
Mar 23, 2022
Then explains this.
Why the hell would Fatman and FMC even wanna associated with the bad man after he drugged MC of all people! AND FMC! Then fatman came in punching bad guy and seeing pink hair girl there too! Do you guys understands now with back stories and character consistency? All of the sudeen Fatman and FMC is stoopid!? Oh lets go back to the villains. Surely nothing will happen. What!? Maybe if that didn't before then it makes sense. But no this all already happens and MC still make a deal with the bad guy? Fatman and FMC still associate the bad guy? Really! What character path are we talking about here? This is literally the path lead ups to this update.

You don't want goku, then how about Obito from Naruto. His fall to evil makes sense because lost everything and he slowly plans hiss arch. Orochimaru all of the sudden wanna suck Sasuke off is dumb. Never understood why he turn good.
But they dont go back to him Satoshi the MC drugs Fatman without fatman knowing, then bad man drags him away and locks him into a locked room.
FMC wants to know Fatmans location but Satoshi the MC wont tell her since that was his plan.
FMC knows Badman has connection with Fatman and gets desperate enough to ask Badman for help.
Badman saying he wants to help her on condition and she tried to reject but gets more and more desperate.
In the end FMC feels crushed that Fatman supposedly left FMC so she goes to Badman and gets dicked in her desperate attempt to forget everything xD

Never watched naruto so cant say anything there , i do like detective conan though xD


Jun 14, 2018
I think we've been through this already, but I'll say it again, just in case.

You can't call me a terrible, lazy writer, and then do a 180° and say you love my works.

It's not very consistent with your character.
Yah i love your works. As an artist to another, I draw by the way. I appreciate your art. And I did like your story. The first three chapters. Not exactly a fan of the Arato chapters and later chapter of the fat man either but gave it chance, and it grew a bit on me. Not feeling the rewrites and especially not feeling the update. This where the 180 feeling begins.

So I ain't say you are all bad in writing because it started out good. It means your good at writing too. It just criticizing the bads in my opining because it ain't good to me. Doesn't mean I don't support you as an artist. Or it isn't good to others. I could be wrong.


Jun 14, 2018
But they dont go back to him Satoshi the MC drugs Fatman without fatman knowing, then bad man drags him away and locks him into a locked room.
FMC wants to know Fatmans location but Satoshi the MC wont tell her since that was his plan.
FMC knows Badman has connection with Fatman and gets desperate enough to ask Badman for help.
Badman saying he wants to help her on condition and she tried to reject but gets more and more desperate.
In the end FMC feels crushed that Fatman supposedly left FMC so she goes to Badman and gets dicked in her desperate attempt to forget everything xD

Never watched naruto so cant say anything there , i do like detective conan though xD
I just can't. Going to use their real names now. Satoshi himself is DRUGGED by Arato and Shizuka. He was DRUGGED!? And they try to fuck his girl and life up. Then he SAVED by his Kendo. Satoshi is just gonna forget all of this? Mary is just going to forget all these dangerous crazy people just because she wants to go Kendo? I get she is stupid but NO ONE this stupid and doesn't ask for help? Like seriously. Erina is aware of the drugged issues. Where is she in all of this? Kendo drugged but like seriously what are going to do to him anything. Kendo be smart enough already after all he witness to not trust Shizuka and refuse any deal. Just wait for the drug to wear out. Like seriously, anyways, at this point, it pointless. I don't like the update, the game is still hot as fuck. So there! at least the sex was good! Good sex game.


May 23, 2022
A lot of the things you say that dont happen actually happen, like for example Shizuka cheats on Arato with the "Stranger" on Aratos route because of her feelings of neglect.

Shizuka potentially feeling some sort of different kind of connection with Satoshi was foreshadowed on the second swinging whent they finally have sex, and so on and so forth.

The examples and build ups are there, you just choose to ignore them because you dont like the results and want to feel justified in not liking it. Much like you keep ignoring that by that point Marys is Satoshis Ex, she is fully out on public as Kendos girl so she is not longer his to "sell". But you want to make things sound worse than they are so you choose to ignore that.
Aug 5, 2017
to me the conditions that made this route different are crystal clear:

1-Satoshi this time goes the extra mile for Shizuka and manages to capture her attention, then Arato pushes him into a corner so he offers him his ex-gf and uncle for whom he has no affection at that point. The are methodes are morally questionable? sure but i would hardly call his motivations or even action evil, spitefull and oportunistic at worst.

