Ren'Py - The Inn [Ch. 2 v1.01.03] [Lykanz]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun adult VN filled with memes and 4th wall breaking self-awareness jokes of the cliche VN tropes and Japanese fictional characters stereotypes layered with a very simple but engaging enough plot and character interactions to keep the game interesting and not just consist of jokes and pornographic content.

    The visuals and character design are well done with an extra effort from the dev to add animations outside just the sex scenes which are well done. The writing and dialogue are well written especially considering that the game is mostly jokes and satire but still manages, for the most part, to balance the character's development and emotional interactions parts.

    Overall I found the game very entertaining, with likable characters and light-hearted humor.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh, my gosh. This game is so damn good!
    The writing is just spectacular! A swear the writer is gifted. So funny, and great character development and interactions.
    The girls are HOT!! I mean, damn! LOVE Linda Mae!!!!! <3 <3<3
    Val is smoking, Luana has a certain, je ne sais quois that I adore, and Joanna has MASSIVE FUCKING TITS!! (I like me big boobies!! <3)
    Overall, I can't wait to see how this develops. It has so much fucking potential!!!
    Keep up the incredible work, dev. You DA MAN!!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Clean renders
    Decent story
    Sexy ladies

    HUGE HUGE error message when making the decision during the movie night

    Over all this is a good VN. I played through it back when it had the Halloween stuff in it. Lost track of it since then. I'm glad that was removed. It made no sense and messed up the flow of the story. The error message kinda ruined it. I tried to ignore it, and rolled back. Neither fixed the issue. I'll probably wait and see if this is resolved in future updates.
    I do recommend giving this one a play through because it's really a good story. A bit cliche, but good none the less. Keep up the good work
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very impressed can't wait to see what comes next character models look good and the animations aren't bad and the story is building up very well overall I think this game is going to be great hopefully it gets updated regularly and quickly
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Andrew Espinoza

    Man, it was quite hard for me to decide on the score for the game. The graphics are amazing and stunning and the story is quite engaging; the character models are also beautiful (aside from the MC who has a dipshit's face, similar to Max's Life and every other Honey Select game character, which bothers me for a reason). However, while the premise is quite good, there's nothing here to even play for; no H scenes aside from boob groping and the typical caught when masturbating, and that is something that let me down since the game's size is 1GB (I literally finished it in less than 20 minutes reading almost every dialogue) and the graphics are not so good as to justify the file size. I did like the Filthy Frank reference though, that made me laugh hard.

    I'm eagerly waiting for the next update, but so far, it's just a good premise but an average game overall.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Its under my top list hot stuff

    Just played it today amazing gals there
    Though no real h-scene it gives you the vibe and you cant wait to jerk off amazing tease

    There so many possibilities many options I hope when the next update comes out there will an NTR route and not

    story wise its exciting and graphic holy moly the girls are unique and dont look the same

    Cant wait for more 5 stars easily
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game that I enjoyed very much, Great characters, great story, Great animated scenes. Loved the witty humour and dialogue and loved the 'small' (so small, don't blink yeh) joke about "POLITICS" it was sooooooooooo funny!!! Really would recommend this great visual novel as I only found it by chance and didn't regret for a second downloading it as I enjoyed every second of it and i'm pretty sure I will update my review in the future :)
    Great work dev and thank you.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is starting really good, it is developing the characters slowly but surely, the memes are a hit or miss but that's entirely if that's up your alley, tons of jokes, most of them funny, that part was to mess with the dev, the characters have been likeable as of now with a more or less believable story, obviously way too soon to know if it will remain like this.

    But really, a guy you just met giving you tons of money just because, that's 100% soap opera story-telling.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The Inn – breaking the 4th wall with pure undiluted lust

    I've spent eons wandering the vast wastes of the internet seeking a lewd game to call home, much like the games main character I found myself going through the motions jumping from filth to filth hoping that my next jump would lead me home and to a meaningful climax (of quality storytelling) but alas I was left wanting. Then on the horizon I saw a blindingly bright building beckoning me towards it and as if by internet magic the sirens call threw me through the doors of The Inn and to the feet of Lykanz who took me aside & forcibly whispered the truths of the universe in the form of a truly lewd visual novel.

