Ren'Py - The Inn [Ch. 2 v1.01.03] [Lykanz]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Giggling Raven

    I really liked the game and the girls except for Luana. I usually dislike tsudere and Luana takes it too far most of the time and MC just takes it like a doormat which kinda pisses me off. At least with Val you have the option to be assertive or passive but with Luana you just have to take it all. I think the game would've been a lot better if we had the option to deal with her bitchiness a bit like we do with Val trying to be dominant.

    That being sad, the memes are perfect. I kind already broke with Filthy Frank so early on and I loved all the Chaves (El Chavo) references at the school/college and even Gil Brother (Away) references.

    The music is great and so are the visuals. This novel has one of the best graphics of all HS AVNs I've played so far.

    My 4/5 score is solely because of how much of a pain in the ass Luana is to everyone else in the early game, which would've been a 5/5 otherwise.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    This is one of the best game I have played in this site.

    My favorite is the 4th wall breaking conversations between Lykanz and the MC using memes. That stuff is rad no matter how many times it's done.

    I can't say much about the story because, there isn't much is there :LOL:,
    But it is in the making that's for sure.

    The other favorite attribute is the LI's. They all are beautifully characterized each being unique.

    Also a great hats off to Lykanz for making this MASTA PIECE and also responding "inn" the comments to the jokes and memes.

    One of the top tier games in this site and a must play.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Well if you look at this game as a dating game where the MC meets up with several different women and goes on a one day date with them which can end in some sexy time then this is probably one of the better games on here.

    The story is good, the quality of the game, images and animations are excellent some of the best one's one here though there is a bit of extra cartoony/gritty look to the characters that isn't for everyone.

    As of v0.08.09 while the game introduces itself as a sandbox and looks like a sandbox it actually works just like a linear VN at the moment in that the MC pretty much at first meets up with one girl for some time and get's to know her then moves back home and goes on a date with his mother + two sisters which can lead to sex, or well landlady and tenants cause of you know patreon and stuff. A long the way you can also interact and sex other characters as well that can lead to their introduction. But thats it for the game at the moment so once you have finished that there is nothing else to do in the game except to start the game over again far as I could tell.

    Now this is in my opinion still a very good game with as mentioned high quality though for now the amount of stuff to do here is not that much but even so it's enough to get to know the so far 4 main love interests and another 5-6 other potential love interests. You can also probably get about 1-2 hours of gameplay out of the game depending on your reading speed.

    But because of how the game presents itself as a sandbox but isn't at the moment and the fact that it just felt so short I'm giving this a 4/5.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't recommend playing the game yet.

    PROS: I'm enjoying the game so far. The story is funny and doesn't take itself seriously; except some parts are kind of interesting. It makes you feel for the characters even with the banter. The first girl is attractive. The plot has a good setup.

    CONS: The Inn turns into a completely different game part way through. I thought it would be a management/sandbox sim but it's more a VN with some incest dating elements. The characters are hot but after five years of development the models are quite outdated. Slow pace, unnecessary sandbox, decrepate memes, jarring 4th wall breaks, dev rants, and walls of text.

    If this game were in it's first year or early second year I'd surely recommend; but it's been five years of development. I'll finish my playthrough, but I'm not returning to this game for at least another year.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    To begin with the positives, the game good writing, a fair amount of smut but mostly likeable characters. My issue with the game and its low rateing is the bugs and lack of content for the dev time.

    The game itself has been though multiple restarts in its development, which, to its credit has improved scenes however has decemated the amount of content in the game. Currently there is one date and sex scene for each of our 4 main cast and a few optional sex scenes on the dates. I'd expect this for a games first release, Not after over a years development.

    As a end not and a personal pet peeve, "The Inn" the game is named has not been built, or returned to. The games title and plot device does not currently exist.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Sorry but no. This has been up for five and a half years and it's still in the prologue. Here's some minor spoilers in case that bothers you, but since most people read reviews for confirmation of their own opinion I doubt it will matter.

