VN - Ren'Py - The Intoxicating Flavor [v0.11.4] [PixelsLab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    i like to rate a game in 4 part :
    - storie : 18/20
    great story, first look a litlle boring since the main character have just no motivation at all, but you will enjoyed he's story and he's evolution !

    -render: 17/20
    you can smell the hard work of hours for a proper render !!

    -animation: 14/20
    not so much animation but good anyway !

    -interface ( unclude navigation game, text, disign ect ...) : 14/20
    noithing to say, all is clean but you don't have so many think to do so, nothing needed more than a good Interface

    conclusion :
    great game, but you don't have so many choose to do so the storie, as good as it is, feel a bit linear, on last chapter the MC do some supid think, and you just can do nothing about it -_- one time it's a 200 IQ guy, and 5 min after it's just a bird brain !
    adult content just a little to simple et pretty rare ( considering the "time to play" content ) can improve on facial expression for better immersion.
    I really like the evolution over the time of each character !
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 963862

    Super good storytelling and great animations + sounds.

    I like the overall storyarc and the challenges the characters must face.
    The recommendations of music to listen to while playing are great!

    It really stands apart from other games on this platform and so far I have nothing negative to say about it.

    I am considering becoming a patron of PixelsLab.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Scarlett's nightmare

    You get my fake internet points for BEST STORYTELLING of any game on F95zone. Going from here, you'll either have to swear solemnly to finish this or write a book and become an author. The choice is yours.

    Folks, don't play this game for the porn (although it is great! art & animations are first class.) but for the story. Take the time to read it, enjoy it, think about it, revel in the mystery of it. It is worth so much more than the 19432th magic-dick-harem-game on here.

    Also, please be a patron. Seriously.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Not going to give much of a critical review. The graphics were amazing, the sounds and music--when presented--seem to match the story when playing, and the story is amazing. I went to sleep at 6am to finish through v0.5.6 only to wake up at 8am for work (the alarm system from hell, bet); downloaded the update to v0.5.7 this evening and just burned through it.

    I greatly appreciate the unreliable narration from the eyes of the MC--when he misses conversation because he monologues in thought, his eyes wander, glaze over, or simply mishears. That there are mystical elements to this story give a further dimension to the unreliable narration.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed this, and I'm looking forward to the next update.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I am not a big fan of supernatural/fantasy VNs, but this game has one of the most engaging stories out there. Sadly the game is not getting the attention it deserves. Hopefully the dev will be able to continue working on the game and receives more support from us to enable him to do that.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say?

    Good story, good animations and art. different body types and personalities.

    The choices dont seem to mean much, but that could be due to it being half done.

    The copywrited music issue could be addressed with an external link to youtube or something, to get around it being tied to the game.

    I cant really review it without spoilers easily

    Cant wait for updates. Thanks for sharing your hard work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Grey Wolf 73

    Version reviewed: 0.5.6
    Mods used: 'Grammar Fix' by Fattrapper

    Overall Impression: I'm sorry, I don't do impressions... my training is in psychiatry. No, really. Play this game. Now.

    Art: Sets are well done without being over-done. Or under-done. Or over-under. OK, I'll stop now.

    The models: They fit their story. That might sound strange or contrived, but the MC is better than a lot that I have seen. He is packing serious heat, but at least he doesn't look like he was cross-bred with a horse.
    -Alice is bordering on FBI-involvement territory, but it fits her backstory.
    -As a MILF-lover Maria is a personal favorite, but I could never see myself turning down any girl from this game...except Alice...maybe. Excuse me while I look for any unmarked vans parked outside...

    Story: I love a good story, and this is a great one. When I play a VN like this, I write a diary-type summary (from the MC's point of view) in a Notepad file. It helps me keep characters, story, and plot points straight. And that helped me a lot here.
    -I will try to play this again without the mod to see why it was needed in the first place. There were occasional missing words, and places where changing a few words around would have made a sentence much more clear. However given the sheer volume of exposition and dialogue in this story it was bound to happen.
    Save often in this game, especially when given a choice. (good advice in any VN)

    Humble suggestions(i.e. things I'm arrogant enough to think I could do better):
    1) Have a way to show the love/fetish points each character has. (in the upper corner of the screen or maybe show them at the end of each chapter)
    2) I almost want to say better/different sex scenes, but that would mean a major overhaul or much bigger downloads. These scenes are already better than most I have seen.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is very interesting. The character models are pretty good and the story between the characters is definitely the game's strong suit. The dialogue is a hit or miss - sometimes it's excellent, sometimes it's strange because of grammatical and spelling choices. Overall, I recommend it.

