Are you not paying Attention Kendo gets away with RUINING LIVES. many of the women he has screwed lost their jobs, marriages, relationships and even family ties. Watch the payback ending Mary was disowned by her friends and her own parents and it seems Hanako's relationship with her father has been irreparably altered. The boys have done some shady shit in the other route sure but it doesn't come even close to what Kendo has done throughout his entire life. Its like the women said in his hallucination he has been screwing around with others lives and just like in the past when the time comes to pay the fiddler instead of learning from his mistakes he just wants to selfishly please himself. Satoshi showed he could take pain and learn from it to strike back at him, hell even Arato in this path has shown some slight humility and has at least learned from his pain he caused him unlike the " True Manly" Kendo.