    Game begins -> cliche of suddenly getting rich -> tell new gf "I'll be back in a couple days at most" -> go back home for about a century, fuck a bunch of women -> the main USP (the LITERAL INN) hasn't been touched at all.

    There is zero chance this game will ever be finished. I'm not even being pessimistic, it just won't happen. Whether the dev eventually burns out and ghosts everyone or whether this will just be milked infinitely, the result is identical. Do not get attached. Do not waste your time.

    Which is a shame because I had so much fun. I don't even enjoy the Honey Select style in terms of arousement and yet the women were still pretty hot. The expressions and poses are exquisite, very much like Once in a Lifetime. It was nice that in the beginning the Asian-looking women had dark nipples and were pubeless, but eventually both of those things change to where everyone has pink nipples and pubes. The humor that most people seem to hate I found extremely amusing and even properly laughed out loud a few times. Sure, a lot of it is also stupid, and I really hate the fourth wall mechanic (in anything, not specifically here), but it's such a nice change from every other AVN turning into a pointless dramafest.

    Buuut then the game ends and it's obviously still the prologue despite already sexing mom and one of the sisters. Where to go from here? There's only one sister left, so that means a so-far-unmentioned aunt and cousins, obviously. Will the game ever return to, I don't know.......the inn? No it will not.

    Goodbye and thanks for reading my ted talk.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This visual novel is a collection of memes from more than 10 years ago, bad jokes, a lot of cringe and a wall of unbearable dialogues, the age of the developer is noticeable, easily more than 30 years, so many memes that I had not seen for many years, here you don't see one, you see them all, it's like going back to "My space", Vine, etc.

    Technically it's ok, above average, but that stupid humor, accompanied by old memes and forced edgy stuff, is definitely not my cup of tea.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    this is the most alive vr game i have ever played! so good animations and i love the humor, right up my ally! and i love the writing so far! well made, i need to post this now so i can go and suport this dude on patreon or subscribe, bye!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this time to break down why.
    1) the comedy is timely and pure gold. something lacking in games that take themselves too seriously.
    2) despite memes and giggles, it has sweet and emotional moments between characters that build their intimacy and relationships.
    3) visuals and music are just stunning, the lights, camera angles and tunes give the game an extra edge.
    4)the lewds are sooooo good that my penis is begging me to play something else and give it a break.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    English: 7
    User Interface: 7
    User Experience: 4
    Art: 8
    Dialogue: 2
    Story: 2
    Opinion: 3
    Avg: 4.71/10

    TL;DR: If you take out all the bad jokes, memes, Steel Panther references, 4th wall breaking, and MC being a complete idiot, this would be a pretty decent game. The art's good and most of the other characters aren't bad. But this story falls away from what it set out to do and if nothing else, it's a shame. And I think that if the dev wants to be funny, the joke should be that Linda steals all his money and the game just ends there, but don't wanna give too many ideas.

    I generally try to stay away from games like this. Useless linear sandbox. Minigames that add nothing to the story or game. A 4th wall so broken it might as well be an abuse victim with stockholm syndrome. The MC is a plain unlikeable drooling moron. And a facetious self-deprecating dev self insert that detracts you from anything that could possibly be misconstrued as serious, going on in the story. Hell, the last time I played this, I clicked on the VN mode, knowing I wouldn't like a sandbox, and being broken as it was, it still put me through the aforementioned linear sandbox. Luckily, this time it worked. And this is still called "The Inn" and instead of renaming the game to something else, or getting back to that part of the story, the Dev leans hard into this awful memelord personality that he wants to be, and just crosses out the word Inn on the main menu because there is still nothing to do with "The Inn" at all. Which means this game is effectively titled "The." And I'm sure he'll just pull a Spongebob joke out of that instead of getting to the original point of the game, or reflecting on it at all. But as per usual, this devolved quickly to an incest pandering "joke"-fest. My little piece of advice, to anyone reading this really, is if everything's a joke, nothing is funny.

