Ren'Py - The Inn [Ch. 2 v1.01.03] [Lykanz]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The constant 4th wall breaks and interjections from the writer got super tiring very fast. They were overused and unfunny. I get what the dev is going for but it came across very amateurish. Maybe the writing gets better later on, but after the first 20-30 min I had to tap out. I guess maybe the average coomer would find it funny?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The Inn reminds me of the strange situation surrounding Maids and Maidens - both have a title and summary that are totally detached from what they offer. However that being said, The Inn features top notch graphics, plenty of animations and a good variety of superbly crafted lewd scenes.

    The story starts out with MC inheriting a rural house and deciding to convert it to an inn. I was expecting something like Harem Hotel with a story that revolves around a hotel or maybe Wicked Rogue which features a combination of brothel management and visual novel.

    Interestingly the concept of an inn was briefly brought up and left to sit at the background for the rest of the game. Instead, we are treated with more slice of life events in school and home with MC's adopted family and friends.

    The developer also warns players at the start that this is a slapstick comedy, but the slapstick only happens once in a while... I would classify The Inn more as slice of life with light humor. There is also an introduction of a conspiracy involving the mafia further down the road, whether this will form the backbone of the main story remains to be seen.

    Game Mechanics
    Most of the choices affect LI's affection and lust points, but they remain mostly cosmetic with variations in dialogue. The good thing is some choices allow you to pick the kind of sex scene you like, for e.g. a one on one or threesome.

    Background / Character Renders
    Background is a combination of HS stock images and perhaps some custom renders that serves its purpose. The game features occasional animations such as riding a bike and even a car race which add a nice touch to the overall experience.

    Characters are rendered in HS2 with some sort of shader that creates a unique 1980s poster feel which stands out from other games. The main LIs feature bombastic proportions meant to address certain kinks - Joana has milk boobs, Val's a muscle girl, Luana is short and slightly fat. Linda's the only "normal" looking one I guess.

    Character Development
    As a slice of life comedy that does not take itself seriously, we aren't gonna get deep and serious character development. MC is a typical hentai pervert that thinks with his balls while the rest of the LIs are purposely troupey to make fun of the genre.

    It's overall light hearted fun and none of the characters are obnoxious.

    Sex Scenes
    Surprisingly for a game that brands itself a slapstick comedy, it is at the sex scenes that The Inn truly excels. Most of the scenes are seriously hot, the camera angles and panning titillating and animations among the best I've seen in AVNs.

    There's also a fantastic feature where many key scenes have 3 - 4 perspectives which players can pick to proceed and swich anytime. For e.g. a cowgirl position you can either choose to view POV, from the back emphasizing her butt, zoom out from the side or a close up on genitals depending on your kink.

    This certainly beats the singular perspective or multiple but compulsorily cycled switches in the competition. A few games allow you to change POV, but usually there are only two options unlike The Inn.

    BGM and Sound Effects
    BGMs are mostly upbeat and light hearted as expected from a humorous game. There's quite a bit of sound effects especially the bike and car ones that add to immersion.

    The Inn is a light hearted and fun game that features good humor and terrific sex scenes. The story is a bit hotch porch and character development thin as expected for games of this genre.

    The inaccurate title and summary could do with a fix though. Unless the developer intends to revolve the story around the inn in subsequent chapters, the title or at least the synopsis could do with a refresh.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Recently, I came across this AVN, and it’s perfect in every aspect. graphics - Full marks, music - Full marks, story - Full marks—everything is top-notch. Bro, this game feels like Cupid shot an arrow straight into my heart! I mean, what’s there to complain about?

    But there are some things that worry me—I noticed that the game has been updating since 2018, which means it’s been six years now. I’m not unhappy with the update speed or the content. But bro, you get what I mean, right? (The inn hasn’t even officially opened yet). I’ve seen too many talented and ambitious creators on this site who start off with great dedication to their updates, but as time goes on, it puts a lot of pressure on them. Many brilliant creators and their golden projects eventually end up with the 'abandoned' label.

    I sincerely hope this game gets completed and brings everyone a wonderful experience:HideThePain:
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    Wow, I'm really enjoying The Inn! The story has me hooked, especially because the characters are so interesting. All the girls are definitely standouts; they are gorgeous.

    The visuals are also impressive. The character models are beautiful, and the environments are well-designed. The animation is smooth and adds to the overall experience.

    Overall, this is a fantastic game! It easily gets a 10 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is interesting, and the visuals are top-notch. Definitely worth checking out! (y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A wonderful game that has gotten better and better over time, demonstrating how good the author is getting at programming and developing the game with an increasingly engaging story and characters. (Fora varias zoeiras HUE BR)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The Inn [Chapter 1] Review

    Boy, how I hate what I’m going to do right now. I really think Lykanz is talented and that The Inn is filled with great references and good comedy. The models look great and most of them have backstories which influence the way they act. But by the end of chapter one, this game went through three or four narratives - and none of them really matter aside from fucking women. Hear me out, I’m conflicted about this game.

