Yeah. I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. I wanted to like the update but its just... I don't know how to put it... All the characters are so inconsistence now. The MC goes from being a good guy loser to now ima be a bad guy trade his girl with the bad guys girl? Fat man went from having alpha big balls to being now i got blue balls. Bad guy went I own everything to now Ima give my girl up to the loser MC, plus now he magically gain a super genetically enhanced pp. FMC goes from being a loving GF to the BF, to falling for the Fat guy with a decent reason, to falling for the bad guy with no real reason. Pink hair is the worse, she is supposedly to be the sluttiest only wanting big D to now loving the MC who has a small pp. Like IDK man. I get that these are what if scenario but these characters have zero core traits or consistency. They are what the plot demands them to be. If there is anything worse then bad story writing, its character 180.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but Satoshi was never a "good guy loser". He's a self-righteous bigoted prick who thinks that it's immoral to want sex or have sexual desire. Like, what the hell are you talking about? It's like you haven't paid attention to any of the game... The guy literally called his own girlfriend a slut for going out with him, wanting to have a fun time, and wanting to have sex with him, and he
constantly brings this up.
As for the girlfriend, any sane person would have broken up with Satoshi in a heartbeat the second they had their first fight, where Satoshi reveals he's a narcissistic, self-righteous, a**hole who demands the girlfriend do everything for him and care about his feelings, but does
nothing to care about the feeling of his girlfriend or do anything for her! This doesn't mean he isn't justified in being angry about the cheating, btw. But like.... he's also not automatically a "good guy" for being cheated on, either.
I cannot say anything about the latest update, because I haven't progressed that far in the game. But claiming Satoshi is a "good guy" just makes your entire "review" suspect. Satoshi is clearly the bad guy, because it is used in the story as a partial justification for the cheating. Doesn't mean characters can't change, btw, as lots of stories do what's called a "plot twist" where the bad guy actually turns out to be the good guy in the end, either through
character development or through revealing missing pieces to backstories or through some other justification that helps the audience understand the character's actions and thoughts.
That would be good writing. Suggesting that 180s are
always bad writing just means you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Yes, plot twists and 180s need to make sense in the full context of the story, but you don't have to have them make sense right away. You can delay the reveal of the making sense parts of the story throughout the story, lmao. This technique is used literally all the time in mystery writing.
You're trying to fit this story into a black-and-white picture, when it very clearly has blurred moral lines. Satoshi is terrible, he's also being cheated on. His girlfriend is treated like crap by him, and yet she's cheating. The uncle gave advice on how to fix the relationship, and yet is seducing his own nephew's girlfriend. Natsuki is giving in to her boyfriend's fantasies, but doing so by cheating on him without him knowing. None of the characters are completely morally upstanding.
I'm also not convinced that Satoshi is the main character. At the very least this story is told in 3rd person with
three different main characters.