    Here's the story: MC white knights at work too hard and beats up a customer. After losing his job, with nothing else to lose, he checks out the house a mysterious patron(His dying father) had essentially given him a few nights before. When he gets there, MC meets Linda Mae, lonely southern cowgirl stereotype, and finds $150k. With that, he gets the idea to make an inn with the money and mansion. After learning maybe three things about Linda and some minor petting, he gets a call from his [self-]estranged mother. His asshole dad died and MC needs to go to the funeral. Then, after returning, suddenly the family's attracted to each other. BUT WAIT MC and older sister already liked each other. And that's it. It continues to be about MC and his family, all while Linda keeps texting him to be a conduit for the family's jealousy and act on their feelings.

    The issues with this are as I said. Any time there hasn't been a joke for more than 10 lines of dialogue, the dev-insert pops in to make a shitty joke or comment about an innuendo. And if not that, then MC sees something remotely sexual, his eyes go wide, he starts drooling, and his entire brain turns off as if he's never seen a female before. It gets old, fast. And the panned images. Panning across an image is good for emphasis, but every single time there's a "sexy" image it pans. So they lose their impact. And then it doesn't even show the full shot after so if you're like me and got tired of the effect, you don't even get to see the CG after. Cool. And I can't tell if the nukige thing at the beginning was meant to be a joke or not, because the story is a throwaway incest tale and every character just craves sex. Either way, this is and will only ever be a dumb porn game. And the discord section is the worst way to relay any information, ever, and it went on FOREVER. Reading someone else's discord just feels weird, like wearing someone else's sweaty socks.

    To sum it up, the English is better than most VNs written by someone that speaks another language. And you'd be forgiven to think otherwise. But so many times I see tensing issues, wrong words, or just bad grammar. The UI is heavily customized, and I'm here for it, but the Options menu isn't as user friendly as standard Renpy. And looking at a dated meme every time you go to save is grating, which doesn't help the UX along with the fake content filter in the beginning. The Art is great, some of the better HoneySelect stuff on here. But the dialogue and story tank the shit out of my possible enjoyment of this. There's a point where MC goes to talk to his older sister, who he's already had sex with AND seen naked earlier that day. But she's topless and MC leans into her chest for an extended period of time and his only reply is "Boobies..." "Booob" while making a dumbass face. And shit like that happens constantly. And the story, if you read the paragraph on it, to this day, SIX YEARS later, hasn't been returned to. I get writing isn't the easiest thing in the world, but it's just procrastination at this point. And now the Dev has the added strain of making sure the user can play VN or [useless] sandbox mode, so it'll probably be a scapegoat for taking even longer to release updates. All in all, I'm a little sorry I have to rate it so low, but two stars it is.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5 - The story is very inconsistent and hard to follow. Eventually, you learn that you are tasked with renovating an Inn, but this comes after too much dialogue and "jokes" that ruin the pacing.

    Humor 0/5 - I'd rate this lower but that wouldn't make sense and I'm trying to remain objective. The humor is very bad. Jokes need set up and payoff. Random humor for the sake of randomness is cheap and may get a chuckle, but will more often make people annoyed. I've seen random humor work in other cases, but it fails here.

    Renders/Animation 1/5 - Trust me, I'm not being rude about this. It's literally just Honey Select models and animation from years ago. Nothing new.

    Grammar 2/5 - I'm not someone who needs perfect spelling in a game, however, I do appreciate when authors take the time to spell check or fix syntax issues. This game doesn't have too many spelling mistakes, but they do become noticeable.

    Performance, bugs, UI, etc. 2/5 - Similar to Grammar, it's not bad, but it's not good either.