    P.S. Katie is best girl and we all know it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The MC has some flaws for sure, but I've played with far more annoying MCs than him. So he is not unbearable I think.
    Also he is the main reason of story, I mean he could be just a perfect nice guy but we won't have this story at that time, right?
    Nice renders, interesting story, good dialogues. Characters are pretty good too. Story flows very well, I didn't hit the TAB button in a game after very long time...
    Highly recommended.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great VN, At first when i tried the game many moons back, I didn't understand a word. Now though, and after I installed the grammar fix on the OP it is fine. Still not perfect English but much much better than it was. The renders and models are nice, but the animations are a little basic and I'm not really a fan of the sound effects, they sound a bit cheap to me so i turned them off.. no biggie though, it is still in development after all. The reason i have given this five stars though is that even with it's faults, it is still a great read. The story is great once it gets going, a little confusing at first, but i like that, it makes me keep reading until I'm no longer confused. My Favourite part of the writing though is the characters and the dialogue.. Clever, funny, deep and addictive. Cant wait to see and read more. Keep up good work PixelsLab but maybe get a proof reader so we don't have to rely on Mods to fix things.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Real Kreten

    The game brings intoxicating flavor in several forms, so the player can choose which character of LIs corresponds to his tastes.

    VN has a unique setting. While in the beginning, most things seem normal, the mysterious background of the island where the story takes place gradually comes to the surface. As part of the gradual unraveling of mysteries, we get to know pice by piece the story arc of all the inhabitants of the island (MC and three women).

    The renders is very beautiful, as are the characters we meet on the island. The narrative is also engaging.
    Sexual content is slow burn. Respectively, it is more of an adult VN with a quality story than just a porn game.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    So this is my updated review of this VN. July of 2022
    I dropped it from 5 stars to 3.

    Renders are good

    Story has now become stale
    Updates are so small that it's not even interesting any more

    I originally gave this VN a 5 star rating because it was really interesting and the renders, models and story were great. My first review was almost 2 years ago, and I see that this VN is still dragging along. Probably has a lot to do with the dev(s) dropping 10 minute updates every couple of months. Which in my opinion have killed this completely for me.
    Look, I know that creating VNs is very time consuming and hard work, but after being around for so long it should have been completed.

    My thoughts are this.
    Give us more than 10 minutes of an update when releasing them.
    This story should have been completed forever ago. I reviewed this VN back in August of 2020, and I'm sure I did that after a few updates already in place.
    I'm going to have to skip this one from now on. It's just not worth waiting for the updates any longer. They are to short to be worth the download at this point.
    I get the idea of quality over quantity, but that is easily solved with pushing the updates to longer time frames to give us the best content when they are finally dropped.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Storytelling with amazing sex scenes. Story is rich and amazing. English is slightly broken but is still understandable. Updates are frequent so there is plenty of new bits every now and then. Can't wait for the end. Kudos to the dev
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 581764

    Honestly I really tried to get into this game,but I can't.
    I stopped playing at the beginning of chapter 3 (see Cons as to why)

    1) Story seems intriguing,not the usual cup of tea.
    2) Models.Well...all look good except the little girl.
    3) Intercourse scenes are acceptable
    4) Background images are good

    1) Quite many misspellings which are a bit irritable to read. ( Ex: "You was" instead of You were )
    2) Model:Little girl (default name - Alice). She has the body of a 13 years old girl and the player is forced to see her naked which is a big turnoff.No thanks,not my thing.

