Wolf RPG - Completed - The Imperial Gatekeeper [v1.75] [Tengsten]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple and entertaining gameplay, quality graphics, pleasant music, good story, excellent character design. H content somewhat repetitive, but it's OK for a short game. Grind is present, but not excessive. Recommend.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I do enjoy Tengsten's games and this is no exception. A parody of the Papers, Please game, this game focuses on checking people as they pass through your checkpoint. But of course what's a porn game without sex? You get to violate the people you physically check as well as use items to help you accomplish them. Overall I liked the idea of the game and what's there. I gave this a 4 out of 5 because I wanted more complex animations other than slight movement on basically a standing still picture.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, a well designed game with the sex tacked on as a nice bonus reward.

    This is what we really wanted out of Papers Please, a little less complicated gameplay and more full body searches. The Imperial Gatekeeper, however, doesn’t let you have full reign on any character without consequence. The player, if he wants to do it ‘in-game’ is suggested to buy potions that make the girl more ‘susceptible’ to influence (and that can get awfully grindy). Thankfully there is a full “dev mode” area to test out your ‘abilities’ without any recourse or repercussion.

    The gameplay curve is never made too difficult, but anyone trying to min-max in some sort of speedrun will find it hard to find ‘shortcuts’ to maximize daily earnings without cheating. Better to play the game “clean” and purchase your potions at the end for use in the testing area.
    Probably the only fappable scenes are outside of the main gameplay loop with the ‘special’ NPCs. Otherwise they’re taking up valuable time in game to make coin.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay could be a little more challenging and the content is limited, but for what it's trying to be it's pretty good. I actually finished it.
    Five Stars for being entertaining and holding my attention for so long.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Guess i`ll start off with : What a masterpiece . Never have i played the game with such a "Genuinely intriguing Main story line" and "Gameplay mechanics" such as this one. I`m usually full of words after i play and complete the game but right now i`m *lost for words*, its something that can`t be described in just few words , its something that you "need to play to understand". Intrigued? P L A Y I T , if not? then you should be , because this is certantly 100% a breath of a fresh air (Implying that this game is one of a kind , and prolly something you havent seen before)..\\ Now in my manner I`d like to tell you the details of the game in quick description... Is the game enjoyble? (hell yeah it is, a cool new expirience for you for sure)... Is the game complex? (if you are NorRMie then it will give you a reasonable challenge that you need to overcome... yes SOMETIMES its hard but SOMETIMES)... How much content is in the game ( start can be quite slow so you wont get much action from it but later in the game something between stage 3 you`ll start getting good stuff if you know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )... How long is the game? ( depends on how much of a gamer you are, i was quite busy so i completed it in 3-4 and half days wich is prolly fast considering this game amount of content.) ... quick fap? (hear me out , in the beggining there is no action whatsoever but in the end or on half of the game youll see what you want and there a full sav. soooo its up to you , but i`l would consider playing it) ... soundtracks? ( do you really care ? they fine, i mean they get repetitive but thats only occurs in the end for you) ... animations and generall SG`S (there are unlockable gallery for every stage , and sex memoir though its really nothing special just pictures with the sound put on top, they are not bad though. the cherry is the well "people" and "demi-humans" who come to you , so you can do things with them , you get the idea.) ... Story? ( very very ,very damn nice) ... game mechanics?( "papers please" but much much easier) .../// still here? then go play it my man i`, sure it`ll be worth it. /// thanks for reading my (vague) review hope it came handy for you. good luck <3.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The idea of being a border officer and having authority over citizen is fantastic! I wish there were more games that follow this same concept. The art style is really well made. I wish there was a bit more variations of people, but currently is good enough. I highly recommend this game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good game. The gameplay was pretty fun and the art pretty hot. When you break it down however it's 2 scene varients on like... 6 or 7 different model types.

    The story was pretty lackluster but enough to drive the game forward. I feel they could've made that last chapter a bit harder by including all the elements you learned together at once. Felt weird that the final chapter wasn't the hardest.

    Giving it 4 because although the game is actually really good, there's just so much room for improvement.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    In Papers, Please The Imperial Gatekeeper , the player take on the role of a border-crossing immigration officer in a fictional Eastern Bloc-like country of Arstotzka run of the mill fantasy kingdom.
    So if you played Paper, Please you're already familliar with the mechanics, if you didn't play it shame on you, stop thinking of big anime titties for a second and go rectify your wrongdoing.
    As you progress through things will go naughty: experiencing the life of a corrupted custom officer abusing the little power he has been given to get bobs and vagene.
    Art is really good with mostly 2 poses for random victims smuggler suspect plus scenes for the main storyline, but expect grind to get there.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    spent way too long playing this, lots of fun. Needs to be uncensored tho and maybe more sex options. Translation is mostly complete at the time of this review, though a small portion at the end remains untranslated for now.

    EDIT: March 2023, uncensored patch has been available for quite some time, however there are not too many improvements to the sex scenes if any. They remain enjoyable, though repetitive. The game is also now fully translated.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is great, fun and fappable.