    Overall, I guess this game is not meant to be taken seriously (yeah it's a porn game) but that shouldn't excuse low-effort story telling and "jokes". If you like a bunch of meme's in a game, try it, but if you prefer games with a solid story and writing, you should probably pass on this one.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    4th wall fun

    1. The best part about the game is probably the funny 4th wall breaking writing from the dev and the usage of the UI. The UI incorporates the dev's humor, which every f95 user will be familiar with.
    2. Game has really nice sex animations with different angles. The dev uses the japanese anime style Honey select style 3d models, which are also real nice. Maybe not the best looking, but with the animation it looks real good. However, if you're not fan of that asian aesthetic, you might not like the game.
    3. The game lets you wander around and the dev's UI and event log/details make it real easy and painless to move from one plot point to the next.
    4. The game's story and setting is going for a a western setting, but the japanese hentai style 3d models and aesthetic sort of conflicts with it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    version: 0.08.04
    Hadn't played this previously. It's a fun, sexy game. Character design is sexy, art is attractive and consistent, dialog is entertaining and ample without being suffocating. The 4th wall breaking/author inserts are my kind of humor.
    My only complaints are the music popup notifications are annoying and very numerous, I for one never play with music on, so it's completely superfluous. Also the Sandbox mode doesn't really do much outside of the gloryhole at the lingerie store. Finally, why is there a constant set of "change button design" buttons? That's the kind of thing you can either a) live without or b) put in a sub menu.
    These are all trivial complaints, and the rest of the game is a solid 95%, so far. Looking forward to next release at this point.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. Ronald Leopold

    I have played enough erotic games in about 3 years, this is one of the best from a quality point of view.
    Story: Very simple, a certain person will give you a house, because of an event you will go back to your family and follow some events with them.
    Characters: Quite pleasant, both from an aesthetic and personality point of view. Some clichés are knocked down, some other clichés are used well.
    Content: Currently there are not a lot of scenes, however at least they are of good quality and there is also good music, the game is smooth.
    Other Pros: The whole game has quotes and scenarios that are not trivial at all, compared to other games it is noticeable that the developer put effort and did not use classic assets that make games look the same.
    Cons: Bugs that you don't expect to see, for example while you are using your cell phone to read messages and you accidentally tap the exit button, the game will bug and you won't be able to continue, you will have to reload the save, or you have to choose as the first series of events the one with val, choosing Joanna the game will crash.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game.

    Beautiful girls, the humor is good too which I didn't expect.
    Great animations too and not only for sex scenes.
    The only thing I would change are the buttons during sex scenes to switch perspective. Move them to the side.

    Kudos to the dev, he is a master of his craft.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I was reluctant to play it, but after reading the reviews a bit I played it and it seemed like a fun/entertaining/erotic story.

    The animation is excellent, the modeling of the characters is excellent, the scenery is well done. Particularly the game stands out in what I look for in a +18 game; Animation, Plot, Modeling, Environment; and I must say that it is very good in most aspects. The plot is entertaining and more when there are funny moments, which are funny because they are unexpected. It really is very well done in most aspects, but...

    I can't really capture anything wrong, I mean the characters have physical and personality differences so you don't eat the same thing every time. But as much as I want to look for something wrong, I would say that there are some scenes that sometimes get bugged but that may just be my computer. but...

    If as in any case, certain aspects must be improved. The first one and the one I consider important, until this version 0.08... I really don't know where the story is going... I mean yes, the MC has a short term goal but there is nothing else after that, certainly this game It stands out because from the beginning the creator told us that it would be a game with a plot and what's more +18, however I feel that the plot up to this moment hasn't shown me anything, I mean, if it's true that it's improving its relationship with the others waifus but what about?... well this could be more than anything how the plot develops from now on, clearly this is just beginning so to say improving the plot does not seem like a valid point to me but it does not seem bad to me to highlight it either. Suddenly there is something that bothers me and that is that there are times when there are a lot of texts that may be fine but can get tiring.

