
Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
I do have to say that I finished my first playthrough of this illustrated version and it is a great game. It has well over 100 choices in a single playthrough which many comparable VNs cannot match. It makes me think that perhaps more devs would be well served to make their VN as a texted based version before putting resources into a version with 3D images and animations. I am enjoying the characters so far and the story seems to be primed to put them in situations where they will have to make hard choices. Looking forward to the next update.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2019
Thank you for creating and sharing this game/story/fantasy.
I just finished playing up to day5 and really liked the game so far.

it seems utterly hyperbolic when you talk about 98% of the people on here are out to get you.
No, I said that 98% of the people on F95zone disliked my text-based game. I don't blame them, and I don't care about those 98%. I have no need to convince them that they're wrong. They should just keep on searching for something they like. I'm sure they will find something because it's a lot of good games in different styles on this site.

So right at this moment I started to feel a little alienated by the one, who I wished to support and show appreciation.
Why do you feel the need to share that? I don't care if you like me. I don't care if you like the game and I don't care if you want to support the game. There are so many more important thing to spend money on, so if you have to choose between spending money on an erotic visual novel or helping refugees from Ukraine (or somewhere else), then I really hope you prioritize the refugees.

Also, I couldn't help but wonder about your mental wellbeing, I am not saying this to be rude, those thoughts just started going off in my brain.
Thanks for the concern. I'm doing fine, but it might be healthy to stop working on this game at some point.

Your following paragraphs all left the aftertaste of a persecution complex and that is just my observation, not a fact.
There are also some contradictions in your behaviour - why do you have to "fight people" over anything related to this project? Sure, I can understand fighting someone who you, for example, perceive to be hurting your bottom line, but you stated with sincerity that you don't do this for the money. Even if this is in fact all about money it wouldn't make sense, because this "sabotage" was about to get you a new supporter. I and many others wouldn't have found out about you otherwise.
I don't care about the bottom line. I didn't write a story to earn money or get supporters, and I certainly don't care if you had found out about me or not. As long as I have 1 person who takes enjoyment from what I'm writing then that's good enough for me. THS was just a side-story that I wanted to write for my Patreons (Not to make money, but to show my appreciation). Sadly, some people on F95zone couldn't respect that. I tried to reason with them and promise that it would be released on F95zone when the game was finished but it didn't work. Then I tried to compromise and say that I could release it on F95zone with a delay, but still some idiot decided that he wanted to fuck this project and release new updates on F95zone.

You don't necessarily have the control over what happens to be uploaded on this platform, but why has this to be a bad thing?
Like another member before had stated, people (with the financial means) pledge support to projects/developers they like and want to continue unimpeded. I don't want anything extra - just for you to continue as you have and I have to believe, that I am not the only one who thinks and acts this way.
What irritates me is not just to lose control of the content uploaded to this site but the lack of respect those people show to developers who have spent thousands of hours creating the content. If these people have this desperate need to share content on this site then why don't try to make something on their own, or hire someone to create content for them. Yes, I know this is a pirate site and that shit like this happens, but I still need to be honest about what it does to my motivation for finishing this game.

If what you are looking for is an echo chamber, where only positive opinions are accepted, then you can't look in a public place like this, but you could create your own (discord as an example) and vet every member by their behaviour/opinions, not saying this would be healthy.
As I have said time and time again. I don't care if people like the game or hate the game so where this echo chamber bullshit is coming from is unclear. Yes, I may have to release my newest update other places than on my Patreon site now. I think that's sad, but when people become patreons just to fuck with this project then that site isn't safe anymore either.

What really disturbed me by the end, was your emotional blackmailing towards me/the audience in form of "then I just quit".
It not only is unnecessary and incomprehensible, but also just unacceptable behaviour.
You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but please reflect on your actions and behaviour - they seem out of whack.
I have never tried to blackmail anybody. I'm just trying to be honest with people. I think some of the trolls on this site truly believe that they're helping the creator or making F95zone better. I think it's a fair thing to let them know that their actions just lead to projects being abandoned.