    It has potential untapped,but so far that's about it.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I love and hate this game at same time. There is a cool story and nice renders but with too much mystery about it (u know almost nothing at 1st and often think wtf is happening there) and lack of sex scenes. It's runs with very slow pace that can be tolerated at 1st but after months or even years of development it feels like some santa barbara soap opera where maybe only your grandchildren will see the final version and I think even developer don't know how it wiil end... Gave 4 stars in advance but for me it's like 3.5 max.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A story that is engrossing, adventurous and amazing. Hot visuals, Hot characters and hot sex scenes. One of those games where the story is better than the sex scenes. The issues that I have with the game are sometimes incorrect text (I know the developer is Russian but to be honest the mistakes in text did not hamper my story experience) and finally the speed of updates (Since this is an underrated game that still need the equal amount of support for this artistic game hence it causes the sole developer to push the updates slower). Please rate this game and pay support to PixelsLab for this amazing game. Be a Patron!
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    One of the best VN's I've played in quite awhile. The graphics are great and the storyline is one of the better ones I've seen. It would be nice if there were more animations. Hopefully the MC builds more relationships with the 2 sisters. It's refreshing to play a game where you don't get the sex scenes 5 minutes into the game like a lot of VN's out there. Devs use those to suck people into the game and then after playing 20 to 30 minutes you just get bored with the story. I hope that more women come to the island, but not too many. Too many characters makes the storyline confusing a lot of times and can become distracting of the overall picture of the game.

    EDIT: After playing the current version I feel I have to lower the rating to a 3.5 star rating. Not because of the overall story of the game because of what seems a lack of effort to fix the grammar and spelling of the dialogue. It's still a huge mess that needs to be addressed by the dev. It's nothing personal against PixelsLab, but it's a major turnoff when playing a VN. Another issue is the lack of decent animations. Most seem just a few seconds loop during intimate situations such as Alice "playing" with herself. They could be so much better that could make this game a 5 star game again.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    When MC went to fight i hoped he would be a normal guy but then right from the first conversation with a woman MC shows hes a sub and later he becomes a super sub doing every command like a dog told to bark.

    The writing is not thought out,
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    after that the writing always leans with a choice(when you finally get one) but only one choice so if you pick the other it still goes on as if you picked the one choice.

    Standard female charaters, sex starved mom, the one who hates MC(but not really) and the shy one, all of which have just been told they have been left on an island with someone else who has been forced to stay and none of them have any worry in the slightest, WTF.

    Why have us click on single choices over and over again, the whole chapter 1 clicking on stuff but only one choice(which didnt matter), honestly it seems like half the game is missing, the half where MC is not a total sub.

    Dont bother rejecting or not going for a scene with the girls because either way you cant reject them so just assume the only answer to the "choices" is yes as the no's dont matter.

    The game runs well no rollback errors, there are a few spelling errors and some name errors but nothing major.

    The art is very well done both the charaters and the backrounds.

    Sex scenes are good not too long and not too short but have nothing to do with the story.

    After awhile the writing does get a little better especially the interaction between the sisters but MC quickly turns into a white knight.

    After the katie incident there is no guy that would want to be or willing to risk being around those women ever again, so to have him being intimate with another one the same night and then not only spend time with katie alone the next day but to be friends again and still consider any romance after just a sorry is just the worst writing i have ever seen in a game anywhere.

    There is nothing to make this game stand out, standard boring white knight MC, same old type of girls, almost no choices at all, loads and loads of text with very little progression.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Update 0.5.2
    Engaging story, I comprehend the firsts reviews raging about the plot, people are used to more direct approachs in this kind of games, and mostly don't have patience to put piece by piece in a big puzzle, we didnt have enough pieces at the begining to get what was coming
    I love unwrapping the story, detail after detail, knowing there's something bigger to find out later. Developer really needs to go back and fix the grammar issues at the beggining. It gets a way better later in the latest updates, kudos for that, but in order to get more pledges should take time to go back and fix those.
    Renders are really great, one of my top five for sure around the site , videos are good, there's room for improvement thought, sound effects and music adds a lot too.
    The Characters are complex and "feels" real with all their flaws. The MC is a "mature kid", with all his douchbagness (is that a word) but seemenly trying to do the right things, whatever his motivations are (yet to find). Got a love/hate feeling with him but kind of can be related with him after we started knowing his background.
    Everything have been improving lately, give it another shot if you havent played it lately.
    I think this will be a good game, worth the pledge in my opinion.
    This game is not for those looking for a fast "release", on the contrary, this game is more for those looking for a complex story with great sexy bonus.
    recommended ;)
    Looking forward to whats next.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Not gonna talk about sex and woman characters here. I read only for the story. And here this is one of games which i not only not skipping text. I even reread it. I don't know what happens next, can't predict shit.
    I just hope that dev will end it.