    The game is entertaining, it's really worth playing and enjoying a story that's so far comical at the moment, the +18 scenes are really good and there are some pretty hot dialogues that leave you excited. I particularly recommend it to play... but not now, let's wait for a few more updates and it would be the right time to play it and it will leave you wanting the new update to come out.

    o Character Design/Visual: 4.7/5
    o Background music/sound: 4.5/5
    o Plot:3.5/5
    o Animation: 4.5/5
    o +18 Scenes: 3.7/5
    o Gameplay: 5/5
    o Interface: 4.5/5

  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Based on the (as yet) unfinished v0.7.10.

    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I am very picky with visual novels and think broadly they can be very subpar. So, take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    • Great writing – On a scene-to-scene basis, The Inn has genuinely stellar writing. The character interactions and dialogue all flow really well. Each character feels unique and well rounded, from the protagonist (who is the right mix of forthright, confident and easy-going) to the various girls and love-interests with whom you will interact with. There’s the odd spelling mistake here and there, but overall the game is just a pleasure to read and the characters are fun to get to know
    • HOT AS BALLS – Oh yes. My guy. My dude! It’s using some form of Honey Select (I think? I don’t really know how these things actually work) so there is an upper limit to how good the individual renders and so-on can look, but with this caveat I have to say that the game just looks great. AND, more importantly, the sex scenes are fucking scalding. There is some absolutely primo fap material here and it looks like it’s going to cater to a lot of my favourite kinks (domination, roughness, but then also some hot vanilla as well, plus harems and potential pregnancy risk…? Yes please!)
    • Hot animations – Just as an expansion on the above, there’s also definitely some pretty hot and well-done animations on display here too!
    • Girls are fun and unique – I mean… There’s a lot of redheads here, but to be honest I’m not about to complain about that. The characters themselves however each feel unique and different. Plus the way the game has you interacting with each of them is pretty great.

    • Two games in one – While the moment-to-moment scenes are class, the overall plot is… Fucking bizarre… The supposed premise of the game is that you are fired from a dead-end job with no friends and no prospects but end up being gifted a run-down manor house and all the money to do it up. Turning it into the titular Inn. This is a neat concept, a bit of an run on the idea of another game on F95 I could name. This whole plot gets set up and the renovations are kicked off… Then the protagonist’s estranged and hated father dies, so he goes off for the funeral to visit his old family. From this point on the Inn is literally no longer part of the game, and instead you are now playing a slice-of-life incest story with you, your hot sisters and mother. Again, moment-to-moment it’s hot, but it’s legitimately a complete shift in gears and has zero bearing on the supposed “main” plot.
    • Very weird game designThe Inn has a bunch of clearly nice systems in place. It seems to have time-slots, different locations with different rooms, you have costume options for yourself and all the girls, you have a phone to have naughty sexting conversations with each one, it has the options of letting you know where the girls are as well as what will trigger main plot events or side quests. It tracks stats and money and more. Basically, it has a lot of the apparent functionality to make a great dating sim… Except the game is a linear VN. There’s no optional branching, events happen in basically the exact same sequence. There’s no free roam. It is, again, just absolutely baffling.
    • Sense of humour – The game relies a lot on 4th wall breaks and an avatar of the dev that will appear in-game and interact with the protagonist. This is… Sometimes amusing… I have to admit, it’s not entirely my favourite thing and I think that whenever this form of humour is used that it can slip into becoming obnoxious WAY too easily. There was definitely some danger of that happening in the Inn. However, on the other side, it actually also made me chuckle once or twice, so it clearly has highs and lows. So, I can appreciate the effort being made here.
    • Some pretty weird continuity elements – Two major things that I can name here, but I think there might be more. Very early on you are told about your hatred for your father and how you did love your sisters and your mother. You then move back home (for the second part of the game) and immediately start fucking one of your sisters… Because you actually apparently had a sexual relationship even before you became estranged. THAT was a bit of a shock and quite frankly deserved to be set up better. Similarly, the protagonist decides he’s going to keep his new manor house and renovate it and live in it. But actually I’m convinced that the first person who mentions it being used as an “Inn” is in fact another person. Like, before he’s even made any final decisions about it… It’s like the dev here just keeps forgetting to actually include these vital pieces of information.
    • Other weird stuff – There’s a massively long weight-lifting segment in which one of the main female characters lifts something fucking ridiculous like 400kg over her head in a series of feats which not only absolutely shatters overall world records, for ANY weight class in any gender, but also just looks kinda ridiculous. I get that the game is deliberately being sort of silly but honestly this didn’t feel like a joke so much as it did just… Dumb?