Finally, let me repeat that I liked your game and thanks for giving me the opportunity to enjoy it. I hope you can continue at your own speed and with the same erotic drive you had when you started. I will have to postpone my support until I got clarity about your further actions, but still all the best to you.
Thanks. I also hope that I will be allowed to continue this project at my own speed. I do not care what you want to support. Hopefully it's something more important than a visual novel, but it's a free world (At least the part of the world where I'm living).
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2019

No, I said that 98% of the people on F95zone disliked my text-based game. I don't blame them, and I don't care about those 98%. I have no need to convince them that they're wrong. They should just keep on searching for something they like. I'm sure they will find something because it's a lot of good games in different styles on this site.

Why do you feel the need to share that? I don't care if you like me. I don't care if you like the game and I don't care if you want to support the game. There are so many more important thing to spend money on, so if you have to choose between spending money on an erotic visual novel or helping refugees from Ukraine (or somewhere else), then I really hope you prioritize the refugees.

Thanks for the concern. I'm doing fine, but it might be healthy to stop working on this game at some point.

I don't care about the bottom line. I didn't write a story to earn money or get supporter, and I certainly don't care if you had found out about me or not. As long as I have 1 person who takes enjoyment from what I'm writing then that's good enough for me. THS was just a side-story that I wanted to write for my Patreons (Not to make money, but to show my appreciation). Sadly, some people on F95zone couldn't respect that. I tried to reason with them and promise that it would be released on F95zone when the game was finished but it didn't work. Then I tried to compromise and say that I could release it on F95zone with an delay, but still some idiots decided that they wanted to fuck this project and release new updates on F95zone.

What irritates me is not just to lose control of the content uploaded to this site but the lack of respect those people show to developers who have spent thousands of hours creating the content. If these people have this desperate need to share content on this site then why don't try to make something on their own, or hire someone to create content for them. Yes, I know this is a pirate site and that shit like this happens, but I still need to be honest about what it does to my motivation for finishing this game.

As I have said time and time again. I don't care if people like the game or hate the game so where this echo chamber bullshit is coming from is unclear. Yes, I may have to release my newest update other places than on my Patreon site now. I think that's sad, but when people become patreons just to fuck with this project then that site isn't safe anymore either.

I have never tried to blackmail anybody. I'm just trying to be honest with people. I think some of the trolls on this site truly believe that they're helping the creator or making F95zone better. I think it's a fair thing to let them know that their actions just lead to project being abandonment

Thanks. I also hope that I would be allowed to continue this project at my own speed. I do not care what you want to support. Hopefully it's something more important than a visual novel, but it's a free world (At least the part of the world where I'm living).
Crap, man,...... I'm sorry you've been exposed to this negative shit... I'm, quite frankly, poor as , well, you understand. I really enjoy your game. If you don't have it available on patreon, because it gets pirated, is there any other way to get it?
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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2019
Crap, man,...... I'm sorry you've been exposed to this negative shit... I'm, quite frankly, poor as , well, you understand. I really enjoy your game. If you don't have it available on patreon, because it gets pirated, is there any other way to get it?
The updates will eventually be available for Patreons and be released for free on F95zone. People will just have to wait a bit longer now.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
and they sucked all the enjoyment out of this project.
A few years ago I made friends with another woman on here, Notty, she was just starting Heavy Five development at the time.

Over a few years we got quite friendly, talked a lot, derailed a lot of friends with weird flirting which is odd considering i'm the only lesbian out of the 2 of us but anywhooo...

Point is, not long back she'd had enough of idiots winding her up and abandoned the site. She's still making her game but only bothers with her own site now to avoid certain people here.

A few months back, Nyx, who is developing Intertwined, decided she'd had enough with the idiots and abandoned the site.

The dev of My Ordinary Extraordinary Life abandoned the site due to idiots.

A hell of a lot of devs have stopped posting or even reading comments here and just use it to keep things updated and advertise.