    Let’s tackle this conflict head-on.The game suddenly states on the main menu this game isn’t about an inn, even though you inherit something that could become an inn. You spend the first hour mixing two stories - fighting a moron as a bartender, losing your job, inheriting a mansion, sweet talking to a girl. You then return back to the home of your foster parents because of a tragedy. This is where the main story picks up as the game follows the days after said tragedy. You will re-bond with the women in your foster home and pursue a better, more intimate relationship with them.

    All of this is done with tongue-in-cheek comedy and honestly, the comedy is what makes this game stand out. There are constant references to series, anime, memes and popular culture. It might become a bit slapstick or meta at times, but it helps make the sometimes monotonous story progression breathe some air. The four women you will focus on are different enough, both in personality and looks. Linda Mae is a stereotypical rural American woman who likes getting physical. Joana is your motherly figure who hasn’t seen a man’s touch in years. Valentina is the tomboyish ‘older sister’ who lifts like a lion and Luana is.. well.. a tsundere with princess complex? At some point I didn’t even want to bond with Luana anymore - but that’s not a choice the game will allow you. You will pursue all women and ideally, you’ll fuck them all and they all will know you will fuck them all.

    The first hour, this game felt like a 9. Writing is good, Linda Mae is too stereotypical - but it feeds into the anime tropes, so it sort of works. Then things change and you find yourself working with a completely different story in a completely different environment. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but when you finally deepen your connection with the new story - two of the three women are basically trauma dumping on you until you get to fuck them. It had me skipping Joana and Luana for the most part, even though I really like their body types.

    When the final part of the chapter hits, the game goes AWOL with gunshots, federal agents and a plot that seems to come out somewhat out of nowhere - but makes big impact for chapter two. It doesn’t help that the main character hasn’t developed much by the end of chapter one - even though he’s been assaulted, fucked and shot. That could be one of the anime or comedy tropes. But if so, it doesn’t really make sense to have all the trauma dumping in as well. It feels like a mismatch at times, while there is no denying Lykanz possess a lot of skill.

    The game looks great. It’s Japan-style aesthetic combined with the cartoony looks aren’t the most realistic, but it looks coherent, vibrant and helps shape the universe. Memes are presented wonderfully and creative use of angles allows for better storytelling. You can tell Lykanz really took his time to capture the best angles - sometimes a leg or a hand will obstruct the very thing you want to look at. That self-referencing is why The Inn is a good game in it’s presentation. It knows her target group all too well.

    The models all look great, even the side characters. You can always nitpick about facial expressions, but the Anime-style the game portrays allows the developer a bit of slack. Sex scenes can look a bit bland at times, but at the same time there’s content combines lust with humor which more than makes up for it.

    The Inn can be played in two ways - VN mode or Sandbox mode. As someone who finished the Chapter 1 sandbox, I see absolutely no reason to pick Sandbox mode other than a few extra scenes. And I like sandboxes better. The game underutilizes the sandbox model to the point where you just click a star to go to the next story point. Sure, you can open the phone and look at pretty things. But does it mean anything in terms of gameplay? Not really.

    I do want to specifically state that Lykanz went out of his way to create a lot of clean, understandable user interfaces for the sandbox mode. It really looks like it should be used often, when in reality I found myself not even being rewarded for being curious with it. Perhaps in chapter two, the game can pick up on this and do more of a sandbox-type content distribution. The fetish filter and all the helpful tutorials all add to that, although the popup screens got mostly in the way in the end. But then again, I do think that’s by design as well.

    And for the love of god, don’t disable basic features like screenshotting with the ‘S’ key. If you’re going to do it, at least give us an easy replacement. You’re not supposed to make basic features harder just to fuck with us. It’s like removing a mouse pointer in a selection screen. If it’s for shits and giggles, we can tolerate it for a while. But in a game that is otherwise outstandingly designed, that’s an oversight I wasn’t happy with.

    Because I believe Lykanz went above and beyond to create something that he feels is right, I can admire this product. It’s not something I’m always happy with, but for the most part I enjoyed myself and sometimes had a great laugh. Go into this thinking it’s just another ‘relationship’ manager with fucked-up women and you’ll be better off. Go into this thinking you’ll get ‘Mystwood Manor’ sim-like gameplay and you’ll suicide just as fast as Mike did when he didn’t take the key. Even though, I’ll give this a solid 8 for effort.