    • Some of the UI elements are annoying – I could REALLY fucking do without the game telling you every single time a new song starts playing, every single time that you have sex or make a girl cum. Yes game. I KNOW I just creampied a girl. I was there for it! Not only are these pop-ups fucking INCESSANT (genuinely you can get a pop-up giving you a "quest" which will involve going to bed or something, so you can actually get the pop-up telling you that you completed the quest before the first one even vanishes), but I’m convinced they must be at least part of what makes the game run weirdly poorly despite largely being just a VN.
    • Tutorials need a COMPLETE rework – Listen, I get that you want your game to be light-hearted and not taken too seriously. You want your tutorials to be just sort of joke-y suggestions. Like “hey this is the phone, you can do this and this here, but HA HA I’m just the game dev what do I know?” Right? That’s the intention? I’m going to tell you now: please, please re-do absolutely every single one of them. I skipped the absolute vast majority of the tutorials because they were literal WALLS of text to tell you that “press this button to see your contacts”. This also means that if any of this shit was actually important then I completely ignored it because there was just way too much text to take in. Allow me to re-iterate: these are GENUINELY bad.
    I think almost all of the issues with The Inn can be traced back to one single root cause. The dev doesn’t seem to be really clear on what he wants to make. You start off the game with this whole idea of “renovate the mansion, turn it into an Inn/hotel, and possibly down the line you fuck everyone who visits”. Along with that there’s the very clear intention of it being a time-slot dating sim with characters you can visit and call, side events and main quests.

    What then ACTUALLY HAPPENS is that the game becomes a much more run-of-the-mill family dating VN with no dating-sim elements whatsoever and a token nod at the free-roam aspect. There’s even a run-of-the-mill mystery of “your father was clearly in debt to bad people” thing going on in the background which might eventually cause problems.

    Now, I want to give the dev credit and hope that this is all going to tie together at some point. I’m assuming the plan is to have the family move in with you at your Inn before you start off the "rest" of the game, but I have to say that if this IS the case, then the build-up towards that is taking WAY too long. It no longer feels like the game it initially was setting up to be and at this point, if it does actually shift back to a proper dating-sim type of thing that’s ALSO going to be another dramatic shift in gears.

    Beyond this core problem the rest of my issues with the game are much more minor quibbles. Yeah, there’s a few UI elements I genuinely disliked and a few smaller story elements which seemed to be poorly delivered, but these are much more minor in the grand scheme of things.

    I actually also have to say that despite all my moaning here, I actually enjoyed my time playing The Inn. I liked the characters, I liked the writing, I genuinely liked the various different scenes and interactions.

    More importantly the sex is genuinely hot as fuck (with occasionally a bit too much “banter” but I can forgive that) and that’s what I’m here for. I can forgive a game an awful lot when the sexy stuff is regular and steamy. And here it absolutely is both of these things.

    I also think that the light-hearted tone generally serves the game well, and even if I wasn’t always into it, the fact that it DID actually make me laugh once or twice (and no just blow air out of my nose) is in fact a testament to some decent writing ability on the part of the dev.

