Interesting disconnect between the title and the content. With 'The King of Milfs', I was expecting a straight harem romp featuring a guy who generally has his shit together. Instead, I get a recovering junkie interacting with a dysfunctional family and trying to avoid getting bitchstomped by a bad apple from his past. No doubt he gets better and assumes his throne at some point, but it was fun to see it play out like this.
Not entirely sure about the chapter selection thing. It does make it more novel-like (which technically shouldn't be a bad thing, considering it's a visual novel), but I feel like it comes across a little fragmented. Minor quibble.
UI could use some touching up, though. Was no reason to change the default Renpy save page and make it 4 saves per page instead of 6. That's just spending extra effort to inconvenience the player. Layout of the buttons seems strange as well (all the way to the side with barely any margin). Functional, but still brings down the look of the game.
Renders are good, no complaints there. Writing is pretty good as well, even if characters do seem to lack subtlety of any kind. Should be an interesting journey.