    I’m really looking forward to the next chapter from Lykanz, but I hope it’s more focused, paced well and even a little darker in terms of humor.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed every minute of the game. The characters are hot, and the main story doesn't bore you. Watching the sex from multiple angles made it an even better experience. 10/10 game. Would definitely recommend this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't rate VN here usually, but play a lot.. And well this one is the only one those last year that I've found as funny as it is hot !
    Dialogues are correctly written, animations are very well done, it's sexy and funny as hell, no crap grind, and even the music is good
    Kudos to the Helicopter :)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Any game that allows me to play as Asian Handsome Squiward is a hit in my book!

    Models 6/5 - top fucking notch (more linda mae, every time). very attractive and uhh fun camera angles!
    Writing 3.5/5 - it can be a bit cringe but I find it funny most of the time. Heavy on the memes at times but I usually get a kick out of them. Dialogue does drag at points. Sometimes less is more.
    Story 3/5 - Nothing crazy, but not sure it has to be!
    Music 5/5 - At this point I have a hard point playing these games WITHOUT some music. And this one nails it.
    Overall visuals 5/5 - you can tell the developer took a lot of time in creating the different environments and settings.

    The wardrobe changes on the phone are a nice touch. Hell even the models spin. Nice touches like that add to a great overall aesthetic and look/feel.

    Overall it's fun, sexy and entertaining.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is very well made.
    The author took care of a whole of things, everything has a place, he managed to use great overall art...
    But, as much it's too plain to have a game with only beautiful girls, is really too unfair to have a chubby lady, a old lady and a muscle lady (who's the kinda cute) having way more scenes than the prettiest one
    I don't really know if the game will have more scenes with her in the second chapter, but it was a huge flaw for me...
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I have to say at first i wasn't sure about how the characters looked, but I'm glad i stayed.
    Starting to love the models and I like the game and storytelling.
    The music is definetly a plus aswell, all in all I can't wait to see whats next.
    There are a lot of posibilities and I hope the dev/writer will add new content soon!

    Ratings :
    story 4,5 / 5
    models 4/5 (don't get met wrong they are great but there is something off aswell cannot really put my finger on it)
    music 4/5
    Gameplay : 5/5 smooth gameplay all the way.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Been following this game for some time. Just finished Chap 1. A great closing for a great beginning for Chapter 2.

    I love this game mostly for the thick models. Very few honey select games get this right, but Joanna and Luana, perfecto.
    I see a story forming, which is good albeit not very engrossing but who cares, as long as we bang amirite. I do have to commend the memes, its well placed and caters to probably the majority of players.

    All in all,I'm excited for Chapter 2 especially since pregnancy is planned
    :devilish:. Great Work!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 Solid! Kept trying to make sure that's how I felt, and it is lol
    More goofy than what I generally play around with but I still really enjoyed it. At a few points I did feel a bit bogged down by dialog from side characters that really had no lasting effect on anything (school bathroom boys), Though I also never really blindly skipped through, always tried to skim to catch any of the funnies

    +Like how it looks
    +Enjoyed how the characters look
    +Enjoyed the personalities
    +Got hooked to the bits of story, but mostly the vibe
    +Animations were smooth

    +/-Fitting Music and Sounds, tho Sometimes the background sounds seemed quite loud compared to either the music or other/prior sounds, even when turned down

    -I got bogged down by some of the side talk between side characters
    -Ran out of content to play :'( lol

    4/5 Solid!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is a good mix of goofy humor, and some lighthearted, wholesome romance. It is definitely a game that doesn't take itself too seriously, but it is upfront about it, and aside from a few too many 4th wall encounters and a joke at the very end (
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    ) that took me out of what seemed to be the first attempt to really make a serious plot point towards something more than their lighthearted attempt at a romance comedy. Some of the plot points also doesn't make the most sense, but I overall enjoyed the game a lot, and will be returning for later updates.

    The game utilizes its resources well, and the models are generally quite nice. While not the biggest fan of the model engine, I think it is among the nicest I've seen, and they utilize it quite well, especially the faces! It plays well, and I encountered no bugs or glitches anywhere, and the music was quite well chosen on several occassions.

    Definitely recommended for the player who doesn't mind a story which doesn't take itself too seriously, and just want a fun time with some nice sex scenes with varied models.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    To begin with I want to say right off the bat that this is not a bad game at all, because it's not. The (subjective) problems with the game for me were that there is so. much. dialogue. I mean holy shit it just goes on and on and on and on. I was holding CTRL for sometimes up to almost a minute to get to the next major event. That's how much dialogue there is. Now this can either be a good thing or a bad thing if you like the writing and the dialogue thats presented here, or it can break the game for you completely. For me it was the latter. I get that its a goofy game mixed in with the sex stuff, but there has to be a balance. Here, the balance was not met. I also want to mention that for a honey select game the girls look really fantastic and they are varied enough to be different. I also really appreciate the toggles for the kinks and the descriptions for it. If you want a goofy game to go with your sex stuff, or even only the goofy stuff, then this might be a fantastic game for you if the writing clicks. But for those whom the writing doesn't click for, it will be a frustrating experience.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    It has some good stuff but alot of shitty stuff as well, like breaking the 4th wall shit, its ok once or twice but this game just have so much of it that it ruins the experince, i think its supposed to be fun but i dident really find any of it funny, theres alot of repeat dialogs due to MC having to tell Linda everything that happens which gets boring.

