I'm gonna have to severely disagree with the text during sex scenes .... I HATE IT.
I just want to see people fuck I don't give a single squirty shit what they are thinking and I can damn well see what's going on, I don't need it described to me.
I'm trying to get all nice and wet to fuckety fuck, I don't need text on the screen taking my attention away from the hot peice of ass getting her pussy pleasured.
Much like real life. All these lesbo's claiming they are good at licking pussy and telling me what they are going to do and JESUS FUCK, SLUT, JUST STOP TALKING AND GET ON WITH IT.
Fuck I even had one girl that wanted to listen to music while we had sex. She claimed it was a bit of a turn off stopping during foreplay and watching her stereo get thrown down the stairs. Tough, bitch, i'm already dryer than the fucking Sahara and you blaring Erasure's greatest hits isn't helping.
Why can't people just fuck?
What is the need for all this weird as fuck "dirty talk" that's about as sexy as a stripper in a hazmat suit?
Just fuck.
At that point the time for talking is done. If words are coming out of your mouth it means your tongue is doing the wrong fucking job.
Okay, so that turned into a bit of a rant but my point stands. Less of the talkings more of the fuckings.