And for those that think he doesnt have the spine to do it, never has and never will, let me remind you that in one end he exposes Mary and Kendo, on another he get away from all the swaping thing and ends things with Mary and on the only acces to his own route, he punches Arato to get him away from Mary.

2- Both in this route and on Aratos route, Shizuka shows that she feels neglected by Aratos obessesion with Mary. So when Satoshi offers her a different sexual experience that she has been craving and a emotional connection, she goes for it.

3- Arato has been established both in this route and on his, to develope an obsession with Mary. Couple with his more subtantiated hatred for Kendo, when Satoshi offers Mary in exchange of Shizuka it becomes a no brainer for him. Why? Because he is a sore loser and he lost to Mary and Kendo, and regardless of what he decides he already lost Shizuka to Satosh, so might aswell try to get a win where it matters (for him)

4-Kendo and Mary are both under the influence of drugs and being constantly attacked on their insecurities day by day until they finally falter, the text goes through great lenghts to illustrate what aspects of their mentality are being targeted by Shizuka and Satoshi. Kendo has literal ghosts of his past coming to haunt him.
If you don't mind me asking what Route this and when does it pop up.


New Member
Dec 12, 2023
Yeah. I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. I wanted to like the update but its just... I don't know how to put it... All the characters are so inconsistence now. The MC goes from being a good guy loser to now ima be a bad guy trade his girl with the bad guys girl? Fat man went from having alpha big balls to being now i got blue balls. Bad guy went I own everything to now Ima give my girl up to the loser MC, plus now he magically gain a super genetically enhanced pp. FMC goes from being a loving GF to the BF, to falling for the Fat guy with a decent reason, to falling for the bad guy with no real reason. Pink hair is the worse, she is supposedly to be the sluttiest only wanting big D to now loving the MC who has a small pp. Like IDK man. I get that these are what if scenario but these characters have zero core traits or consistency. They are what the plot demands them to be. If there is anything worse then bad story writing, its character 180.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but Satoshi was never a "good guy loser". He's a self-righteous bigoted prick who thinks that it's immoral to want sex or have sexual desire. Like, what the hell are you talking about? It's like you haven't paid attention to any of the game... The guy literally called his own girlfriend a slut for going out with him, wanting to have a fun time, and wanting to have sex with him, and he constantly brings this up.

As for the girlfriend, any sane person would have broken up with Satoshi in a heartbeat the second they had their first fight, where Satoshi reveals he's a narcissistic, self-righteous, a**hole who demands the girlfriend do everything for him and care about his feelings, but does nothing to care about the feeling of his girlfriend or do anything for her! This doesn't mean he isn't justified in being angry about the cheating, btw. But like.... he's also not automatically a "good guy" for being cheated on, either.

I cannot say anything about the latest update, because I haven't progressed that far in the game. But claiming Satoshi is a "good guy" just makes your entire "review" suspect. Satoshi is clearly the bad guy, because it is used in the story as a partial justification for the cheating. Doesn't mean characters can't change, btw, as lots of stories do what's called a "plot twist" where the bad guy actually turns out to be the good guy in the end, either through character development or through revealing missing pieces to backstories or through some other justification that helps the audience understand the character's actions and thoughts. That would be good writing. Suggesting that 180s are always bad writing just means you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Yes, plot twists and 180s need to make sense in the full context of the story, but you don't have to have them make sense right away. You can delay the reveal of the making sense parts of the story throughout the story, lmao. This technique is used literally all the time in mystery writing.

You're trying to fit this story into a black-and-white picture, when it very clearly has blurred moral lines. Satoshi is terrible, he's also being cheated on. His girlfriend is treated like crap by him, and yet she's cheating. The uncle gave advice on how to fix the relationship, and yet is seducing his own nephew's girlfriend. Natsuki is giving in to her boyfriend's fantasies, but doing so by cheating on him without him knowing. None of the characters are completely morally upstanding.