    It's not very often that a game as remarkable as the Inn graces us with its presence but it isn't the ill omen that some of the less enlightened “reviewers” have branded it. The Inn is in fact a blessing on our impure community, its brand of madcap 4th wall breaking humor, pop culture references and memes is exactly what this scene needs, considering the sheer number of games here that take themselves a bit too seriously, but for those too busy or lazy to scratch the surface of this vn it tells a tale to which most people can relate of a man stuck in a rut and his struggle to make the best of a bad situation and change his fortunes when his ordinary life is shaken to its core (While also getting lucky). Lykanz has gone to great pains to craft a story line and a believable back story for the main character and has interwoven the Mcs fate with a host of skillfully designed, believable and well endowed women for us to ogle and in a surprising break from the tradition of only having gym sculpted female forms we've also been blessed with the mc's 'cough' Roommate and Landlady that have a little more to offer size wise meaning that there's something for everyone in this lewd fiction.

    Addressing the elephant in the not that pink one hes my drinking buddy, the update schedule for The Inn has been a point of much discussion recently but for those leaning towards Lykanz being lazy im sorry to disappoint you but this couldn't be further from the truth, in the months following the last release, Lykanz has worked tirelessly on user experience improvements to the game, improving the UI, streamlining the menus and in a step i've yet to see implemented in another Lewd Vn Lykanz has developed a system of auto updating the entire game, further re-enforcing just how dedicated he remains to the project.

    While the game remains in its infancy, its potential is undeniable and I wait with bated breath “swallows a mint” for the next update and the next inevitable Resident Evil 4 reference.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a particular type of jokes/humour which will likely determine whether you like the game or dislike the game. What you can expect in the humour department is 4th wall breaking, memes and random jokes (which you'll either laugh or cringe at).

    A lot of it seems to be in your face like your character arguing with the writer himself or stopping to ask for directions from someone on all fours with a photoshopped face who screams "Your in the rice fields, ***********". However some of it is slightly less obvious such as the pictures on the walls or the TV changing to match your dialog. There's one section where you'll encounter a glory hole. Choosing to stick your dick in it will result in a scene with a character called "weird guy" showing up to look in the hole only to get stabbed in the eye by your dick.

    Now if that sounds like your kind of humour then keep reading. If not don't waste your time and go find another game.

    Outside of the humour the game has fantastic visuals with gorgeous lighting. The dialog outside of the humour seems fairly decent. A character you meet fairly early on called Linda Mae seems like more of the same style of humour as she is quite literally a stereotype country girl complete with the stereotype accent. The MC himself comes off as a bit of an asshole at least in the initial few days of the game. He's given the key to a run down abandoned house for free then bitches about it.

    That's about all I can say about the game since I decided after the hilarious glory hole scene that I'd endured enough of the games humour to decide the game is simply not for me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    + Stylish UI, very funny introduction, shows that the dev is quite funny! Good sign for the writing
    + Never seen a game where the dev inserted himself in such a crazy, funny and fresh way
    + How did the dev manage to create a sympathetic, non-creepy looking main character?!
    + Wow, these renders are on par with some DAZ stuff, albeit it being HS. Well done
    + The game had me cracking up at some parts due to the funny writing xD
    + "Party girl" on day 3 looked hot
    + I fell in love with Linda Mae. Please sell some waifu pillows :D Her accent, her style, her attitude-- so unique
    + "150.000 $ added to your inventory" - Goodbye, grind! XD
    + The food looks better than some girls in other games
    + The animated scenes... outstanding!!
    + Navigation is clear and pretty
    + Loved the gloryhole scene, first the broken dick, then the cameos, incidentally from two of my fave games?... but those girls, especially Alanna, never looked so awesome before. Same for the dressing bonus scenes
    + Ending was fantastic

    - Day 1 sucked (just kidding lol)

    This game might have the prettiest HS-based renders I've seen yet. It looks like a DAZ/HS mix or rather HS on steroids with higher grade textures and lots of PS work put in afterwards.

