Ren'Py Completed The Language of Love [v1.0] [ebi-hime]

4.20 star(s) 6 Votes


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
It's just down to what you want homie, I want my own children. Simple as that.
I'd be way more down with it if thats exactly what happens, us assholes are spoiled for choice on this website.
1. I think you quoted the wrong post.
2. It's a frigging game, not your life. The MC isn't you, immersion is all good and well, but it's not like you actually get a kid. It seems really weird to me to not play a game for a reason like that.
3. Personally, I couldn't disagree more, I'd never strife for children of my own, but if I fall in love with a woman, her having kids wouldn't stop me, but in real life I can at least understand your position, even if I don't share it.

Jacob VK

Mar 29, 2019
Such a loveable game... I truely loved it.... sometimes it feels fresh and good to have games like this too... but i just finish game didnt ended or get another part to as well.... or even sequel... i would love to know more about their lovely life....


New Member
Sep 24, 2018
Well, I played it and it's a lovely, sweet little story.

Very romantic, a tale of maturing as well as of love.

The art is nice as well, with the secret star being the little girl Tama. Her expressions are fun and she looks too cute.

In the best of worlds that would be how people would find each other, giving each other what they really need.
Man for a porno site we sure do get some deep stories sometimes
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2017
Wait, are all of you objecting to falling in love with a single mother and becoming a father to her kid?

WTF? Where's the problem in that?
That depends on how you're asking the question I suppose....

in the game? Nothing at all.But judging from the way you asked, I figure you're not asking about it in the context of a game. You're asking what's wrong with it in real life.

And i'm super effing bored right now, and the question sent me down flashback lane, so i'm actually gonna give this a long and thoughtful answer.

Short answer? Lots of things.

The first obstacle comes down to whether or not you yourself happen to be a 'man of means'. Unless you make phenomenal money in your chosen career you live on a modest budget. Children are expensive. So right out of gate you have to seriously ask yourself how much of your own modest income you want to spend on another man's children. Income that could have been saved to open even more prosperous doors for yourself in the future, and thus make yourself that much more appealing as a potential mate to an even more attractive woman down the road.

But even if you can afford to take on a huge financial responsibility that is not yours, there's still other issues to consider.

Is the biological father(or fathers, as tends to be the case with so many skan...err....women, nowadays) still in the picture? Cuz I don't particularly want another man of any kind, let alone one who's definitely fucked my woman at least once...routinely strolling in and out of our lives, or the life of the children I've taken responsibility for. Kids need stability and consistency to thrive. Don't let TV lie to you. Statistically speaking, a successful blended family is the exception, not the rule. NOT having a strange man(or men...) constantly waltzing in and out of the lives of your blended family goes a long way toward making you one of the exceptions.

Then there's the fact that if a woman is a single mother for any reason other than having been widowed, that's a huge flashing yellow light about the nature and character of that woman. Not a red light. It's not an instant deal breaker. It's just a yellow light. The signal for 'Slow down. Approach with caution. Look very carefully at where you are going.'

Because if she is single for any reason other than having been tragically widowed you now need to ask yourself...what kind of man is the biological father?

Was he such a crappy person(abusive, philandering, etc) that she had to leave him OR such a crappy person that he unjustly abandoned her to avoid responsibility? While either case certainly speaks far worse of the man than it does the single mother, these scenarios still raise some very serious and legitimate questions about that single mother's judgment, decision-making skills, and what it was in her own emotional/psychological makeup that ever convinced her to spread her legs for such a shitty guy to begin with, let alone procreate with him. Cuz a woman who not only spread, but bred for such a scumbag is going to be bringing a looooooot of emotional baggage with her into her future relationships, and probably more than a little childhood trauma.

Oooooor....what if the biological father is actually a pretty decent guy?