    However like all games it has many flaws especially in terms of the H scenes, for instance you are only limited to anal and vaginal(front and back) penetration. And unless you already unlocked the sandbox mode you are going to be doing very little groping/sexual harrsement.

    The story seemed very rushed in terms of character development and dialouge, but the gameplay makes up for it and is quite addicting.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Insanely well done, would play even without the lewd. They made it mad fun and added really good characters. I hope this game gets a sequel or something because it's definitely one of the best games on this site. Only improvement to this one that could be made would be the removal of the censoring, but honestly it's not horrible.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun & refreshing, but the amount of cgi is limited & it feel slightly grinding to get the objective done.

    Not sure if this is consider as spoiler, but it kinda grindy when it require you to get 500 inspection done. 500 is way too much for a game with limited mechanism & features. Nevertheless it still provide a 2-3 hours worth of entertainment.
  13. 5.00 star(s)



    if you want to have a refreshing and worthwhile fap, this is your game.

    - refreshing. different gameplay from the usual japanese games. it follows Papers Please
    - the ending is just excellent. the main theme matched up with the scene just made me laugh out loud. the main theme fits very well to the climactic scene.
    - you can fuck both sexes
    - the game becomes taxing after a time
    - the story is mediocre, but good enough for a fap session (a long fap session)
    - it is very difficult to initiate sex without the use of drugs
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Papers,Please with +18 content. I was pleasantly surprised this genre got an H-game, and I enjoyed it a lot. Main draw is the art, 5+ for me. Next comes gameplay - UI is clean and easy to use, burecrautic stuff does not get overly complicated and frantic, as in Papers,Please , giving you enough leeway to use your other hand for more interesting stuff ;) .

    Docked a star for lack of unique characters and CG scenes, and some missing translation in the "lore" part of the game(backstory for uniformed grl, for ex.).
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Translation : some parts aren't translated yet but it doesn't affect the gameplay.
    Cg : pretty good but imo there should have been at least two more basic characters
    It's grinding but in a fun way the more tools you get the better the grinding.Overall seems like a good attempt for this kind of game the story is ok nothing great , the mechanics work well, the characters though kinda get repetitive after a while
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    My main problem with the game is that it evokes an expectation with regard to the power dynamic between applicants coming into the office in order to gain passage and the PC who "holds the keys" as it were. This expectation is not met at any point and in any way.

    There is no negotiation or "dealing" involved, i.e. no trading passage for favors (sexual or otherwise). I found that extremely disappointing.

    Instead, there is basically only one useful game choice the player can make:
    buy the perfumes and the gadgets and then you are king in your office and will rule absolutely over the applicants. From the moment they enter they are already slaves. With the stress bar mitigated, they will not resist, they will not run out, and they will let you do what you want. Zero negotiation, zero dealmaking, just have at them.
    This, to me, is just one-dimensional and boring. It fails to explore the many other facets of the presented power dynamic at all, and therefore falls flat in my opinion.

    That said, it's still a well-made game that can be enjoyable for a few hours. Would have benefited from voice acting though. Oh, and the omission of handjobs and especially blowjobs is just insane. Why?
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is decent and holds some interesting scenes within, and the characters are likeable and simple.

    The gameplay is the main focus of this game, and it has good controls and fun gameplay. The only minus here is that while I enjoy games like these, it feels somewhat restrictive when you want to enjoy a lewd scene fully, as the clock is ticking, but such is the compromise, and it is an understandable one.

    The renders are great, but some of the overlaying done within scenes could have been improved, and some of the minor characters have some weird anatomy. The animation is a bit lacking, but it is better than nothing and does improve some of the scenes. The sound and music within the game is great, and helps to immerse you into the role of the character.

    The game is playable beyond the main story, and retains the main gameplay. It plays well, and I did not notice any bugs in my two playthroughs of the game.

    There will be moments where Japanese will pop up as the game is not 100% translated, but those are rare, and even it some of the side story stuff is not translated, the game still contains a great amount of content that is worth playing through.

  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Haley Smith

    This game took me Hours to finish. Is one of the most enjoyable I've played in a while. Bit grindy but Overall I give it 4 out of 5,
    (I just got out of surgery yesterday So I will rewrite this in a week.)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Only wish there were a few more special dialog characters like Hana, even if they just used the random bodies. More positions would be cool too but honestly this is one of the best games I've played in a while. VERY replayable.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Papers, Please +18 very good
    option: original or no sex or censorship
    beautiful art (my opinion)
    story is + or - (was expected as it is not the focus)
    price of things (elixir 100g> all)
    complementary irens price (good, because when released already had money) (flag is essential to avoid only girls)
    Very good bug because if you bribe the guard (stage 2) (1000g) says 3 days, but eternal ficom.
    seer take astrology because it gives you a bonus favoring you
    (a very good one that lets women calm down, (sex guaranteed if you do) red star
    (the other inverse) blue star
    (I don't know what you do) gray star