    I’m going to be following the development of the Inn for sure, hoping that it continues in the direction I describe above, but even if it doesn’t I’ll still be here for the just stellar fapping.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Joey's Conscience

    Review for version 0.08.02

    Long overdue review for this one but better late than never.

    The Inn puts you in the shoes of a bartender who inherited a house from a lonely customer after lending him an ear. The MC then hopes to make it his inn. Or at least that’s how I remember it because the game takes a break from that plot point in favor of the classic “MC returns home after a long time away to bang his family”. The lack of the inn kind of became a meme at this point.

    While the setup isn’t particularly original, what sets the writing apart is the humor. The game goes all out on comedy, and while sometimes it tries a little too hard, it hits more than it misses. The dev is Brazilian though, and some jokes are specific to the culture, but most people will get some giggles out of this one. There are some cameos from other porn games too, which is amusing.

    The visuals are outstanding, standing among some of the best I’ve seen using HS. Animations are also fantastic, and even outside of sex scenes, the game makes frequent use of them to add more flair to what’s happening. Overall great looking game, high effort.

    One nitpick I have with the game is the “pseudo-sandbox” structure. While you can move around rooms and whatnot, there really is no point in going anywhere other than the clearly marked place for the next event. The game is linear, even if it doesn’t seem like it at first. There are dialog choices, but the results of each choice are clearly labeled. On one hand, ppl that dislike sandbox can rejoice, as there’s no grinding at all for anything. On the other hand, the game lacks the freedom and gameplay elements that sandbox provides. It’s a weird situation where it seems to me that the sandbox structure just adds extra clicks for no reason, and the game could just be a VN. It’s not too intrusive though. Like I said, just a nitpick.

    TL;DR: Funny game with great visuals and animations, highly recommended. Pretty slow to update though, keep that in mind.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating: 4.5 - Version: .07.1

    I really enjoyed this game. There's a good baseline story if that excites you and there is some great scenes if you're just here for the juicy stuff. I also liked how the creator offers you several optional kinks to add or remove from the game. Brilliant idea.

    What I liked:
    * Gorgeous models for this art style (Joana :love:)
    * Pretty believable plot and parts that aren't they know how to joke about it.
    * Incredible animations. They're not in 4k or anything but the quality and life-like movement is top tier. Plus, you can change angles (Hallelujah. Idk why more games don't offer this)

    Things I didn't:
    *The beginning "kink" selector is nice but you don't really see much or any of some of the selections. I assume they'll come in another version.
    *The memeing is funny at times but sometimes feels a bit much or kills a scene.
    *This is a taste thing but I would like to see the girls fool around more, especially in threesomes.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game in progress.

    The creator is a meme master. He's able to incorporate memes and humor into a surprisingly solid foundation of a story that's more relatable than your typical smut game on here. Sometimes he goes a little too far in my opinion and it takes you out of the scene entirely but overall enjoyable to read.

    Graphics wise all the girls are hot. Especially the younger sister, I'm counting the days until she gets more content. I will say the main character looks a little decidedly asian when there's no indication he's supposed to be, not sure if that's intended or just a byproduct of the engine.

    In terms of gameplay there's not too much deviation you can do, don't expect a sandbox game where you go off and do anything you want (yet). You're basically playing a linear game that splits off into two big routes currently, you can do both of course since it's intended to be a game where you get the entire family in one file.

    Story wise the concepts are good. The older sister and main character already had a past relationship and are positive about it, a big twist on the usual "older sister is a materialistic bitch who rewards you with favors" thing so many games do. Younger sister is a weeb we can only dream about meeting, one look at her room is enough to notify everyone what she (and the creator) likes a lot. The mom route is a little more basic and by the numbers, you know the drill, horny mom and overly loving son cross the line, they end up on a date, pretty typical stuff but she's hot and it's as solid a route as any you've played in other games.

    Watching this with great interest. I'm not usually the biggest 3D game fan but something about this one's holding my attention.