    You know what? Fuck this all. This is my new favorite game now. This encompasses all the things I love, this game represents why I'm here in the community. It's hot, it's witty, it has awesome graphics and animations and it lets 90% of the games here look like shit.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Our game have realy good sense of humor. Some background scenes (For example walking Trump like a normal civilian :LOL: ) or some scenes like a when you try choice NTR or bad choices :D This dialuges realy made my day
    + Renders is realy good. Not the best ones i ever seen but realy good for sure :)
    + Animates scenes have good quality, well maked physics and they have good FPS value.
    + While our story is pretty plain and boring story telling is quite enjoyable.

    Bad Points
    - Story is not that well written, amazing or original. Its pretty average and not even worth to mention.
    - This game developing since 2018... Yeah thats not even joke... Since 2018... And we dont even have good enough content for 1 year of developing time at all... Updates takes to much time and their content level is pretty little aswell and thats worse point of this game...
    - We got update after long time... And all we got is just some phone texts and some words with Joana... Thats just wow...

    For The End
    I'm big fan of this game and its even my signature but let be honest here... This game goes nowhere... I'm not happy giving this game 2 star and I realy love this game but DEV need starts caring his game more ASAP or this game gonna became one of games nobody remembers instead of remembering as a masterpiece, which is potencial value of this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    The Anti

    The Inn is one of the more Unique and well made Games I’ve found, From the story direction to the use of Honey Select it’s not your typical HS game, With solid writing, A lot of funny moments, good looking girls and Great Honey Select Visuals. The Inn is a worth while game to get invested in.

    P.S. More Linda Mae
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Best facial expressions I've seen, they compliment emotions in a dialogue and add flair to scenes. Speaking of scenes, the limited amount of which we have for the current build are amazing, cant wait to see more. Story so far is captivating and keeps you interested.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Een Vieze Vent

    Unique, funny, sexy, story driven and incredibly well made.

    Just do yourself a favor, try the game out and I guarantee that you WILL enjoy it, or atleast appreciate it.

    Lykanz pulls off some incredible stuff with the use of Honey Select Studio in combination with his writing, humor and attention to detail.

    Every single scene/render is full of detail, whether it's the facial expressions, the body language or the personalities of the characters, everything is given attention to perfection.

    The story and pace is excellent, I love slow developing stories like this so that we get to know each and every character, their backgrounds and how all these characters will evolve over time. It's also riddled with references, jokes and snarky remarks that I won't spoil, but when you see them they will put a smile on your face.

    Lykanz, keep up the great work. I know that there is ALOT of other visual novels out there, alot of which I also thoroughly enjoy, but seeing you release a new version of The Inn always makes me prioritize your work over everything else!

    Keep that creative mind flowing!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    i really like it art,jokes even story i hope you keep up doing good work. Idont know where start that jokes makes me keep smiling :) im keep smiling writing this thanks to some jokes. what should i say character arts they are definetly stunning , normaly i dont like camera pan up and down but i didnt mind even one time in this game and characters not copy paste and they are different body portions its makes game more realistic . story some part cliches but i like where its going I hope you add walkthrough next time i dont want miss single scene
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Game Reviewer

    worth the time and definitely worth paying for

    game was enjoyable with those comedy+1

    story was good+1
    -totally different plot from vn games ive played so far

    for using honey select+1
    -there always a critic there hating on things but hs the goodest thing to make this game dont mind them

    -i really like !nc3st you know hoping to see great content for launa soon

    for making it playable for android+1
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Graphics !
    Good story and I liked the interactions between mc and writer.
    but There was a small problem with clothes that in some scenes they're glowing !
    Like Linda's socks when she's lying on the sofa and her socks are glowing without any reason !
    After all , This game is very good.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Regarding visuals The Inn is the best game using Honey Select I have seen so far. The developer has a sense of detail, playing with light and shadow and uses many items you do not see in other Honey Select games. Although Honey Select is often perceived as a low tier option for creating visuals, personally I like visuals of "The Inn" more than at least half of games that use Daz3D.
    The writing style is interesting and funny, there is a healthy degree of exaggeration. The story is nothing brilliant so far, but not bad compared to other adult games and still better than a frequent setup: "Hey, beauty, I'm your new roommate. Now I will level up our relationship to have sex with you" And I see some clues that in the next updates the story may get some depth and interesting plot.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's got an endearing sense of humour (and makes sure the narrator joke falls to the wayside before too long) and the characters have got me aching to see more of them.
    So far, this game has only reached the second part of its intro, and it's already set to be one of my favourites.