    Then theres the hole "Inn" thing that arent even part of the game in any way?
    So far you just go look at the Inn once just to meet Linda really but you never get to fuck her which makes it a bit more wierd how you have to tell her everything when your not a couple yet, then you have to go back to your familie where you have most of the content currently in game, and thats about it.

    Also no virgin or pregnancy tag, they mention pregnancy in game and you got couters for creampies and who knows what else but like so much stuff it just feels pointless.

    Choices ?/5
    Not sure yet, even though its a very old game there really isent that much content, i tried to turn down one sister and the mother but the weird relationship system keeps adding love/lust points to people making me think they will be forced on you at some point, but that remains to be seen once and if game ever gets done, but for now you can avoid sex scenes with the two i tested it with.

    Girls 2/5
    Needs alot better diversity, only focusing on a single big tit fetish leaves alot to be desired and there arent something for everyones taste, its pretty bad since game is pretty good other wise but when you hate big tits and thats all you see it ruins the game when theres not a single LI that you can like.

    Animations 4/5
    They are good for HS with diffrent views and such.

    Sandbox 1/5
    When playing the sandbox it feels pointless since you dont really do anything other then clicking the room/place with a star is on it, i mean your given 150k to make the inn but theres no building or picking what to upgrade or any other kind of management, money is just removed from your balance and thats it inn renovated which you also never see.
    So wondering what the hole point of having the sandbox, if its just to click around its absolutly pointless and might as well be played as a normal novel.

    Maybe in another 5 years game will be something but at the current rate i would be supprised if it ever got finished, i normaly save games to wait for updates but this one will just be deleted since once it gets enough content to go back to it, i will proberly have forgotten the hole story.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I would have appreciated the game more if it had less 4th wall breaks and more actual focus on what's happening. When they warned in the beginning of the game that there would be lots of humor and 4th wall breaks I didn't know that it would be happening every 5 fucking minutes. The writer just can't stop inserting themselves in the story every single fucking chance they get, also the humor isn't witty or anything it's basic childish humor, the dev thinks randomness = funny, the constant meme references are very outdated, even for 5 years ago when this started development. Very obvious case of the writer thinking of themselves to be more funny than they actually are. In an attempt to be humorous the game just ends up being cringeworthy.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Some positives but I really couldn't get into it. The obvious thing is the humour and...actually I kinda liked that. If you don't then it's a non-starter. Constant fourth wall breaks and absurdist humour will ruin things. For me though the real issue I had with the game is how that so many things drag on too long.

    The biggest culprit was the spa day you have with another character. It feels like you have the same conversation with the same character five times and each time it lasts too long. Then the next day you tell someone all about it via text message just in case you'd forgotten what had just happened.

    You could strip an awful lot of the dialogue out of this game and you wouldn't be missing anything. All it really does is make things longer and more tedious to get through which in turn means you're likely to miss the good parts as you rapidly skip through the nothing.

    Worse still, you could strip entire events out of the game and not be missing any content. I assume one day the name of the game and the giant building you acquire early on will have some relevance, but for a game five years in the making it genuinely doesn't. It's one thing to have that opening and the promise of returning to it, but this far along and it's completely inconsequential. I don't think this is intended self-aware humour so much as slow progress and poor writing. It's one thing for passion projects to take time, but when the content that's there isn't relevant or meaningful it stands out a lot.

    All that said, the good parts are good. I like the characters, I like the jokes, I like the irony, and a lot of the dialogue is actually well written. It's just that it so often drags out that things get tiring.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    The writing killed it for me.

    I respect several things the dev did...
    1. Warned up front this game doesn't take itself seriously
    2. Let you choose between speed run VN and more interactive sandbox
    3. Actual animations (albeit honeyselect)
    However... this game is just too cringe for me. I wanted to give it a chance, but didn't have the patience to deal with the writing. The art isn't good enough to make up for it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an absolute TOP NOTCH adult game!
    The models are SO hot, and there's even made an effort with actual facial expressions! Maybe a little exaggerated, but this is comedy - so allowed.
    The story is fastpaced, lewdness-filled, funny, smart and well thought out.
    Even the UI (User Interface) is well made, which is a rarety in adult games!

    I absolutely recommend this gem of a hilarious rollercoaster ride! I for one am downloading every single update as they pop up, which is not something I normally do for other games.