations just end abruptly as if the MC isn't allowed to orgasm.. it's definitely a pretty big flaw that keeps this from being a 5.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Is a very strong start, I like te music and animations. The humor is quite good as well.

    Personally i am not that much of a fan of big tattoo's but here they don't distract from the action .

    I wish the developer the best off luck and will be keeping an eye on this game for future updates .
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking great game


    +Fucking characters
    +Fucking banter
    +Fucking render quality
    +Fucking animations
    +Fucking sex scenes
    +Fucking music
    +Fucking tattoos
    +Fucking swearing


    -No fucking Chris

    Fucking play it now
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a bad start at all. Renders are really nice, as well as the animations. The girls all look good, but I really hope Cris is an option. She isn't listed as an LI on the developers patreon so...;(. So far she has been the most appealing to me in looks and personality, so hopefully this may change.

    What I am not too keen on so far, is that the girls are all just so ready and keen to jump on the MC's dick...for absolutely no reason. This is common in so many VN's and with the quality of the renders, and the fact that developers like STWAdev who are really good at writing believable and immersive characters with relationship building recommended this VN I was expecting a bit more flair in the romance department. But no, the girls are all playing a game on who gets the MC's dick ...for whatever reason and are really not wasting any time in getting it. The sex scenes also end very abruptly and without any actual climax, despite being really nicely animated.

    You don't even get to know any of the "love interests" (more like lust interests honestly) on a personal level so far, it's just "hey, wanna fuck" type stuff. Which I guess people are going to like but I am not one of those. I would honestly give this VN 3 stars so far if we were going purely off of the plot since it's a little meh to me as of now. But everything else is good, so it gets 4.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start! The animations were top shelf and I enjoyed the setting at the bar. This one is much different than the usual you see here and I'm pretty happy you took this road. Sometimes you play a first edition and cringe.. but I'm sitting here and can't wait for more!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    The Wicked One

    It’s a rare occurrence that I fall in love with an Adult VN game in Chapter 1. Unfortunately, a TON of VNs tend to follow the very common, and very exploitable, “slow-burn” formula that tends to not pay off at all. However, from the jump, The Hellcat Lounge is incredibly interesting, fun, and pays off immediately.

    First and foremost, the design, and writing for each of the ridiculously hot girls featured in your VN is absolute top-tier. I am having a hell of a time picking a favorite.

    Second, the animation: *slow clap. Holy damn! Really good. I don’t why, but anytime I saw a stellar animation pop up in your game I thought back to a developer’s recent “claim” that his “animation was the best.” and yadda. Nah, yours is, dude.

    The sex-scenes were awesome, and the girls were hot, but they are lacking in the “climax” if you know what I mean. The threesome at the end was hot, but it just sort of… ends, without any sort of exciting finish.

    Lastly, your story is really well done, and you pulled off the impossible. I actually sat through the first “band-meeting” where 4 dudes were together. Somehow, you made me interested in a subplot involving 4 dudes, and zero chicks.

    Overall, well done. Keep up the good work, and I wish you a ton of success with your game.