Most of them stopped because idiots were sucking the fun out of it for them.

A lot of devs have started ignoring certain groups. I know a lot of the bigger devs have a rather vocal group on here blocked that complain about certain content because that's all they do, whine like fuck.

Point i'm making is, you aren't alone.

More and more devs are getting sick of certain idiots on here and it's a shame the wockwombles ruin it for everyone.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
A few years ago I made friends with another woman on here, Notty, she was just starting Heavy Five development at the time.

Over a few years we got quite friendly, talked a lot, derailed a lot of friends with weird flirting which is odd considering i'm the only lesbian out of the 2 of us but anywhooo...

Point is, not long back she'd had enough of idiots winding her up and abandoned the site. She's still making her game but only bothers with her own site now to avoid certain people here.

A few months back, Nyx, who is developing Intertwined, decided she'd had enough with the idiots and abandoned the site.

The dev of My Ordinary Extraordinary Life abandoned the site due to idiots.

A hell of a lot of devs have stopped posting or even reading comments here and just use it to keep things updated and advertise.

Most of them stopped because idiots were sucking the fun out of it for them.

A lot of devs have started ignoring certain groups. I know a lot of the bigger devs have a rather vocal group on here blocked that complain about certain content because that's all they do, whine like fuck.

Point i'm making is, you aren't alone.

More and more devs are getting sick of certain idiots on here and it's a shame the wockwombles ruin it for everyone.
I do miss Nyx and Notty. They are making great games and had interesting things to say when they contributed.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2019
A few years ago I made friends with another woman on here, Notty, she was just starting Heavy Five development at the time.

Over a few years we got quite friendly, talked a lot, derailed a lot of friends with weird flirting which is odd considering i'm the only lesbian out of the 2 of us but anywhooo...

Point is, not long back she'd had enough of idiots winding her up and abandoned the site. She's still making her game but only bothers with her own site now to avoid certain people here.

A few months back, Nyx, who is developing Intertwined, decided she'd had enough with the idiots and abandoned the site.

The dev of My Ordinary Extraordinary Life abandoned the site due to idiots.

A hell of a lot of devs have stopped posting or even reading comments here and just use it to keep things updated and advertise.

Most of them stopped because idiots were sucking the fun out of it for them.

A lot of devs have started ignoring certain groups. I know a lot of the bigger devs have a rather vocal group on here blocked that complain about certain content because that's all they do, whine like fuck.

Point i'm making is, you aren't alone.

More and more devs are getting sick of certain idiots on here and it's a shame the wockwombles ruin it for everyone.

Yes, it's sad that developers stop releasing their stuff because of idiots on this site.

People on this site needs to realize that developers on these sites are mostly amateurs who are creating things for fun. Most developers don't do this because they expect to make a lot of money. They started creating stuff because they enjoyed creating stuff and they're sharing stuff on F95zone for free. Yes, it's nice to get some patreons who support the development of the game, and throw a few dollars the developer’s way, so they can create as good content as possible. However, for most developers that's not the main motivation for creating stuff. They are creating stuff because they enjoy creating. The day they don't find it enjoyable anymore they will stop creating (or stop sharing if that's what takes the enjoyment away.)

Some people on F95zone are positive people who appreciate that developers spend enormously amount of time creating content. They try to encourage the developers or give constructive advice. Unfortunately, there's also idiots on this site that acts like spoiled brats. Idiots who think it's acceptable to harass and ridicule those who publish stuff or the thing they are producing. People who stay active in the threads months after months and years after just to make fun of the things that developers are producing. You also have those spoiled people who are demanding stuff. People who are defining themselves as customers and expect developers to produce services for them. People who say: Dance my little monkey and I will consider throwing a few dollars in your direction.

I understand that people think that I'm whining a lot, or think that I'm looking for a echo-chamber where only positive feedback is accepted. That's not what I'm looking for at all. I just want people to think before they write stuff and understand that all the "funny comments" eventually will lead to developers spending their time on other things than creating free stuff on F95zone. This isn't about my games, but the F95zone culture in general.

