This game has some potential. Shame it's too short atm.
There will be more content cuming soon, but first we'll have to finish our current BJ animation package.
And guess what you'll be seeing in the next update!
Uhm, some dude driving around in a car? Yes, that's it! How'd you figure?
Anyway, we don't produce VN's for a living, like 99% of Dev's around here, as you can probably tell since we don't have a Patron type of thing set up.
We make lewd animations, so other Dev's can offer a bit more than a 2 frame blend when it get's hot and steamy.
There are a few games here that have some nice animations already, but the animations are usually pretty short and we're back to just a still image quickly.
We're trying to change that, so there's only some much time we can spend to work on The Interview.
But it's getting there. We've already finished several renders for the next release. There will be more than one interview to get things going, as not to rush the story. Angie will be a though nut to crack and definitely needs more time.
Stay safe,
- AnimArts