I'm also not convinced that Satoshi is the main character. At the very least this story is told in 3rd person with three different main characters.
Last edited:


Jun 14, 2018
A lot of the things you say that dont happen actually happen, like for example Shizuka cheats on Arato with the "Stranger" on Aratos route because of her feelings of neglect.

Shizuka potentially feeling some sort of different kind of connection with Satoshi was foreshadowed on the second swinging whent they finally have sex, and so on and so forth.

The examples and build ups are there, you just choose to ignore them because you dont like the results and want to feel justified in not liking it. Much like you keep ignoring that by that point Marys is Satoshis Ex, she is fully out on public as Kendos girl so she is not longer his to "sell". But you want to make things sound worse than they are so you choose to ignore that.
Hiyah. At this point maybe DEV is right. Guess I already been here before. Okay you guys win. Time to let it go.


Jun 14, 2018
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but Satoshi was never a "good guy loser". He's a self-righteous bigoted prick who thinks that it's immoral to want sex or have sexual desire. Like, what the hell are you talking about? It's like you haven't paid attention to any of the game... The guy literally called his own girlfriend a slut for going out with him, wanting to have a fun time, and wanting to have sex with him, and he constantly brings this up.

As for the girlfriend, any sane person would have broken up with Satoshi in a heartbeat the second they had their first fight, where Satoshi reveals he's a narcissistic, self-righteous, a**hole who demands the girlfriend do everything for him and care about his feelings, but does nothing to care about the feeling of his girlfriend or do anything for her! This doesn't mean he isn't justified in being angry about the cheating, btw. But like.... he's also not automatically a "good guy" for being cheated on, either.

I cannot say anything about the latest update, because I haven't progressed that far in the game. But claiming Satoshi is a "good guy" just makes your entire "review" suspect. Satoshi is clearly the bad guy, because it is used in the story as a partial justification for the cheating. Doesn't mean characters can't change, btw, as lots of stories do what's called a "plot twist" where the bad guy actually turns out to be the good guy in the end, either through character development or through revealing missing pieces to backstories or through some other justification that helps the audience understand the character's actions and thoughts. That would be good writing. Suggesting that 180s are always bad writing just means you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Yes, plot twists and 180s need to make sense in the full context of the story, but you don't have to have them make sense right away. You can delay the reveal of the making sense parts of the story throughout the story, lmao. This technique is used literally all the time in mystery writing.

You're trying to fit this story into a black-and-white picture, when it very clearly has blurred moral lines. Satoshi is terrible, he's also being cheated on. His girlfriend is treated like crap by him, and yet she's cheating. The uncle gave advice on how to fix the relationship, and yet is seducing his own nephew's girlfriend. Natsuki is giving in to her boyfriend's fantasies, but doing so by cheating on him without him knowing. None of the characters are completely morally upstanding.

I'm also not convinced that Satoshi is the main character. At the very least this story is told in 3rd person with three different main characters.
Sigh... I disagree but it is a losing battle. Time give in. Can't beat then join them. Alrite u win. U right.


Jun 14, 2018
I have heard you, people. Loud and clear.

From this moment on, I will stop controlling my characters lives. They will no longer do whatever I want them to do.

Sadly, this means the game might need to be cancelled, as Mary has decided to stop studying and dedicate herself to dog grooming, Kendo got weirdly into Magic: The Gathering and Satoshi was hired as an accountant overseas. Their schedules now do not allow for them to come back to 'The King of Summer'. We'll try to re-cast their roles soon.
Oh forgive me our great DEV! I was wrong. From this day on I bend tha knee and swear fealty in perpetuity. Please do not let our Kendo go play magic the gathering. I rather see him collect pokemon and have Satoshi achieve super sayin Super god. And Arato can pilot his mecha gundam and buster rifle the infinite stars! But just please keep Yoshi on yoshi island. He deserves that much. He is my favorite character.

On a serious note, I do apologize for coming off like an asshole again. I know I been here before but I am struggling with creating my game. Story wise and artistic wise. Don't know if I want to go realistic 3d, hand draw style, AI, or koikatsu like yours. Anyways continues the hard work. Game developing is not easy. I should of respected your choice to do as you like. Kudos!
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