That's even worse than if he had been a scumbag. Because the only things that make a woman leave a good guy are selfish things. Wanting more money. Wanting a man with six pack abs or a bigger dick. Or self-help feminist bullshit like "I need to find myself", "I need to chase my dreams while I still can", or various other hippy-dippy bullshit phrases that all start with "I need...." or "I want...".

I shouldn't need to explain what's wrong with the character of a woman who tore her children from a good father for no other reason than her own wants or her own personal dissatisfaction. A woman doesn't do that sort of thing at all. A narcissistic monster does.

These are questions you gotta ask yourself and figure out QUICKLY if you're going to become involved with a single mother. Not even for your own sake, but for the sake of those children of hers. Because if you're not willing to accept the financial obligation to another man's children, or you don't want another man who is a potential threat to your relationship routinely walking in and out of your life, or you're not confident you can handle all the potential character and/or judgment flaws in the woman herself, then every moment you spend in the lives of those children makes that moment when you inevitably leave them exponentially more cruel. Every new man who comes into their lives as a potential new father figure and then leaves places a brand new emotional scar on those children. And their mother, for that matter.

So before you even consider getting involved with a single mom be sure you're financially stable enough, emotionally mature enough, and morally strong enough otherwise you do yourself, her, and her children a terrible disservice.

Speaking as someone who wasted a decade and three failed relationships learning all this the hard way.
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Jun 11, 2017
Well, I see here two polar points of view. To those who don't like this game: that's kinetik novel, if you can't associate yourself with MC, you just can't have any fun (or any other word, describing positive emotional state). MC is young, naive, virgin, of country origin, but he's real gentleman, he's kind, determined and he has an unique quality - kids are on the same level with him. IRL it's really a rare thing to find.
So I if you cannot feel close to person I described, you won't like this novel. In other cases - you'll like it.
I personally belong to latter so I really wish to thank people who made this game, it was a real pleasure to read.


Nov 15, 2018
Wait, are all of you objecting to falling in love with a single mother and becoming a father to her kid?

WTF? Where's the problem in that?
Yep a woman who won't put out is no good and a woman that dared put out for someone else no good either....isn't hypocrisy grand. These are type of people that would refuse to wear a rubber if they ever managed to get laid lol.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2019
Wait, are all of you objecting to falling in love with a single mother and becoming a father to her kid?

WTF? Where's the problem in that?
Pretty much taking in someone elses children is a no no. You dont know if their father was a mutant, freak or in any other way genetically defective (yes i actually pay attention to peoples average health status - that directly impacts the health of the kids).

Second - the kids arent yours. Reponsibility and commitment aside - do you REALLY wanna raise someone elses kids? Take on the lions role in this - if theres kids then they can only be mine. The only exception to that is if youre infertile. If thats the case... tough luck.

Somebody else up above posted a huge post about it - take a look at it. Its got tons of good points. Especially your new womans ex coming into and out of your relationship, messing with the minds of your woman and their kids (i shudder when i mention "their" rather than "our").

So to sum it up - taking in a single mother with a kid (or multiple) in a game is perfectly fine. In real life though? Never.


Feb 24, 2019
years and years ago my old father described the modern family as "your children and my children are teasing our chidren "
But not for everyone it seems.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2020
What's up with Japan's fixation on anyone older than 20 being "old" and they view being in your 20's and early 30's so negatively. Anime, games, anything coming out of japan has this weird fixation. What a stupid country. So stuck in their ways and they force everyone into categories. I thought it was bad in the US but holy shit. I'd hate to live in Japan. They shun anyone who doesn't conform.


Oct 1, 2017
do you know guys you can buy this game PS? without the 18+ dlc steam has here on PC
i think thats a lillte dumb i mean i like the language of love it self but it's more a relexing digital books then a game no chosing
no typing own name for main character
not really fitting for playstation if you ask me


Jun 7, 2019
Download Unofficial Android Port

The Language of Love [v1.0] [ebi-hime][Completed]
4.20 star(s) 6 Votes