I just wonder why so many storytellers think that leaving readers and audience in the dark till the very end (and in the dark at all) is good and clever. IMHO, it's not clever and it's not good.
Why all those storytellers kept us in the dark, really! It would have been so better like that:
"Hey, Frodo, never ever trust Gollum, he'll systematically do whatever it need to betray you and get the ring back. By the way, there's a less direct, but way more discrete, way to enter Mordor, but be careful, there's a giant spider guarding it."
"Hello Mister Holmes, my wife was killed by Moriarty, you'll find him at that address."
"Luke, you aren't the son of farmers, you are the son of Dark Vador, an old Jedi that turned Sith, and you're a jedi yourself. You also have a sister, who's a Jedi too, named Leia Organa. I'm saying it just in case you meet her in the future."
Storytellers keep us in the dark because we are sapiens, and because they know that trying to read between the lines, forming our own theories, and seeing them confirmed, or being surprised when they are wrong, is way more rewarding, intellectually speaking, for us, than being mouth feed every single bit of information.
It's what stories are, what they are for, and why we are kept in the dark.
Every scene involving Alice's dad is simply embarassing, for instance.
Every scenes involving Alice's dad are the foundation of everyone personality in the family.
I also wonder to what extend the one we witness in this update isn't the reason why MC goes against all his habits and welcomed them, then helped them, when they landed on the island. As buried as his memory are, we know, by its use of the Gift among other things, that they still define him. I wouldn't be surprised that he instinctively, but unconsciously, recognized Alice as the girl sold by her father.
Those scenes are embarrassing because the said dad is a jerk that act like any jerk act, what is really embarrassing for anyone who isn't a jerk. But writing them off for that sole reason is ridiculous, because it would left unexplained the reason why Alice lost her mother's love, why her sister is so protective when it come to her, and why she trapped herself in a child body.
It's also through them that the situation can be reverted without it looking like an Deus Ex Machina-like move. The solution don't come from nowhere, it have a foundation, a reason, and a logic, that make it looks like something realistic and not just like a stupid plot twist.
It's those scenes that give its coherence to the story, those scenes that make this game better than around 90% of the adult games.
And... as I wrote above, and I really hope you'll agree with me on this, now that we have finally seen
Grown Up Alice, we simply
need to see her.

Can I disagree? Because I disagree.
I can't see any reason in seeing little Alice again in the future, plotwise, [...]
Grown Up Alice have a nice body, it's true, but it absolutely don't fit with her current personality. As smart as she is, she's still a child that have a lot to learn, and have to find her place in the world/story. But it's not the only reason why it make sense for her to have reverted back to her child body.
She finally found back her mother's love, that love that disappeared because of what she did. She's not ready yet to face the fact that she made such terrible decision. Having this memory in mind, knowing what it implied for her mother and sister, it's just impossible for her to feel like an adult. And she's smart, so she probably also wonder what other stupid childish decision she made, but forgot everything about.
Talking about that pure and innocent love that only a mother can have for her child, it's precisely something that only a child can experience. An adult Alice would be loved by her mother, but not in the same way, not with the same innocence and purity. Staying child Alice permit for this love to exist, and it's something that both deserve, because both Alice and her mother were deprived of it for too long, and both deeply suffered because of this.
It's healing time for them, and for this she need to be child Alice.
It's also by being a child, that Alice continue to give a meaning to her sister's life. Because she only live for this: being the big protective sister.
It would be a terrible betrayal coming from Alice, to appear in such way that suddenly, after ~10years only dedicated to this, her sister would lost all goals in life. She have to help her grow out of her guilt, then find her own way in life, before she can do this.