Try to be supportive and encourage the developers to continue producing free stuff. If you don't have something nice to say, then perhaps it's better to just find another game instead of making fun of the developer and his/hers game?


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
i keep confusing this Illustrated version and text version ... you planning on dropping one or the other ? or keeping both ?
truth is i'm kinda getting tried of downloading both when this is the version i wanna play ... just asking please don't get upset :)
May 7, 2021
i keep confusing this Illustrated version and text version ... you planning on dropping one or the other ? or keeping both ?
truth is i'm kinda getting tried of downloading both when this is the version i wanna play ... just asking please don't get upset :)
Given what I've seen, the illustrated would be the one to get dropped due to added difficulty/cost of development. So, let's just hope we keep getting both.


Oct 1, 2019
Try to be supportive and encourage the developers to continue producing free stuff. If you don't have something nice to say, then perhaps it's better to just find another game instead of making fun of the developer and his/hers game?
I noticed this as well and it reminds me of when YouTubers started doing sponsorships / making money from ads. People cried "why do you need money", "you should only do this out of passion". Then the YouTubers said, we need money to make content, ad money from YouTube is shit so we need sponsorships, put up with it or we stop making content.
I think people look at the big projects making loads of money and think all devs want the same when that's probably not the case for most of them.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2019
i keep confusing this Illustrated version and text version ... you planning on dropping one or the other ? or keeping both ?
truth is i'm kinda getting tried of downloading both when this is the version i wanna play ... just asking please don't get upset :)
No, I'm not planning on dropping any of them as long as I find motivation to keep on writing. Unfortunately the updates are coming a lot slower now because of Maltador who take personal pleasure in trying to ruin this game.
I know that many players don't like the text based version but it will make the final product better when players are allowed to give feedback to the text-based version first. It also give me time to remove bugs and errors if there are any.
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Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
No, I'm not planning on dropping any of them as long as I find motivation to keep on writing. Unfortunately the updates are coming a lot slower now because of Maltador who take personal pleasure in trying to ruin this game.
I know that many players don't like the text based version but it will make the final product better when players are allowed to give feedback to the text-based version first. It also give me time to remove bugs and errors if there are any.
i have played the text based version ... just perfer the Illustrated one now .. is what i should have said ... sorry about that :)
sorry to hear your having issues with your wonderful game :(


Lezz kiss for peace!
Feb 7, 2018
If I delete this thread then someone else will only start a new one and release my games there.
Well, that's unfortunately how a pirate site works. You should finally accept it. Sorry, but it's the weirdest behavior from a dev I've seen here in over 4 years.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2019
sorry to hear your having issues with your wonderful game :(
It's just one idiot who probably haven't succeeded with anything in his life and therefor feel relevant when he manages to ruin things for others. It's sad to see some people encourage him and thinking that they're helping the game at the same time.


May 12, 2020
Oh sweet, do both the versions get updated at the same day
I saw the texted one get updated first and i thought thats it
Jul 13, 2018
This is an interesting (and tragic) discussion. I really do believe thst F95Zone is a great marketing plattform. Many successful games only ever became big due to the exposure here.

On the other hand many deserving games are struggling because $1 a month is apparently too much to ask of 99% of people here.
Then every thread is plagued by groups of people trying to make creators cater to their kinks instead of respecting their vision.

At what point does the benefit outweigh these things? If you all would support 3 games you like and not eat another donut next monday morning, I do believe you'd see so many more games live up to their promise.

While I agree that it is pointless to get mad about piracy as it is a necessary evil if you want to reach a meaningful number of supporters, people also can't just take and expect creators to keep catering to them.

It's a shame. I like your game xxerikxx . It is unique and clever and different. I hope you choose to finish it, but if you don't, it'll be on all of us. I understand that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
I just can't understand, why there is no walkthrough for this. Or WT mod. This game is really one of a kind, but a maze without a WT. So many other, less quality games have WT s or WT mods. Sad indeed.
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